15_Days_of_Postman_-_for_testers_IvanKo API Documentation


Number of APIs: 6

1. Create a schema

POST {{baseUrl}}/apis/{{apiId}}/schemas

Creates a schema for an API. Include the following in the the request body:

  • type — A string value that contains the API schema's type. One of:
    • openapi:3_1
    • openapi:3
    • openapi:2
    • openapi:1
    • raml:0_8
    • raml:1
    • wsdl:1
    • wsdl:2
    • graphql
    • proto:2
    • proto:3
    • asyncapi:2
  • files — An array of schema files that contains the following:
    • path — A string value that contains the schema file's path.
    • content — A string value that contains the schema file's stringified contents.

2. Create or update a schema file

PUT {{baseUrl}}/apis/{{apiId}}/schemas/{{schemaId}}/files/{{filePath}}

Creates or updates an API schema file. Include the following in the request body:

  • content — A string value that contains the file's contents.


  • If the provided file path exists, the file will be updated with the new contents.
  • If the provided file path does not exist, then a new schema file will be created.
  • If the file path contains a / (forward slash) character, then a folder is created. For example, if the file path is the dir/schema.json value, then a dir folder is created with the schema.json file inside.
  • You can only update the root tag for protobuf specifications.

3. Get a schema

GET {{baseUrl}}/apis/{{apiId}}/schemas/{{schemaId}}

Gets information about API schema. You can use the versionId query parameter to get a schema published in an API version.

You can use this API to do the following:

  • Get a schema's metadata.
  • Get all the files in a schema. This only returns the first file in the schema. The endpoint response contains a link to the next set of response results.
  • Get a schema's contents in multi-file or bundled format.


The versionId query parameter is a required parameter for API viewers.

4. Get schema files

GET {{baseUrl}}/apis/{{apiId}}/schemas/{{schemaId}}/files

Gets the files in an API schema. You can use the versionId query parameter to get schema files published in an API version.


The versionId query parameter is a required parameter for API viewers.

5. Get schema file contents

GET {{baseUrl}}/apis/{{apiId}}/schemas/{{schemaId}}/files/{{filePath}}

Gets an API schema file contents at the defined path. You can use the versionId query parameter to get schema file contents published in an API version.


The versionId query parameter is a required parameter for API viewers.

6. Delete a schema file

DELETE {{baseUrl}}/apis/{{apiId}}/schemas/{{schemaId}}/files/{{filePath}}

Deletes a file in an API schema.