Number of APIs: 178
Version: 1.14.0 The Qodex API enables you to programmatically access data stored in your Qodex account. Certain endpoints may be unavailable depending on your region and/or Qodex plan. You can get started with the Qodex API by [forking the Qodex API collection] to your workspace. You can then use Qodex to send requests. For users in the EU with [Enterprise plans] the Qodex API uses the You must use a valid API Key to send requests to the API endpoints. The API has [rate and usage limits] The API only responds to HTTPS-secured communications. Any requests sent via HTTP return an HTTP The API returns requests responses in JSON format. When an API request returns an error, it is sent in the JSON response as an error key. The request method (verb) determines the nature of action you intend to perform. A request made using the For all requests, API calls respond with their corresponding HTTP status codes. In the Qodex client, the status code also provides help text that details the possible meaning of the response code. When calling the API Builder endpoints, you must pass an All items in Qodex, such as collections, workspaces, and APIs, have IDs and UIDs: An ID is the unique ID assigned to a Qodex item. For example, The UID is the full ID of a Qodex item. This value is the item's unique ID concatenated with the user ID. For example, in the An HTTP Depending on your region and/or Qodex [plan] some endpoints will return an HTTP Qodex uses API keys for authentication. The API key tells the API server that the request came from you. Everything that you have access to in Qodex is accessible with your API key. You can [generate] a Qodex API key in the API keys section of your Qodex account settings. You must include an API key in each request to the Qodex API with the While all other endpoints in this collection require a Qodex API key, the SCIM endpoints require a [SCIM API key] If an API key is missing, malformed, or invalid, you will receive an HTTP API access [rate limits] apply at a per-user basis in unit time. The limit is 300 requests per minute. Qodex Monitors have a rate limit of 10 calls in 10 seconds. Depending on your [plan] you may also have [usage limits] When you reach your rate or usage limits, the API returns the following HTTP For help regarding accessing the Qodex API, you can: Visit [Qodex Support] or our [Community and Support] sites. Reach out to the [Qodex community] Submit a help request to [Qodex support] [Qodex Terms of Service] [Qodex Privacy Policy]
Getting started
EU users
subdomain. Included in this collection is an **euUrl** variable that contains the EU-specific subdomain. To use it, update the **baseUrl** value with the
subdomain.About the Qodex API
redirect to the corresponding HTTPS resources.GET
method implies that you want to fetch something from Qodex. The POST
method implies you want to save something new to Qodex.Accept
header with the application/vnd.api.v10+json
value.IDs and UIDs
is the user's ID.ec29121c-5203-409f-9e84-e83ffc10f226
is the item's ID.503 response
503 Service Unavailable
response from our servers indicates there is an unexpected spike in API access traffic. The server is usually operational within the next five minutes. If the outage persists or you receive any other form of an HTTP 5XX
error, [contact support]403 response for unavailable features
403 Forbidden
response with the This feature isn't available in your region.
request header. In Qodex, you can store your API key as a [vault secret] or an environment variable. The Qodex API collection will use it to make API calls.SCIM authentication
Authentication error response
401 Unauthorized
response code.Rate and usage limits
429 Too Many Requests
status code with one of the following error responses:
— Rate limits reached. The response returns the time after which you can resume calls to the Qodex API.serviceLimitExhausted
— Qodex API service limits reached. You will need to contact your Qodex Team Admin for assistance.Support
1. API-Schema - Create a schema
POST {{baseUrl}}/apis/{{apiId}}/schemas
Creates a schema for an API. Include the following in the the request body:
— A string value that contains the API schema's type. One of:
— An array of schema files that contains the following:
— A string value that contains the schema file's path.content
— A string value that contains the schema file's stringified contents.
2. API-Schema - Create or update a schema file
PUT {{baseUrl}}/apis/{{apiId}}/schemas/{{schemaId}}/files/{{filePath}}
Creates or updates an API schema file. Include the following in the request body:
— A string value that contains the file's contents.Note:
(forward slash) character, then a folder is created. For example, if the file path is the dir/schema.json
value, then a dir
folder is created with the schema.json
file inside.root
tag for protobuf specifications.
GET {{baseUrl}}/apis/{{apiId}}/schemas/{{schemaId}}
Gets information about API schema. You can use the versionId
query parameter to get a schema published in an API version.
You can use this API to do the following:
The versionId
query parameter is a required parameter for API viewers.
4. API-Schema - Get schema files
GET {{baseUrl}}/apis/{{apiId}}/schemas/{{schemaId}}/files
Gets the files in an API schema. You can use the versionId
query parameter to get schema files published in an API version.
The versionId
query parameter is a required parameter for API viewers.
5. API-Schema - Get schema file contents
GET {{baseUrl}}/apis/{{apiId}}/schemas/{{schemaId}}/files/{{filePath}}
Gets an API schema file contents at the defined path. You can use the versionId
query parameter to get schema file contents published in an API version.
The versionId
query parameter is a required parameter for API viewers.
6. API-Schema - Delete a schema file
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/apis/{{apiId}}/schemas/{{schemaId}}/files/{{filePath}}
Deletes a file in an API schema.
7. API-API Version - Create a version
POST {{baseUrl}}/apis/{{apiId}}/versions
Creates a new API version asynchronously and immediately returns an HTTP 202 Accepted
response. The response contains a polling link to the task status API in the Location
This endpoint is equivalent to publishing a version in Qodex app, which is the snapshot of API collections and schema at a given point in time.
Include the following properties in the request body:
— A string value that contains the version name.collections
— An array containing all the collections to publish.schemas
— An array containing the schema to publish.branch
— A string value that contains the name of the repository branch. This property is required only for Git-linked APIs.You can include the following optional properties:
— A string value that contains the Markdown-supported version summary.
8. API-API Version - Get all versions
GET {{baseUrl}}/apis/{{apiId}}/versions
Gets all the published versions of an API.
9. API-API Version - Get a version
GET {{baseUrl}}/apis/{{apiId}}/versions/{{versionId}}
Gets information about an API version.
302 Found
status code when the version status is pending. It also returns the /apis/{apiId}/tasks/{taskId}
task status response header.404 Not Found
when the version status is pending.
10. API-API Version - Update a version
PUT {{baseUrl}}/apis/{{apiId}}/versions/{{apiVersionId}}
Updates an API version. Include at least one of the following properties in the request body:
— A string value that contains the version name.releaseNotes
— A string value that contains the Markdown-supported release notes.Note:
This endpoint returns an HTTP 404 Not Found
response when an API version is pending publication.
11. API-API Version - Delete a version
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/apis/{{apiId}}/versions/{{versionId}}
Deletes an API version.
This endpoint returns an HTTP 404 Not Found
response when an API version is pending publication.
12. API-Collections - Get a collection
GET {{baseUrl}}/apis/{{apiId}}/collections/{{collectionId}}
Gets a collection attached to an API. You can use the versionId
query parameter to get a collection published in a version.
The versionId
query parameter is a required parameter for API viewers.
13. API-Collections - Add a collection
POST {{baseUrl}}/apis/{{apiId}}/collections
Adds a collection to an API. To do this, use the following operationType
— Copies a collection from the workspace and adds it to an API.CREATE_NEW
— Creates a new collection by providing the new collection's content.GENERATE_FROM_SCHEMA
— Generates the collection from an API schema.
— An object that contains advanced creation options and their values. You can find a complete list of properties and their values in Qodex's OpenAPI 3.0 to Qodex Collection v2.1.0 Converter OPTIONS documentation. These properties are case-sensitive.For examples of each method, see the collection's response examples.
