15_Days_of_Postman_-_for_testers_IvanKo API Documentation


Number of APIs: 1

1. Import an OpenAPI definition

POST {{baseUrl}}/import/openapi

Imports an OpenAPI definition into Qodex as a new [Qodex Collection]

Include the following properties in the request body:

  • type — A string value that contains the definition's type. One of:

    • string
    • json
    • file
  • input — The OpenAPI definition, based on the type value:

    • For string, the definition's stringified JSON object.
    • For json, the definition's JSON object.
    • For file, a definition file. To import a file, the request body must be a form-data request and include the type key with the file value.

You can include the following additional properties in the request body:

For more information, refer to the collection's examples.


If you import with the file input method, you must use the Qodex desktop app. The Qodex web app does not support this method type.