Number of APIs: 2
1. Delete a webinar's branding wallpaper
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/webinars/:webinarId/branding/wallpaper
Use this API to delete a webinar's session branding wallpaper file. Prerequisites:
* The Webinar Session Branding setting enabled. Scopes: Rate Limit Label: webinar:write
2. Upload a webinar's branding wallpaper
POST {{baseUrl}}/webinars/:webinarId/branding/wallpaper
Use this API to upload a webinar's session branding wallpaper file. Webinar branding wallpaper files have the following requirements:
* A webinar can only have one wallpaper file.
* You can only upload image files that are in JPG/JPEG, GIF, or PNG format.
* Image files must be 16:9 ratio. The recommended image size is 1920 x 1080 pixels (px).
* The wallpaper file size cannot exceed 15 megabytes (MB). Prerequisites:
* The Webinar Session Branding setting enabled. Scopes: Rate Limit Label: webinar:write