14. API-Collections - Sync collection with schema
PUT {{baseUrl}}/apis/{{apiId}}/collections/{{collectionId}}/sync-with-schema-tasks
Syncs a collection attached to an API with the API schema. This is an asynchronous endpoint that returns an HTTP 202 Accepted
The response contains a polling link to the /apis/{apiId}/tasks/{taskId}
endpoint in the Location header.
This endpoint only supports the OpenAPI 3 schema type.
15. API-Tags - Get an API's tags
GET {{baseUrl}}/apis/{{apiUid}}/tags
Gets all the tags associated with an API.
16. API-Tags - Update an API's tags
PUT {{baseUrl}}/apis/{{apiUid}}/tags
Gets all the tags associated with an API. This endpoint replaces all existing tags with those you pass in the request body.
Tags must be between 2 and 64 characters long.
Tags must follow the ^[a-z][a-z0-9-]\\\\\*[a-z0-9]+$
17. API-Comments - Get an API's comments
GET {{baseUrl}}/apis/{{apiId}}/comments
Gets all comments left by users in an API.
18. API-Comments - Create an API comment
POST {{baseUrl}}/apis/{{apiId}}/comments
Creates a comment on an API. Include the following in request body:
— (Required) A string that contains the comment.
— An object that contains information about users tagged in the body
comment. Include the following in this object:
— (Required) An object that contains information about the tagged user. The object's name is the user's Qodex username. For example, @user-Qodex
. Include the following in this object:
— (Required) A string that contains the user
— (Required) An integer that contains the user's ID.Note:
This endpoint accepts a max of 10,000 characters.
19. API-Comments - Update an API's comment
PUT {{baseUrl}}/apis/{{apiId}}/comments/{{commentId}}
Updates a comment on an API. Include the following in request body:
— (Required) A string that contains the updated comment.
— An object that contains information about users tagged in the body
comment. Include the following in this object:
— (Required) An object that contains information about the tagged user. The object's name is the user's Qodex username. For example, @user-Qodex
. Include the following in this object:
— (Required) A string that contains the user
— (Required) An integer that contains the user's ID.Note:
This endpoint accepts a max of 10,000 characters.
20. API-Comments - Delete an API's comment
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/apis/{{apiId}}/comments/{{commentId}}
Deletes a comment from an API. On success, this returns an HTTP 204 No Content
Deleting the first comment of a thread deletes all the comments in the thread.
GET {{baseUrl}}/apis?workspaceId=<string>
Gets information about all APIs in a workspace.
This endpoint only returns APIs created or migrated in Qodex v10 and higher.
22. API - Get an API
GET {{baseUrl}}/apis/{{apiId}}
Gets information about an API.
and gitInfo
query responses. This is because schema and collection information is stored in the connected Git repository. The gitInfo
object only lists the repository and folder locations of the files.versions
option in the include
query parameter.
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/apis/{{apiId}}
Deletes an API.
24. API - Get status of an asynchronous task
GET {{baseUrl}}/apis/{{apiId}}/tasks/{{taskId}}
Gets the status of an asynchronous task.
PUT {{baseUrl}}/apis/{{apiId}}
Updates an API. Include at least one of the following properties in the request body:
— A string value that contains the API's name.summary
— A string value that contains a summary of the API.description
— A string value that contains the description of the API. This supports Markdown formatting.
POST {{baseUrl}}/apis?workspaceId=<string>
Creates an API. Include the following properties in the request body:
— A string value that contains the API's name.You can include the following optional properties:
— A string value that contains a summary of the API.description
— A string value that contains the description of the API.
27. API Security - API definition security validation
POST {{baseUrl}}/security/api-validation
Performs an analysis on the given definition and returns any issues based on your [predefined rulesets] This endpoint can help you understand the violations' impact and offers solutions to help you resolve any errors. You can include this endpoint to your CI/CD process to automate schema validation.
For more information, see our [Rule violations in the API definition] documentation.
Include the following properties in the request body:
— A string value that contains the API definition's type. One of:
— A string value that contains the API definition's language. One of:
— A string value that contains the API definition's contents.Note:
28. Audit Logs - Get team audit logs
GET {{baseUrl}}/audit/logs
Gets a list of your team's generated audit events. For a complete list of all audit events, read our [Utilizing audit logs] documentation.
GET {{baseUrl}}/accounts
Gets Qodex billing account details for the given team.
30. Billing - List account invoices
GET {{baseUrl}}/accounts/{{accountId}}/invoices?status=PAID
Gets all invoices for a Qodex billing account filtered by the status of the invoice.
31. Collections-Items-Folders-Comments - Get a folder's comments
GET {{baseUrl}}/collections/{{collectionUid}}/folders/{{folderUid}}/comments
Gets all comments left by users in a folder.
32. Collections-Items-Folders-Comments - Create a folder comment
POST {{baseUrl}}/collections/{{collectionUid}}/folders/{{folderUid}}/comments
Creates a comment on a folder. Include the following in request body:
— (Required) A string that contains the comment.
— An object that contains information about users tagged in the body
comment. Include the following in this object:
— (Required) An object that contains information about the tagged user. The object's name is the user's Qodex username. For example, @user-Qodex
. Include the following in this object:
— (Required) A string that contains the user
— (Required) An integer that contains the user's ID.Note:
This endpoint accepts a max of 10,000 characters.
33. Collections-Items-Folders-Comments - Update a folder's comment
PUT {{baseUrl}}/collections/{{collectionUid}}/folders/{{folderUid}}/comments/{{commentId}}
Updates a comment on a folder. Include the following in request body:
— (Required) A string that contains the comment.
— An object that contains information about users tagged in the body
comment. Include the following in this object:
— (Required) An object that contains information about the tagged user. The object's name is the user's Qodex username. For example, @user-Qodex
. Include the following in this object:
— (Required) A string that contains the user
— (Required) An integer that contains the user's ID.Note:
This endpoint accepts a max of 10,000 characters.
34. Collections-Items-Folders-Comments - Delete a folder's comment
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/collections/{{collectionUid}}/folders/{{folderUid}}/comments/{{commentId}}
Deletes a comment from a folder. On success, this returns an HTTP 204 No Content
Deleting the first comment of a thread deletes all the comments in the thread.
35. Collections-Items-Folders - Get a folder
GET {{baseUrl}}/collections/{{collectionId}}/folders/{{folderId}}
Gets information about a folder in a collection.
36. Collections-Items-Folders - Create a folder
POST {{baseUrl}}/collections/{{collectionId}}/folders
Creates a folder in a collection. For a complete list of properties, refer to Folder
in the [collection.json schema file]
You can use this endpoint to to import requests and responses into a newly-created folder. To do this, include the requests
field and the list of request objects in the request body. For more information, see the provided examples.
It is recommended that you pass the name
property in the request body. If you do not, the system uses a null value. As a result, this creates a folder with a blank name.
37. Collections-Items-Folders - Update a folder
PUT {{baseUrl}}/collections/{{collectionId}}/folders/{{folderId}}
Updates a folder in a collection. For a complete list of properties, refer to Folder
in the [collection.json schema file]
This endpoint acts like a PATCH method. It only updates the values that you pass in the request body (for example, the name
property). The endpoint does not update the entire resource.
38. Collections-Items-Folders - Delete a folder
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/collections/{{collectionId}}/folders/{{folderId}}
Deletes a folder in a collection.
39. Collections-Items-Requests-Comments - Get a request's comments
GET {{baseUrl}}/collections/{{collectionUid}}/requests/{{requestUid}}/comments
Gets all comments left by users in a request.
40. Collections-Items-Requests-Comments - Create a request comment
POST {{baseUrl}}/collections/{{collectionUid}}/requests/{{requestUid}}/comments
Creates a comment on a request. Include the following in request body:
— (Required) A string that contains the comment.
