15_Days_of_Postman_-_for_testers_IvanKo API Documentation

Collections-Pull Requests

Number of APIs: 2

1. Get a collection's pull requests

GET {{baseUrl}}/collections/{{collectiondUid}}/pull-requests

Gets information about a collection's pull requests, such as the source and destination IDs, status of the pull requests, and a URL link to the pull requests.

2. Create a pull request

POST {{baseUrl}}/collections/{{collectiondUid}}/pull-requests

Creates a pull request for a forked collection into its parent collection. Include the following in the request body:

  • title — (Required) A string that contains the title of the pull request.

  • reviewers — (Required) An array of strings that contains a list of the pull request's assigned reviewers.

  • destinationId — (Required) A string that contains the collection ID to merge the pull request into.

  • description — (Required) A string that contains a description of the pull request.