Zoom Public API Documentation

Zoom Calendar API

Number of APIs: 33

You can use Zoom Calendar APIs to integrate Zoom Calendar into third-party applications or services, and build private services or public applications on theĀ Zoom App Marketplace.

Zoom Calendar APIs empower developers enables you to build custom scheduling solutions for specific industries, such as healthcare, education, and event management. For example, healthcare providers can use the Zoom Calendar API to integrate medical appointments into patient management systems. Educators can integrate Zoom scheduling features to manage virtual classes, office hours, and tutoring sessions. And event managers can use the Zoom Calendar API to provide virtual event scheduling and management features.

1. calendars-{calId}-acl-watch - Watch for changes to ACL rules

POST {{baseUrl}}/calendars/:calId/acl/watch

Watches for changes to ACL resources.

Scopes: calendar:write,calendar:write:admin

Rate Limit Label: LIGHT

2. calendars-{calId}-acl-{aclId} - Get the specified ACL rule

GET {{baseUrl}}/calendars/:calId/acl/:aclId

Returns an access control list (ACL) rule.

Scopes: calendar:read,calendar:read:admin

Rate Limit Label: LIGHT

3. calendars-{calId}-acl-{aclId} - Delete an existing ACL rule

DELETE {{baseUrl}}/calendars/:calId/acl/:aclId

Deletes an access control list (ACL) rule.

Scopes: calendar:write,calendar:write:admin

Rate Limit Label: HEAVY

4. calendars-{calId}-acl-{aclId} - Update the specified ACL rule

PATCH {{baseUrl}}/calendars/:calId/acl/:aclId

Updates an access control list rule.

Scopes: calendar:write,calendar:write:admin

Rate Limit Label: HEAVY

5. calendars-{calId}-acl - List ACL rules of specified calendar

GET {{baseUrl}}/calendars/:calId/acl?maxResults=<integer>&showDeleted=<boolean>&pageToken=<string>

Returns the rules in the access control list for the calendar.

Scopes: calendar:read,calendar:read:admin

Rate Limit Label: MEDIUM

6. calendars-{calId}-acl - Create a new ACL rule

POST {{baseUrl}}/calendars/:calId/acl

Creates an access control list rule.

Scopes: calendar:write,calendar:write:admin

Rate Limit Label: HEAVY

7. calendars-{calId}-events-import - Import event to the specified calendar

POST {{baseUrl}}/calendars/:calId/events/import

Imports an event. This operation adds a private copy of an existing event to a calendar.

Scopes: calendar:write,calendar:write:admin

Rate Limit Label: HEAVY

8. calendars-{calId}-events-quickAdd - Quick add an event to the specified calendar

POST {{baseUrl}}/calendars/:calId/events/quickAdd?text=<string>&sendUpdates=none

Creates an event based on a simple text string.

Scopes: calendar:write,calendar:write:admin

Rate Limit Label: HEAVY

9. calendars-{calId}-events-watch - Watch for changes to event

POST {{baseUrl}}/calendars/:calId/events/watch

Watches changes to Events resources.

Scopes: calendar:write,calendar:write:admin

Rate Limit Label: LIGHT

10. calendars-{calId}-events-{eventId}-instances - List all instances of the specified recurring event

GET {{baseUrl}}/calendars/:calId/events/:eventId/instances?maxResults=<integer>&showDeleted=<boolean>&pageToken=<string>&timeMax=<string>&timeMin=<string>&timeZone=<string>

Returns instances of the specified recurring event.

Scopes: calendar:read,calendar:read:admin

Rate Limit Label: MEDIUM

11. calendars-{calId}-events-{eventId}-move - Move the specified event from a calendar to another specified calendar

POST {{baseUrl}}/calendars/:calId/events/:eventId/move?destination=<string>&sendUpdates=none

Moves an event to another calendar, such as changing an event's organizer.

Scopes: calendar:write,calendar:write:admin

Rate Limit Label: HEAVY

12. calendars-{calId}-events-{eventId} - Get the specified event on the specified calendar

GET {{baseUrl}}/calendars/:calId/events/:eventId

Returns a Zcalendar event.

Scopes: calendar:read,calendar:read:admin

Rate Limit Label: LIGHT

13. calendars-{calId}-events-{eventId} - Delete an existing event from the specified calendar

DELETE {{baseUrl}}/calendars/:calId/events/:eventId?sendUpdates=none

Deletes an event.