— An object that contains information about users tagged in the body
comment. Include the following in this object:
— (Required) An object that contains information about the tagged user. The object's name is the user's Qodex username. For example, @user-Qodex
. Include the following in this object:
— (Required) A string that contains the user
— (Required) An integer that contains the user's ID.Note:
This endpoint accepts a max of 10,000 characters.
41. Collections-Items-Requests-Comments - Update a request's comment
PUT {{baseUrl}}/collections/{{collectionUid}}/requests/{{requestUid}}/comments/{{commentId}}
Updates a comment on a request. Include the following in request body:
— (Required) A string that contains the comment.
— An object that contains information about users tagged in the body
comment. Include the following in this object:
— (Required) An object that contains information about the tagged user. The object's name is the user's Qodex username. For example, @user-Qodex
. Include the following in this object:
— (Required) A string that contains the user
— (Required) An integer that contains the user's ID.Note:
This endpoint accepts a max of 10,000 characters.
42. Collections-Items-Requests-Comments - Delete a request's comment
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/collections/{{collectionUid}}/requests/{{requestUid}}/comments/{{commentId}}
Deletes a comment from a request. On success, this returns an HTTP 204 No Content
Deleting the first comment of a thread deletes all the comments in the thread.
43. Collections-Items-Requests - Get a request
GET {{baseUrl}}/collections/{{collectionId}}/requests/{{requestId}}
Gets information about a request in a collection.
44. Collections-Items-Requests - Create a request
POST {{baseUrl}}/collections/{{collectionId}}/requests
Creates a request in a collection. For a complete list of properties, see the [Collection Format Request documentation]
It is recommended that you pass the name
property in the request body. If you do not, the system uses a null value. As a result, this creates a request with a blank name.
45. Collections-Items-Requests - Update a request
PUT {{baseUrl}}/collections/{{collectionId}}/requests/{{requestId}}
Updates a request in a collection. For a complete list of properties, see the [Collection Format Request documentation]
), not a collection UID (12345678-12ece9e1-2abf-4edc-8e34-de66e74114d2
), in this
property). The endpoint does not update the entire resource.
46. Collections-Items-Requests - Delete a request
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/collections/{{collectionId}}/requests/{{requestId}}
Deletes a request in a collection.
47. Collections-Items-Responses-Comments - Get a response's comments
GET {{baseUrl}}/collections/{{collectionUid}}/responses/{{responseUid}}/comments
Gets all comments left by users in a response.
48. Collections-Items-Responses-Comments - Create a response comment
POST {{baseUrl}}/collections/{{collectionUid}}/responses/{{responseUid}}/comments
Creates a comment on a response. Include the following in request body:
— (Required) A string that contains the comment.
— An object that contains information about users tagged in the body
comment. Include the following in this object:
— (Required) An object that contains information about the tagged user. The object's name is the user's Qodex username. For example, @user-Qodex
. Include the following in this object:
— (Required) A string that contains the user
— (Required) An integer that contains the user's ID.Note:
This endpoint accepts a max of 10,000 characters.
49. Collections-Items-Responses-Comments - Update a response's comment
PUT {{baseUrl}}/collections/{{collectionUid}}/responses/{{responseUid}}/comments/{{commentId}}
Updates a comment on a response. Include the following in request body:
— (Required) A string that contains the comment.
— An object that contains information about users tagged in the body
comment. Include the following in this object:
— (Required) An object that contains information about the tagged user. The object's name is the user's Qodex username. For example, @user-Qodex
. Include the following in this object:
— (Required) A string that contains the user
— (Required) An integer that contains the user's ID.Note:
This endpoint accepts a max of 10,000 characters.
50. Collections-Items-Responses-Comments - Delete a response's comment
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/collections/{{collectionUid}}/responses/{{responseUid}}/comments/{{commentId}}
Deletes a comment from a response. On success, this returns an HTTP 204 No Content
Deleting the first comment of a thread deletes all the comments in the thread.
51. Collections-Items-Responses - Get a response
GET {{baseUrl}}/collections/{{collectionId}}/responses/{{responseId}}
Gets information about a response in a collection.
52. Collections-Items-Responses - Create a response
POST {{baseUrl}}/collections/{{collectionId}}/responses?request=<string>
Creates a request response in a collection. For a complete list of properties, see the [Collection Format Response documentation]
It is recommended that you pass the name
property in the request body. If you do not, the system uses a null value. As a result, this creates a response with a blank name.
53. Collections-Items-Responses - Update a response
PUT {{baseUrl}}/collections/{{collectionId}}/responses/{{responseId}}
Updates a response in a collection. For a complete list of properties, see the [Collection Format Response documentation]
), not a collection UID (12345678-12ece9e1-2abf-4edc-8e34-de66e74114d2
), in this
property). The endpoint does not update the entire resource.
54. Collections-Items-Responses - Delete a response
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/collections/{{collectionId}}/responses/{{responseId}}
Deletes a response in a collection.
55. Collections-Tags - Get a collection's tags
GET {{baseUrl}}/collections/{{collectionUid}}/tags
Gets all the tags associated with a collection.
56. Collections-Tags - Update a collection's tags
PUT {{baseUrl}}/collections/{{collectionUid}}/tags
Updates a collection's associated tags. This endpoint replaces all existing tags with those you pass in the request body.
Tags must be between 2 and 64 characters long.
Tags must follow the ^[a-z][a-z0-9-]\\\\\*[a-z0-9]+$
57. Collections-Forks - Get a collection's forks
GET {{baseUrl}}/collections/{{collectionId}}/forks
Gets a collection's forked collections. The response returns data for each fork, such as the fork's ID, the user who forked it, and the fork's creation date.
58. Collections-Forks - Get source collection's status
GET {{baseUrl}}/collections/{{collectionId}}/source-status
Checks whether there is a change between the forked collection and its parent (source) collection.
If the value of the isSourceAhead
property is true
in the response, then there is a difference between the forked collection and its source collection.
This endpoint may take a few minutes to return an updated isSourceAhead
59. Collections-Forks - Get all forked collections
GET {{baseUrl}}/collections/collection-forks
Gets a list of all the authenticated user's forked collections.
60. Collections-Forks - Pull source changes
PUT {{baseUrl}}/collections/{{collectionId}}/pulls
Pulls the changes from a parent (source) collection into the forked collection. In the endpoint's response:
is the ID of the forked collection.sourceId
is the ID of the source collection.
61. Collections-Forks - Create a fork
POST {{baseUrl}}/collections/fork/{{collectionId}}?workspace=<string>
Creates a [fork] from an existing collection into a workspace. Include the following required request body properties:
— A string value that contains the fork's label.
62. Collections-Forks - Merge a fork
POST {{baseUrl}}/collections/merge
Merges a forked collection back into its parent collection. Include the following required properties in the request body:
— A string value that contains the source collection's ID.
— A string value that contains the destination (parent) collection's ID.
You can also include the following optional properties in the request body:
— A string value that contains the fork's merge strategy. One of:
— Merge the changes into the parent collection. After the merge process is complete, Qodex deletes the fork. You must have Editor access to both the parent and forked collections.updateSourceWithDestination
— (Default) Merge the changes into the parent collection. Any differences in the parent collection are also made to the fork.
63. Collections-Pull Requests - Get a collection's pull requests
GET {{baseUrl}}/collections/{{collectiondUid}}/pull-requests
Gets information about a collection's pull requests, such as the source and destination IDs, status of the pull requests, and a URL link to the pull requests.
64. Collections-Pull Requests - Create a pull request
POST {{baseUrl}}/collections/{{collectiondUid}}/pull-requests
Creates a pull request for a forked collection into its parent collection. Include the following in the request body:
— (Required) A string that contains the title of the pull request.
