Zoom Public API Documentation


Number of APIs: 1

1. Get active/inactive host reports

GET {{baseUrl}}/report/users?type=inactive&from=<date>&to=<date>&page_size=30&page_number=1&next_page_token=<string>&group_id=<string>

Retrieve a host report for a specified period of time within the last six months.
The report time range is limited to a month.

You can specify the type of report and date range using the query parameters.

  • The Active Hosts report displays a list of meetings, participants, and meeting minutes. An active host is defined as any user who has hosted at least one meeting during the during the month specified in the from and to range.

  • The Inactive Hosts report pulls a list of users who were not active during a specific period of time.
    An inactive host is defined as any user who has not hosted any meetings during the specified period of time for the report. to be inactive.


  • Pro or higher plan.

Scopes: report:read:admin

Rate Limit Label: HEAVY