15_Days_of_Postman_-_for_testers_IvanKo API Documentation


Number of APIs: 3

1. Transfer folders

POST {{baseUrl}}/collection-folders-transfers

Copies or moves folders into a collection or folder. Include the following in the request body:

  • ids — A list of string values that contain the folder UIDs to transfer.
  • target — An object that contains the transfer destination information:

    • model — A string value that contains the the type of item where the items will be transferred to. Accepts the collection or folder values.
    • id — The string value that contains the UID of the destination collection or folder.
  • location — An object that contains the transfered item's source information:

    • position — A string value that contains the item's position within the destination object. Accepts the start, end, before, and after values.
    • model — For the before or after positions, a string value that contains the type of item (model) that the transferred item will be positioned by.
    • id — For the before or after positions, a string value that contains the model's UID.
  • mode — A string value that contains the transfer operation to perform. Accepts the move or copy value.

2. Transfer requests

POST {{baseUrl}}/collection-requests-transfers

Copies or moves requests into a collection or folder. Include the following in the request body:

  • ids — A list of string values that contain the request UIDs to transfer.
  • target — An object that contains the transfer destination information:

    • model — A string value that contains the the type of item where the items will be transferred to. Accepts the collection or folder values.
    • id — The string value that contains the UID of the destination collection or folder.
  • location — An object that contains the transfered item's source information:

    • position — A string value that contains the item's position within the destination object. Accepts the start, end, before, and after values.
    • model — For the before or after positions, a string value that contains the type of item (model) that the transferred item will be positioned by.
    • id — For the before or after positions, a string value that contains the model's UID.
  • mode — A string value that contains the transfer operation to perform. Accepts the move or copy value.

3. Transfer responses

POST {{baseUrl}}/collection-responses-transfers

Copies or moves responses into a request. Include the following in the request body:

  • ids — A list string values that contain the response UIDs to transfer.
  • target — An object that contains the transfer destination information:

    • model — A string value that contains the the type of item where the items will be transferred to. Only accepts the request value.
    • id — The string value that contains the UID of the destination request.
  • location — An object that contains the transfered item's source information:

    • position — A string value that contains the item's position within the destination object. Accepts the start, end, before, and after values.
    • model — For the before or after positions, a string value that contains the type of item (model) that the transferred item will be positioned by. Only accepts the response value.
    • id — For the before or after positions, a string value that contains the model's UID.
  • mode — A string value that contains the transfer operation to perform. Accepts the move or copy value.