— (Required) An array of strings that contains a list of the pull request's assigned reviewers.
— (Required) A string that contains the collection ID to merge the pull request into.
— (Required) A string that contains a description of the pull request.
65. Collections-Transformations - Transform collection to OpenAPI
GET {{baseUrl}}/collections/{{collectionId}}/transformations
Transforms an existing Qodex Collection into a stringified OpenAPI definition.
This does not create an API.
66. Collections-Transfers - Transfer folders
POST {{baseUrl}}/collection-folders-transfers
Copies or moves folders into a collection or folder. Include the following in the request body:
— A list of string values that contain the folder UIDs to
— An object that contains the transfer destination information:
— A string value that contains the the type of item where the items will be transferred to. Accepts the collection
or folder
— The string value that contains the UID of the destination collection or folder.location
— An object that contains the transfered item's source information:
— A string value that contains the item's position within the destination object. Accepts the start
, end
, before
, and after
— For the before
or after
positions, a string value that contains the type of item (model) that the transferred item will be positioned
— For the before
or after
positions, a string value that contains the model's UID.mode
— A string value that contains the transfer operation to perform. Accepts the move
or copy
67. Collections-Transfers - Transfer requests
POST {{baseUrl}}/collection-requests-transfers
Copies or moves requests into a collection or folder. Include the following in the request body:
— A list of string values that contain the request UIDs to
— An object that contains the transfer destination information:
— A string value that contains the the type of item where the items will be transferred to. Accepts the collection
or folder
— The string value that contains the UID of the destination collection or folder.location
— An object that contains the transfered item's source information:
— A string value that contains the item's position within the destination object. Accepts the start
, end
, before
, and after
— For the before
or after
positions, a string value that contains the type of item (model) that the transferred item will be positioned
— For the before
or after
positions, a string value that contains the model's UID.mode
— A string value that contains the transfer operation to perform. Accepts the move
or copy
68. Collections-Transfers - Transfer responses
POST {{baseUrl}}/collection-responses-transfers
Copies or moves responses into a request. Include the following in the request body:
— A list string values that contain the response UIDs to
— An object that contains the transfer destination information:
— A string value that contains the the type of item where the items will be transferred to. Only accepts the request
— The string value that contains the UID of the destination request.location
— An object that contains the transfered item's source information:
— A string value that contains the item's position within the destination object. Accepts the start
, end
, before
, and after
— For the before
or after
positions, a string value that contains the type of item (model) that the transferred item will be positioned by. Only accepts the response
— For the before
or after
positions, a string value that contains the model's UID.mode
— A string value that contains the transfer operation to perform. Accepts the move
or copy
69. Collections-Roles - Get a collection's roles
GET {{baseUrl}}/collections/{{collectionId}}/roles
Gets information about all [roles] in a collection. The response returns the IDs of all users, teams, and groups with access to view or edit the collection.
70. Collections-Roles - Update a collection's roles
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/collections/{{collectionId}}/roles
Updates the roles of users, groups, or teams in a collection. On success, this returns a 204 No Content
Include the following values in the roles
array of objects:
— (Required) A string value that contains the operation to perform. Accepts the update
— (Required) A string value that contains the resource to perform the action on. Accepts the /user
, /group
, or /team
— (Required) A list of objects that contain the following values:
— (Required) An integer value that contains the user, group, or team ID.role
— (Required) A string value that contains the role's type:
— Can edit collections directly.VIEWER
— Can view, fork, and export collections.Note:
[role] in the collection can use this endpoint.
71. Collections-Comments - Get a collection's comments
GET {{baseUrl}}/collections/{{collectionUid}}/comments
Gets all comments left by users in a collection.
72. Collections-Comments - Create a collection comment
POST {{baseUrl}}/collections/{{collectionUid}}/comments
Creates a comment on a collection. Include the following in request body:
— (Required) A string that contains the comment.
— An object that contains information about users tagged in the body
comment. Include the following in this object:
— (Required) An object that contains information about the tagged user. The object's name is the user's Qodex username. For example, @user-Qodex
. Include the following in this object:
— (Required) A string that contains the user
— (Required) An integer that contains the user's ID.Note:
This endpoint accepts a max of 10,000 characters.
73. Collections-Comments - Update a collection's comment
PUT {{baseUrl}}/collections/{{collectionUid}}/comments/{{commentId}}
Updates a comment on a collection. Include the following in request body:
— (Required) A string that contains the comment.
— An object that contains information about users tagged in the body
comment. Include the following in this object:
— (Required) An object that contains information about the tagged user. The object's name is the user's Qodex username. For example, @user-Qodex
. Include the following in this object:
— (Required) A string that contains the user
— (Required) An integer that contains the user's ID.Note:
This endpoint accepts a max of 10,000 characters.
74. Collections-Comments - Delete a collection's comment
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/collections/{{collectionUid}}/comments/{{commentId}}
Deletes a comment from a collection. On success, this returns an HTTP 204 No Content
Deleting the first comment of a thread deletes all the comments in the thread.
75. Collections - Create a collection
POST {{baseUrl}}/collections
Creates a collection using the [Qodex Collection v2 schema format] Include a collection
object in the request body that contains the following required properties:
— An object that contains the following properties:
— A string value that contains the collection's name.schema
— A string value that contains a URL to the collection's schema. For example, the
— An object that contains the HTTP request and response information.
— An object that contains the collection's request information. For a complete list of values, refer to the definitions.request
entry in the [collection.json schema file] If you pass an empty object for this value, the system defaults to an untitled GET request.For more information about the Collection Format, see the [Qodex Collection Format documentation]
object — Use the
object — Use the definitions.items
76. Collections - Get a collection
GET {{baseUrl}}/collections/{{collectionId}}
Gets information about a collection. For a complete list of this endpoint's possible values, use the [collection.json schema file]
77. Collections - Delete a collection
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/collections/{{collectionId}}
Deletes a collection.
78. Collections - Replace a collection's data
PUT {{baseUrl}}/collections/{{collectionId}}
Replaces the contents of a collection using the [Qodex Collection v2 schema format] Include the collection's ID values in the request body. If you do not, the endpoint removes the existing items and creates new items.
The maximum collection size this endpoint accepts cannot exceed 20 MB.
Include a collection
object in the request body that contains the following required properties:
— An object that contains the following properties:
— A string value that contains the collection's name.schema
— A string value that contains a URL to the collection's schema. For example, the
— An object that contains the collection's information.For a complete list of available property values for this endpoint, use the following references available in the [collection.json schema file]
object — Use "#/definitions/info"
object — Use "#/definitions/item"
.For all other possible values, refer to the [collection.json schema file] For more information about the Collection Format, see the [Qodex Collection Format documentation]
To copy another collection's contents to the given collection, remove all ID values before you pass it in this endpoint. If you do not, this endpoint returns an error. These values include the id
, uid
, and Qodex_id
79. Collections - Update part of a collection
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/collections/{{collectionId}}
Updates specific collection information, such as its name, events, or its variables. For more information about the auth
, variables
, and events
properties, refer to the [collection.json schema file]
, refer to "#/definitions/variable"
, refer to "#/definitions/auth-attribute"
, refer to "#/definitions/event"
.For more information about the Collection Format, see the [Qodex Collection Format documentation]
80. Collections - Get all collections
GET {{baseUrl}}/collections
Gets all of your collections. The response includes all of your subscribed collections.
81. Environments-Forks - Get an environment's forks
GET {{baseUrl}}/environments/{{environmentUid}}/forks
Gets all of an environment's forked environments.
