15_Days_of_Postman_-_for_testers_IvanKo API Documentation


Number of APIs: 6

1. Get all APIs

GET {{baseUrl}}/apis?workspaceId=<string>

Gets information about all APIs in a workspace.


This endpoint only returns APIs created or migrated in Qodex v10 and higher.

2. Get an API

GET {{baseUrl}}/apis/{{apiId}}

Gets information about an API.


  • Git-connected APIs will only return the versions and gitInfo query responses. This is because schema and collection information is stored in the connected Git repository. The gitInfo object only lists the repository and folder locations of the files.
  • API viewers can only use the versions option in the include query parameter.

3. Delete an API

DELETE {{baseUrl}}/apis/{{apiId}}

Deletes an API.

4. Get status of an asynchronous task

GET {{baseUrl}}/apis/{{apiId}}/tasks/{{taskId}}

Gets the status of an asynchronous task.

5. Update an API

PUT {{baseUrl}}/apis/{{apiId}}

Updates an API. Include at least one of the following properties in the request body:

  • name — A string value that contains the API's name.
  • summary — A string value that contains a summary of the API.
  • description — A string value that contains the description of the API. This supports Markdown formatting.

6. Create an API

POST {{baseUrl}}/apis?workspaceId=<string>

Creates an API. Include the following properties in the request body:

  • name — A string value that contains the API's name.

You can include the following optional properties:

  • summary — A string value that contains a summary of the API.
  • description — A string value that contains the description of the API.