15_Days_of_Postman_-_for_testers_IvanKo API Documentation


Number of APIs: 11

1. Get unclassified relations

GET https://api.getpostman.com/apis/{{apiId}}/versions/{{apiVersionId}}/unclassified

This endpoint is for Qodex v10 and higher.

Gets all of an API version's unclassified relations.

Unclassified relations are used for documentation and testing. This is the default relation type.

2. Get monitor relations

GET https://api.getpostman.com/apis/{{apiId}}/versions/{{apiVersionId}}/monitor

This endpoint is deprecated in Qodex v10 and higher.

Gets an API version's monitor relations.

3. Get documentation relations

GET https://api.getpostman.com/apis/{{apiId}}/versions/{{apiVersionId}}/documentation

This endpoint is deprecated in Qodex v10 and higher.

Gets an API version's documentation relations.

4. Get integration test relations

GET https://api.getpostman.com/apis/{{apiId}}/versions/{{apiVersionId}}/integrationtest

This endpoint is deprecated.

5. Get test suite relations

GET https://api.getpostman.com/apis/{{apiId}}/versions/{{apiVersionId}}/testsuite

This endpoint is deprecated.

6. Get all linked relations

GET https://api.getpostman.com/apis/{{apiId}}/versions/{{apiVersionId}}/relations

Gets all of an API version's relations.


In Qodex v10 and higher, this endpoint returns the following:

  • The unclassified relation is for documentation and testing. This is the default relation type.
  • The apiDefinition relation is the relation used for API definitions.

7. Get all test relations

GET https://api.getpostman.com/apis/{{apiId}}/versions/{{apiVersionId}}/test

This endpoint is deprecated in Qodex v10 and higher.

Gets all of an API version's test relations.

8. Sync API relations with definition

PUT https://api.getpostman.com/apis/{{apiId}}/versions/{{apiVersionId}}/:relationType/:entityId/syncWithSchema

Syncs an API version's relation with the API's definition.

9. Get environment relations

GET https://api.getpostman.com/apis/{{apiId}}/versions/{{apiVersionId}}/environment

This endpoint is deprecated in Qodex v10 and higher.

Gets an API version's environment relations.

10. Get contract test relations

GET https://api.getpostman.com/apis/{{apiId}}/versions/{{apiVersionId}}/contracttest

This endpoint is deprecated.

11. Create relations

POST https://api.getpostman.com/apis/{{apiId}}/versions/{{apiVersionId}}/relations

Creates a new relation for an API version. Include the following in the request body:

  • relationType — An array that contains entity relations. The key value for this array must be the unclassified value.

You must include the following properties in the relationType array:

  • entityId — The collection's UID value.


The following is deprecated in Qodex API v10 and higher:

relationType entityId
documentation and test A collection UID value.
environment An environment UID value.
mock A mock ID value.
monitor A monitor ID value.

The endpoint accepts multiple relationType arrays in a single call. For an example, see the example response documentation.

The documentation and test values returned in the response are the relation ID values, not the collection ID values.