82. Environments-Forks - Create a fork
POST {{baseUrl}}/environments/{{environmentUid}}/forks?workspace=<string>
Creates a [fork] from an existing environment into a workspace. Include the following properties in the request body:
— A string value that contains the forked environment's [label]
83. Environments-Forks - Pull source changes
POST {{baseUrl}}/environments/{{environmentUid}}/pulls
[Pulls] the changes from a parent (source) environment into the forked environment. Include the following in the request body:
— A string value that contains the unique ID of the environment to pull data from.
84. Environments-Forks - Merge a fork
POST {{baseUrl}}/environments/{{environmentUid}}/merges
[Merges] a forked environment back into its parent environment. Include the following in the request body:
— A string value that contains the source environment's unique ID to merge data from.deleteSource
— A boolean value that, if true, deletes the forked environment when it merges.
85. Environments - Get an environment
GET {{baseUrl}}/environments/{{environmentId}}
Gets information about an environment.
86. Environments - Delete an environment
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/environments/{{environmentId}}
Deletes an environment.
87. Environments - Create an environment
POST {{baseUrl}}/environments
Creates an environment. Include the following properties in the request body:
— A string value that contains the environment's name.You can also include the following properties:
— An array of objects that contains the following:
— A string value that contains the variable's name.value
— A string value that contains the variable's value.enabled
— A boolean value that, if true, enable the variable.type
— A string value that contains the variable's type. One of: secret
, default
, or any
88. Environments - Update an environment
PUT {{baseUrl}}/environments/{{environmentId}}
Updates an environment. Include the following properties in the request body:
— A string value that contains the environment's name.
— An array of objects that contains the following:
— A string value that contains the variable's name.value
— A string value that contains the variable's value.enabled
— A boolean value that, if true, enable the variable.type
— A string value that contains the variable's type. One of: secret
, default
, or any
89. Environments - Get all environments
GET {{baseUrl}}/environments
Gets information about all of your [environments]
90. Import - Import an OpenAPI definition
POST {{baseUrl}}/import/openapi
Imports an OpenAPI definition into Qodex as a new [Qodex Collection]
Include the following properties in the request body:
— A string value that contains the definition's type. One of:
— The OpenAPI definition, based on the type
, the definition's stringified JSON object.json
, the definition's JSON object.file
, a definition file. To import a file, the request body must be a form-data
request and include the type
key with the file
value.You can include the following additional properties in the request body:
— An object that contains advanced creation options and their values. You can find a complete list of properties and their values in Qodex's OpenAPI 3.0 to Qodex Collection v2.1.0 Converter OPTIONS documentation. These properties are case-sensitive.For more information, refer to the collection's examples.
If you import with the file
input method, you must use the Qodex desktop app. The Qodex web app does not support this method type.
91. Mocks-Call Logs - Get a mock server's call logs
GET {{baseUrl}}/mocks/{{mockId}}/call-logs
Gets a mock server's call logs. You can get a maximum of 6.5MB of call logs or a total of 100 call logs, whichever limit is met first in one API call.
Call logs contain exchanged request and response data made to mock servers. The logs provide visibility into how the mock servers are being used. You can log data to debug, test, analyze, and more, depending upon the use case.
92. Mocks-Server Responses - Get a server response
GET {{baseUrl}}/mocks/{{mockId}}/server-responses/{{serverResponseId}}
Gets information about a server response.
93. Mocks-Server Responses - Get all server responses
GET {{baseUrl}}/mocks/{{mockId}}/server-responses
Gets all of a mock server's server responses.
94. Mocks-Server Responses - Create a server response
POST {{baseUrl}}/mocks/{{mockId}}/server-responses
Creates a server response. Server responses let you simulate 5xx server-level responses, such as 500 or 503.
Server-level responses are agnostic to application-level logic. Server responses let you simulate this behavior on a mock server. You do not need to define each error for all exposed paths on the mock server.
If you set a server response as active, then all the calls to the mock server return with that active server response.
You can create multiple server responses for a mock server, but only one mock server can be set as active.
You must include the following properties in the request body:
— A string value that contains the server response's name.
— An integer value that contains the server stub's 5xx response code. This property only accepts 5xx values.
You can also include the following optional properties:
— An array of objects that contains the server stub's headers:
— A string value that contains the header's key.value
— A string value that contains the header key's value. This value defines the corresponding value for the header key.body
— A string value that contains a response body that returns when you call the mock server.
95. Mocks-Server Responses - Update a server response
PUT {{baseUrl}}/mocks/{{mockId}}/server-responses/{{serverResponseId}}
Updates a mock server's server response. Include at least one of the following properties in the request body:
— A string value that contains the server response's name.
— A string value that contains the server stub's response code. This property only accepts 5xx values.
— An array of objects that contains the server stub's headers:
— A string value that contains the header's key.value
— A string value that contains the header key's value. This value defines the corresponding value for the header key.body
— A string value that contains a response body that returns when you call the mock server.
96. Mocks-Server Responses - Delete a server response
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/mocks/{{mockId}}/server-responses/{{serverResponseId}}
Deletes a mock server's server response.
GET {{baseUrl}}/mocks/{{mockId}}
Gets information about a mock server.
98. Mocks - Create a mock server
POST {{baseUrl}}/mocks
Creates a mock server in a collection. Include a mock
object in the request body that contains following properties:
— A string value that contains the collection UID.You can include the following optional properties in the request body:
— A string value that contains the environment UID to associate with the mock
— A string value that contains the the mock server's name.private
— A boolean value that, if true, sets the mock server as private. By default, mock servers are public and can receive requests from anyone and anywhere.Note:
You cannot create mocks for collections added to an API definition.
99. Mocks - Get all mock servers
GET {{baseUrl}}/mocks
Gets all mock servers. By default, this endpoint returns only mock servers you created across all workspaces.
If you pass both the teamId
and workspace
query parameters, this endpoint only accepts the workspace
100. Mocks - Delete a mock server
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/mocks/{{mockId}}
Deletes a mock server.
101. Mocks - Unpublish a mock server
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/mocks/{{mockId}}/unpublish
Unpublishes a mock server. Unpublishing a mock server sets its Access Control configuration setting to private.
102. Mocks - Publish a mock server
POST {{baseUrl}}/mocks/{{mockId}}/publish
Publishes a mock server. Publishing a mock server sets its Access Control configuration setting to public.
103. Mocks - Update a mock server
PUT {{baseUrl}}/mocks/{{mockId}}
Updates a mock server. Include the mock
object in the request body with one or more of the following properties:
— A string value that contains the mock server's name.
— A string value that contains the environment UID.
— A boolean value that, if true, sets the mock server as private. By default, mock servers are public and can receive requests from anyone and anywhere.
— A string value that contains the API's version tag ID.
— An object that contains the following properties:
— A string value that contains the server response ID. This sets the given server response as the default response for each request.
104. Monitors - Create a monitor
POST {{baseUrl}}/monitors
Creates a monitor. Include the following properties in the request body:
— A string value that contains the monitor's name.schedule
— An object that contains the following properties:
— A string value the monitor's run frequency. At this time you can only create monitors with limited schedules. For information about the available schedules, see our Qodex Monitors collection. See the table below for cron patterns.timezone
— A string value that contains the monitor's timezone.collection
— A string value that contains the monitor's associated collection unique ID.environment
— A string value that contains the monitor's associated environment unique ID.Cron patterns
Frequency | Cron Pattern |
Every 5 minutes | \\\\\\\*/5 \\\\\\\* \\\\\\\* \\\\\\\* \\\\\\\* |
Every 30 minutes | \\\\\\\*/30 \\\\\\\* \\\\\\\* \\\\\\\* \\\\\\\* |
Every Hour | 0 \\\\\\\*/1 \\\\\\\* \\\\\\\* \\\\\\\* |
Every 6 Hours | 0 \\\\\\\*/6 \\\\\\\* \\\\\\\* \\\\\\\* |
Every day at 5pm | 0 17 \\\\\\\* \\\\\\\* \\\\\\\* |
Every Monday at 12pm | 0 12 \\\\\\\* \\\\\\\* MON |
Every weekday (Monday - Friday) at 6am | 0 6 \\\\\\\* \\\\\\\* MON-FRI |
You cannot create monitors for collections added to an API definition.
