15_Days_of_Postman_-_for_testers_IvanKo API Documentation

Create an API release

POST https://api.getpostman.com/apis/{{apiId}}/versions/{{apiVersionId}}/releases

This endpoint is deprecated in Qodex v10 and higher.

Creates a new API version release. Include the following properties in the release object:

  • name — A string value that contains the release name.
  • visibility — A string value that contains the release's visibility. One of:
    • private — The release is private.
    • public — The release is public.

You can include the following optional properties:

  • summary — A string value that contains the release's summary.
  • description — A string value that contains the release's description.
  • gitTag — A string value that contains a valid Git tag ID. The tag must exist in the API's connected Git repository.



Key Datatype Required Description 


Key Datatype Required Description 


status OK

{ "release": { "id": "3563baaa-07a2-46ed-9fd2-0e8a3c5f7ec2", "name": "Release 1.0", "summary": "This is the first release.", "description": "This is the first release of the Test API. For more information, read the documentation.", "visibility": "public" } }

curl -X POST 'https://api.getpostman.com/apis/apiId/versions/apiVersionId/releases' -d '{"release":{"name":"apiReleaseName","summary":"apiReleaseSummary","description":"apiReleaseDescription","visibility":"apiReleaseVisibility","gitTag":"apiReleaseGitTag"}}'