15_Days_of_Postman_-_for_testers_IvanKo API Documentation


Number of APIs: 7

1. Get a mock server

GET {{baseUrl}}/mocks/{{mockId}}

Gets information about a mock server.

2. Create a mock server

POST {{baseUrl}}/mocks

Creates a mock server in a collection. Include a mock object in the request body that contains following properties:

  • collection — A string value that contains the collection UID.

You can include the following optional properties in the request body:

  • environment — A string value that contains the environment UID to associate with the mock server.
  • name — A string value that contains the the mock server's name.
  • private — A boolean value that, if true, sets the mock server as private. By default, mock servers are public and can receive requests from anyone and anywhere.


You cannot create mocks for collections added to an API definition.

3. Get all mock servers

GET {{baseUrl}}/mocks

Gets all mock servers. By default, this endpoint returns only mock servers you created across all workspaces.


If you pass both the teamId and workspace query parameters, this endpoint only accepts the workspace query.

4. Delete a mock server

DELETE {{baseUrl}}/mocks/{{mockId}}

Deletes a mock server.

5. Unpublish a mock server

DELETE {{baseUrl}}/mocks/{{mockId}}/unpublish

Unpublishes a mock server. Unpublishing a mock server sets its Access Control configuration setting to private.

6. Publish a mock server

POST {{baseUrl}}/mocks/{{mockId}}/publish

Publishes a mock server. Publishing a mock server sets its Access Control configuration setting to public.

7. Update a mock server

PUT {{baseUrl}}/mocks/{{mockId}}

Updates a mock server. Include the mock object in the request body with one or more of the following properties:

  • name — A string value that contains the mock server's name.

  • environment — A string value that contains the environment UID.

  • private — A boolean value that, if true, sets the mock server as private. By default, mock servers are public and can receive requests from anyone and anywhere.

  • versionTag — A string value that contains the API's version tag ID.

  • config — An object that contains the following properties:

    • serverResponseId — A string value that contains the server response ID. This sets the given server response as the default response for each request.