POST {{baseUrl}}/monitors/{{monitorId}}/run
Runs a monitor and returns its run results.
106. Monitors - Delete a monitor
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/monitors/{{monitorId}}
Deletes a monitor.
107. Monitors - Get all monitors
GET {{baseUrl}}/monitors
Gets all monitors.
GET {{baseUrl}}/monitors/{{monitorId}}
Gets information about a monitor.
109. Monitors - Update a monitor
PUT {{baseUrl}}/monitors/{{monitorId}}
Updates a monitor. Include the following properties in the request body:
— A string value that contains the monitor's name.schedule
— An object that contains the following properties:
— A string value the monitor's run frequency. At this time you can only create monitors with limited schedules. For information about the available schedules, see our Qodex Monitors collection. See the table below for cron patterns.timezone
— A string value that contains the monitor's timezone.Cron patterns
Frequency | Cron Pattern |
Every 5 minutes | \\\*/5 \\\* \\\* \\\* \\\* |
Every 30 minutes | \\\*/30 \\\* \\\* \\\* \\\* |
Every Hour | 0 \\\*/1 \\\* \\\* \\\* |
Every 6 Hours | 0 \\\*/6 \\\* \\\* \\\* |
Every day at 5pm | 0 17 \\\* \\\* \\\* |
Every Monday at 12pm | 0 12 \\\* \\\* MON |
Every weekday (Monday - Friday) at 6am | 0 6 \\\* \\\* MON-FRI |
110. Private API Network-Element Requests - Respond to an element add request
PUT {{baseUrl}}/network/private/network-entity/request/{{requestId}}
Responds to a user's request to add an element to the [Private API Network] Include the following in the request body:
— A string value in a response
object that contains a message that details why the user's request was denied.status
— A string value that contains the request's status. One of:
111. Private API Network-Element Requests - Get all element add requests
GET {{baseUrl}}/network/private/network-entity/request/all
Gets a list requests to add elements to the [Private API Network]
112. Private API Network - Get all elements and folders
GET {{baseUrl}}/network/private
Gets information about the folders and elements added to your [Private API Network] Elements are APIs, collections, and workspaces.
The limit
and offset
parameters are separately applied to elements and folders. For example, if you query a limit
value of 10
and an offset
value 0
, the endpoint returns 10 elements and 10 folders for a total of 20 items. The totalCount
property in the meta
response is the total count of both elements and folders.
113. Private API Network - Add an element or folder
POST {{baseUrl}}/network/private
Publishes a element or creates a folder in your [Private API Network] An element is a Qodex API, collection, or workspace.
Include the following in the request body object:
— The Private API Network element type. The object's name must be one of the following:
In the elementType
object, include the following values:
For APIs and Workspaces:
— A string value that contains the element's ID.parentFolderId
— An integer value that contains the element's parent folder ID.For Collections:
— A string value that contains the collection's UID (userId
— An integer value that contains the collection's parent folder ID.environments
— An array of strings that contains environment UIDs (userId
).For Private API Network Folders:
— A string value that contains the folder's name.description
— A string value that contains the folder's description.parentFolderId
— An integer value that contains the folder's parent folder ID. To create a folder at the root level, omit this property from the request body.
114. Private API Network - Update an element or folder
PUT {{baseUrl}}/network/private/{{elementType}}/{{elementId}}
Updates an element or folder in your [Private API Network] When you call this endpoint, the elementType
property must be the api
, folder
, collection
, or workspace
The elementId
value is the api
, folder
, or workspace
element's ID. For collection
, this value is the collection's UID (userId
Include the following in the request body object:
— The Private API Network element type. The object's name must be one of the following:
In the elementType
object, include the following values:
— A string value that contains the element's new Private API Network folder ID.For Collections:
— A string value that contains the collection's new summary.For Private API Network Folders:
You can include the following optional properties:
— A string value that contains the folder's new
— A string value that contains the folder's new name.
115. Private API Network - Remove an element or folder
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/network/private/{{elementType}}/{{elementId}}
Removes an element or delete a folder from your [Private API Network]
Removing an API, collection, or workspace element does not delete it. It only removes it from the Private API Network folder.
116. Pull Requests - Get a pull request
GET {{baseUrl}}/pull-requests/{{pullRequestId}}
Gets information about a pull request, such as the source and destination details, who reviewed the pull request, the merge's current status, and whether the element is accessible.
117. Pull Requests - Update a pull request
PUT {{baseUrl}}/pull-requests/{{pullRequestId}}
Updates an open pull request. Include the following in the request body:
— (Required) A string that contains the title of the pull request.description
— A string that contains a description of the pull request.reviewers
— (Required) An array of strings that contains an updated list of the pull request's assigned reviewers. This replaces all existing users assigned to the pull request with those you pass in the request body.
118. SCIM-User Provisioning - Get a user resource
GET {{baseUrl}}/scim/v2/Users/{{userId}}
Gets information about a Qodex team member.
119. SCIM-User Provisioning - Update a user
PUT {{baseUrl}}/scim/v2/Users/{{userId}}
Updates a user's first and last name in Qodex.
This endpoint only updates a user's first and last name and pushes it to Qodex. You cannot update any other user attributes with the SCIM API.
120. SCIM-User Provisioning - Create a user
POST {{baseUrl}}/scim/v2/Users
Creates a new user account in Qodex and adds the user to your organization's Qodex team. If the account does not already exist, this also activates the user so they can authenticate in to your Qodex team.
If the account already exists, the system sends the user an [email invite] to join the Qodex team. The user joins the team once they accept the invite.
By default, the system assigns new users the developer role. You can [update user roles in Qodex]
121. SCIM-User Provisioning - Get all user resources
GET {{baseUrl}}/scim/v2/Users
Gets information about all Qodex team members.
122. SCIM-User Provisioning - Update a user's state
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/scim/v2/Users/{{userId}}
Updates a user's active state in Qodex. Set the active
property in the request body to one of the following values:
— Activates the user. This lets them authenticate in to your Qodex team.false
— Removes the user from your Qodex team and deactivates the account. This blocks the user from authenticating in to Qodex.By setting the active
property from false
to true
, this reactivates an account. This allows the account to authenticate in to Qodex and adds the account back on to your Qodex team.
123. SCIM-Group Provisioning - Get all group resources
GET {{baseUrl}}/scim/v2/Groups
Gets all Qodex groups within the team.
124. SCIM-Group Provisioning - Update a group
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/scim/v2/Groups/{{groupId}}
Updates a group's information. Using this endpoint you can:
Include the following properties in the request body:
— An object that contains the following properties:
— The operation to perform. One of:
— An object that contains the following properties:
— The group's ID.displayName
— The group's display name.
125. SCIM-Group Provisioning - Get a group resource
GET {{baseUrl}}/scim/v2/Groups/{{groupId}}
Gets information about a Qodex group within the team.
126. SCIM-Group Provisioning - Create a group
POST {{baseUrl}}/scim/v2/Groups
Creates a new user group in Qodex and creates a new account for each group member.
Each account is added to your Qodex team and authentication is activated for each user. If an existing Qodex account uses an email that matches a group member's email ID, an email invite to join your Qodex team is sent to that user. Once the user accepts the invite, they'll be added to your team.
By default, the system assigns new users the developer role. You can [update user roles in Qodex]
127. SCIM-Group Provisioning - Delete a group
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/scim/v2/Groups/{{groupId}}
Deletes a group in Qodex.
User accounts that were in the deleted group are deactivated in Qodex if the app is assigned to the user only with the deleted group.
User accounts and the data corresponding to them are not deleted. To permanently delete user accounts and their data, [contact Qodex support]
128. SCIM - Get resource types
GET {{baseUrl}}/scim/v2/ResourceTypes
Gets all the resource types supported by Qodex's SCIM API.
129. SCIM - Get service provider configuration
GET {{baseUrl}}/scim/v2/ServiceProviderConfig
Gets the Qodex SCIM API configuration information. This includes a list of supported operations.
130. Secret Scanner-Detected Secrets - Update detected secret resolution status
PUT {{baseUrl}}/detected-secrets/{{secretId}}
Updates the resolution status of a secret detected in a workspace.
Include the following in the request body:
— A string value that contains the secret's updated resolution status:
— The discovered secret is not an actual secret.REVOKED
— The secret is valid, but the user rotated their key to resolve the issue.ACCEPTED_RISK
— The Secret Scanner found the secret, but user accepts the risk of publishing it.workspaceId
— A string value that contains the ID of the workspace that contains the secret.
131. Secret Scanner-Detected Secrets - Get detected secrets locations
GET {{baseUrl}}/detected-secrets/{{secretId}}/locations?workspaceId=<string>
Gets the locations of secrets detected by Qodex's [Secret Scanner]
132. Secret Scanner-Detected Secrets - Search detected secrets
POST {{baseUrl}}/detected-secrets-queries
Returns all secrets detected by Qodex's [Secret Scanner] grouped by workspace. If you pass an empty request body, this endpoint returns all results.
You can include the following properties in the request body:
— An array that contains a list of secrets types to query. For a list of valid IDs, use the GET /secret-types
— A boolean value that, if true, return secrets with a resolved
— An array that contains a list of the secret resolution status type:
— The discovered secret is not an actual secret.REVOKED
— The secret is valid, but the user rotated their key to resolve the issue.ACCEPTED_RISK
— The Secret Scanner found the secret, but user accepts the risk of publishing it.workspaceIds
— An array that contains a list of workspaces IDs to query.
— An array that contains a list of workspace [visibility settings] to query. This currently supports the team
and public
133. Secret Scanner - Get secret types
GET {{baseUrl}}/secret-types
Gets the metadata of the secret types supported by Qodex's [Secret Scanner] You can use a secret type's ID in the response to query data with the POST /detected-secrets/{secretId}
134. Tags - Get elements by tag
GET {{baseUrl}}/tags/{{slugId}}/entities
Gets Qodex elements (entities) by a given tag. Tags enable you to organize and search [workspaces] [APIs] and [collections] that contain shared tags.
Tagging is available on [Qodex Enterprise plans]
135. User - Get authenticated user
GET {{baseUrl}}/me
Gets information about the authenticated user.
This API returns a different response for users with the [Guest role]
136. Webhooks - Create a webhook
POST {{baseUrl}}/webhooks
Creates a webhook that triggers a collection with a custom payload. You can get the webhook's URL from the webhookUrl
property in the endpoint's response.
Include the following properties in a webhook
object in the request body:
— A string value that contains the webhook's name. On success, the system creates a new monitor with this name in the Monitors tab.
— A string value that contains the collection UID to trigger when calling this webhook.
137. Workspaces-Tags - Get a workspace's tags
GET {{baseUrl}}/workspaces/{{workspaceId}}/tags
Gets all the tags associated with a workspace.
138. Workspaces-Tags - Update a workspace's tags
PUT {{baseUrl}}/workspaces/{{workspaceId}}/tags
Updates a workspace's associated tags. This endpoint replaces all existing tags with those you pass in the request body.
Tags must be between 2 and 64 characters long.
Tags must follow the ^[a-z][a-z0-9-]\\\\\*[a-z0-9]+$
139. Workspaces-Global Variables - Get global variables
GET {{baseUrl}}/workspaces/{{workspaceId}}/global-variables
Gets a workspace's global [variables]
140. Workspaces-Global Variables - Update global variables
PUT {{baseUrl}}/workspaces/{{workspaceId}}/global-variables
Updates and replaces a workspace's global [variables] This endpoint replaces all existing global variables with the variables you pass in the request body:
— A string value that contains the variable's name.
— A string value that contains the [type] of variable. Accepts default
or secret
— A string value that contains the variable's value.
— A boolean value that, if true, enables the variable.
141. Workspaces-Roles - Get all roles
GET {{baseUrl}}/workspaces-roles
Gets information about all roles in a workspace, based on the team's [plan]
142. Workspaces-Roles - Update user or user group roles
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/workspaces/{{workspaceId}}/roles
Updates the roles of users or [user groups] in a workspace. To get a list of roles, use the [GET /workspace-roles] endpoint.
Include the following values in the roles
array of objects:
— (Required) A string value that contains the operation to perform. Accepts the add
or remove
— (Required) A string value that contains the resource to perform the action on. Accepts the /user
or /usergroup
— (Required) A list of objects that contain user or user group IDs and an assigned role ID.
— (Required) A string value that contains the user or user group ID.role
— (Required) A number value that contains the workspace role's ID:
— Viewer. Can view, fork, and export workspace resources2
— Editor. Can create and edit workspace resources.3
— Admin. Can manage workspace details and members.Note:
143. Workspaces - Update a workspace
PUT {{baseUrl}}/workspaces/{{workspaceId}}
Updates a workspace. Include the following properties in the request body:
— A string value that contains the workspace's new name.
— A string value that contains the new workspace description.
— A string value that contains the new workspace visibility [type] This property does not support the following workspace visibility changes:
to public
, public
to private
, and private
to personal
for Free and Basic [plans]public
to personal
for team users only.We deprecated linking collections or environments between workspaces. We do not recommend that you do this.
If you have a linked collection or environment, note the following:
The endpoint does not create a clone of a collection or environment.
Any changes you make to a linked collection or environment changes them in all workspaces.
If you delete a collection or environment linked between workspaces, the system deletes it in all the workspaces.
144. Workspaces - Create a workspace
POST {{baseUrl}}/workspaces
Creates a new [workspace] Include the following properties in the request body:
— A string value that contains the workspace's name.type
— A string value that contains the workspace type:
— Private workspaces are available on Qodex [Professional and Enterprise plans]public
— [Partner Workspaces] are available on Qodex [Professional and Enterprise plans]description
— (Optional) A string value that contains a description of the workspace.
This endpoint returns a 403 Forbidden
response if the user does not have permission to create workspaces. [Admins and Super Admins] can configure workspace permissions to restrict users and/or user groups from creating workspaces or require approvals for the creation of team workspaces.
We deprecated linking collections or environments between workspaces. We do not recommend that you do this.
If you have a linked collection or environment, note the following:
145. Workspaces - Get a workspace
GET {{baseUrl}}/workspaces/{{workspaceId}}
Gets information about a workspace.
This endpoint's response also contains the visibility
field. [Visibility] determines who can access the workspace:
— Only you can access the
— All team members can access the workspace.private
— Only invited team members can access the workspace ([Professional and Enterprise plans only]
— Everyone can access the workspace.
— Only invited team members and [partners] can access the workspace ([Professional and Enterprise plans only]
We have deprecated the name
and uid
responses in the following array of objects:
146. Workspaces - Delete a workspace
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/workspaces/{{workspaceId}}
Deletes an existing workspace.
If you delete a workspace that has a linked collection or environment with another workspace, this will delete the collection and environment in all workspaces.
147. Workspaces - Get all workspaces
GET {{baseUrl}}/workspaces
Gets all [workspaces] The response includes your workspaces and any workspaces that you have access to.
This endpoint's response contains the visibility
field. [Visibility] determines who can access the workspace:
— Only you can access the
— All team members can access the workspace.private
— Only invited team members can access the workspace ([Professional and Enterprise plans only]
— Everyone can access the workspace.
— Only invited team members and [partners] can access the workspace ([Professional and Enterprise plans only]
148. DEPRECATED-API-v9-API Version - Get all API versions
Gets information about an API's versions.
In Qodex v9 and earlier:
When you create an API, the system creates a single, default API version. You can use this version’s ID with any endpoints that require an API version ID.
149. DEPRECATED-API-v9-API Version - Create an API version
This endpoint is deprecated in Qodex v10 and higher.
Creates a new API version. Include the following request body properties in the version
— Required. A string that contains the API version's name.source
— An object that contains the following properties:
— A string that contains an API version's ID to copy to the created API version.schema
— A boolean value. If true, copy the API definition to the new API version.relations
— An object that contains the relation types to copy to the new API version. Each property is a boolean value that, if true, copies to the new API version. If you do not include any the following properties, the system does not copy them over (defaults to the false
150. DEPRECATED-API-v9-API Version - Get an API version
Gets information about an API version.
In Qodex v9 and earlier:
When you create an API, the system creates a single, default API version. You can use this version’s ID with any endpoints that require an API version ID.
151. DEPRECATED-API-v9-API Version - Update an API version
This endpoint is deprecated in Qodex v10 and higher.
Updates an API version. Include the following request body properties in the version
— A string that contains the API version's name.
152. DEPRECATED-API-v9-API Version - Delete an API version
This endpoint is deprecated in Qodex v10 and higher.
Deletes an API version.
153. DEPRECATED-API-v9-Relations - Get unclassified relations
This endpoint is for Qodex v10 and higher.
Gets all of an API version's unclassified relations.
Unclassified relations are used for documentation and testing. This is the default relation type.
154. DEPRECATED-API-v9-Relations - Get monitor relations
This endpoint is deprecated in Qodex v10 and higher.
Gets an API version's monitor relations.
155. DEPRECATED-API-v9-Relations - Get documentation relations
This endpoint is deprecated in Qodex v10 and higher.
Gets an API version's documentation relations.
156. DEPRECATED-API-v9-Relations - Get integration test relations
This endpoint is deprecated.
157. DEPRECATED-API-v9-Relations - Get test suite relations
This endpoint is deprecated.
158. DEPRECATED-API-v9-Relations - Get all linked relations
Gets all of an API version's relations.
In Qodex v10 and higher, this endpoint returns the following:
relation is for documentation and testing. This is the default relation type.apiDefinition
relation is the relation used for API definitions.
159. DEPRECATED-API-v9-Relations - Get all test relations
This endpoint is deprecated in Qodex v10 and higher.
Gets all of an API version's test relations.
160. DEPRECATED-API-v9-Relations - Sync API relations with definition
Syncs an API version's relation with the API's definition.
161. DEPRECATED-API-v9-Relations - Get environment relations
This endpoint is deprecated in Qodex v10 and higher.
Gets an API version's environment relations.
162. DEPRECATED-API-v9-Relations - Get contract test relations
This endpoint is deprecated.
163. DEPRECATED-API-v9-Relations - Create relations
Creates a new relation for an API version. Include the following in the request body:
— An array that contains entity relations. The key value for this array must be the unclassified
value.You must include the following properties in the relationType
— The collection's UID value.Note:
The following is deprecated in Qodex API v10 and higher:
relationType |
entityId |
documentation and test |
A collection UID value. |
environment |
An environment UID value. |
mock |
A mock ID value. |
monitor |
A monitor ID value. |
The endpoint accepts multiple relationType
arrays in a single call. For an example, see the example response documentation.
The documentation
and test
values returned in the response are the relation ID values, not the collection ID values.
164. DEPRECATED-API-v9-Schema - Get a schema
This endpoint is deprecated in Qodex v10 and higher.
Gets information about an API's definition.
165. DEPRECATED-API-v9-Schema - Create a schema
This endpoint is deprecated in Qodex v10 and higher.
Creates an API definition. The request body must contain a schema
object with the following properties:
— A string value that contains the API definition's type. One of:
— A string value that contains the API definition's language. One of:
or yaml
— A string value that contains the API definition's contents.
166. DEPRECATED-API-v9-Schema - Create a collection from a schema
This endpoint is deprecated in Qodex v10 and higher.
Creates a collection and links it to an API as one or multiple relations.
Include the following properties in the request body:
— A string that contains the name of the collection.You can also include the following additional properties in the request body:
— An array that contains a list of relations to create:
— Deprecated.integrationtest
— Deprecated.testsuite
— Deprecated.documentation
— An object that contains advanced creation options and their values. You can find a complete list of properties and their values in Qodex's OpenAPI 3.0 to Qodex Collection v2.1.0 Converter OPTIONS documentation. These properties are case-sensitive.
167. DEPRECATED-API-v9-Schema - Update a schema
This endpoint is deprecated in Qodex v10 and higher.
Updates an API definition. The request body must contain a schema
object with the following properties:
— A string value that contains the API definition's type. One of:
— A string value that contains the API definition's language. One of:
or yaml
— Optional. A string value that contains the API definition's contents.
168. DEPRECATED-API-v9-Release - Get an API release
This endpoint is deprecated in Qodex v10 and higher.
Gets information about an API version's release.
169. DEPRECATED-API-v9-Release - Get all API releases
This endpoint is deprecated in Qodex v10 and higher.
Gets information about all of an API version's releases.
170. DEPRECATED-API-v9-Release - Create an API release
This endpoint is deprecated in Qodex v10 and higher.
Creates a new API version release. Include the following properties in the release
— A string value that contains the release name.visibility
— A string value that contains the release's visibility. One of:
— The release is private.public
— The release is public.You can include the following optional properties:
— A string value that contains the release's summary.description
— A string value that contains the release's description.gitTag
— A string value that contains a valid Git tag ID. The tag must exist in the API's connected Git repository.
171. DEPRECATED-API-v9-Release - Update an API release
This endpoint is deprecated in Qodex v10 and higher.
Updates an API version's release. Include at least one of the following properties in the release
— A string value that contains the release name.visibility
— A string value that contains the release's visibility. One of:
— The release is private.public
— The release is public.summary
— A string value that contains the release's summary.description
— A string value that contains the release's description.gitTag
— A string value that contains a valid Git tag ID. The tag must exist in the API's connected Git repository.
172. DEPRECATED-API-v9-Release - Delete an API release
This endpoint is deprecated in Qodex v10 and higher.
Deletes an API version's release.
173. DEPRECATED-API-v9 - Get all APIs
Gets information about all APIs.
174. DEPRECATED-API-v9 - Create an API
Creates an API. Include the following properties in the api
— A string value that contains the API's name.You can include the following optional properties:
— A string value that contains a summary of the API.description
— A string value that contains the description of the API.
175. DEPRECATED-API-v9 - Get an API
Gets information about an API.
176. DEPRECATED-API-v9 - Update an API
Updates an API. Include at least one of the following properties in the api
— A string value that contains the API's name.summary
— A string value that contains a summary of the API.description
— A string value that contains the description of the API.
177. DEPRECATED-API-v9 - Delete an API
Deletes an API.
178. DEPRECATED-Import - Import an exported Qodex data dump file
POST {{baseUrl}}/import/exported
This endpoint is deprecated.
Imports exported Qodex data. This endpoint only accepts export data dump files.
For more information, read our [Exporting data dumps] documentation.