Scopes: calendar:write,calendar:write:admin

Rate Limit Label: HEAVY

14. calendars-{calId}-events-{eventId} - Update the specified event on the specified calendar

PATCH {{baseUrl}}/calendars/:calId/events/:eventId?sendUpdates=none

Updates an event.

Scopes: calendar:write,calendar:write:admin

Rate Limit Label: HEAVY

15. calendars-{calId}-events - List events on the specified calendar

GET {{baseUrl}}/calendars/:calId/events?maxResults=<integer>&orderBy=startTime&showDeleted=<boolean>&singleEvents=<boolean>&pageToken=<string>&timeMax=<string>&timeMin=<string>&timeZone=<string>

Returns events on the specified calendar.

Scopes: calendar:read,calendar:read:admin

Rate Limit Label: MEDIUM

16. calendars-{calId}-events - Insert a new event to the specified calendar

POST {{baseUrl}}/calendars/:calId/events?sendUpdates=none

Creates an event.

Scopes: calendar:write,calendar:write:admin

Rate Limit Label: HEAVY

17. calendars-{calId} - Get the specified calendar

GET {{baseUrl}}/calendars/:calId

Returns metadata for a calendar.

Scopes: calendar:read,calendar:read:admin

Rate Limit Label: LIGHT

18. calendars-{calId} - Delete a calendar owned by a user

DELETE {{baseUrl}}/calendars/:calId

Deletes a calendar

Scopes: calendar:write,calendar:write:admin

Rate Limit Label: LIGHT

19. calendars-{calId} - Update the specified calendar

PATCH {{baseUrl}}/calendars/:calId

Updates metadata for a calendar.

Scopes: calendar:write,calendar:write:admin

Rate Limit Label: HEAVY

20. calendars-users-{userIdentifier}-calendarList-watch - Watch for changes to the user's own calendarList

POST {{baseUrl}}/calendars/users/:userIdentifier/calendarList/watch

Watches for changes to the user's own CalendarList resources.

Scopes: calendar:write,calendar:write:admin

Rate Limit Label: LIGHT

21. calendars-users-{userIdentifier}-calendarList-{calendarId} - Get a specified calendar from the user's own calendarList

GET {{baseUrl}}/calendars/users/:userIdentifier/calendarList/:calendarId

Returns a calendar from the user's calendar list. The user can be me or a given calendar ID.

Scopes: calendar:read,calendar:read:admin

Rate Limit Label: LIGHT

22. calendars-users-{userIdentifier}-calendarList-{calendarId} - Delete an existing calendar from the user's own calendarList

DELETE {{baseUrl}}/calendars/users/:userIdentifier/calendarList/:calendarId

Removes a calendar from the user's calendar list. The user can be me or a given calendar ID.

Scopes: calendar:write,calendar:write:admin

Rate Limit Label: LIGHT

23. calendars-users-{userIdentifier}-calendarList-{calendarId} - Update an existing calendar in the user's own calendarList

PATCH {{baseUrl}}/calendars/users/:userIdentifier/calendarList/:calendarId?colorRgbFormat=<boolean>

Updates an existing calendar on the user's calendar list.

Scopes: calendar:write,calendar:write:admin

Rate Limit Label: LIGHT

24. calendars-users-{userIdentifier}-calendarList - List the calendars in the user's own calendarList

GET {{baseUrl}}/calendars/users/:userIdentifier/calendarList?maxResults=<integer>&minAccessRole=writer&pageToken=<string>&showDeleted=<boolean>&showHidden=<boolean>

Returns the calendars in the user's calendar list.

Scopes: calendar:read,calendar:read:admin

Rate Limit Label: HEAVY

25. calendars-users-{userIdentifier}-calendarList - Insert an existing calendar to the user's own calendarList

POST {{baseUrl}}/calendars/users/:userIdentifier/calendarList?colorRgbFormat=<boolean>

Inserts an existing calendar into the user's calendar list. The user can be me or a given calendar ID.

Scopes: calendar:write,calendar:write:admin

Rate Limit Label: LIGHT

26. calendars-users-{userIdentifier}-settings-watch - Watch for changes to settings

POST {{baseUrl}}/calendars/users/:userIdentifier/settings/watch

Watches for changes to the setting's resources.

Scopes: calendar:write,calendar:write:admin

Rate Limit Label: LIGHT

27. calendars-users-{userIdentifier}-settings-{settingId} - Get the specified user calendar settings of the authenticated user

GET {{baseUrl}}/calendars/users/:userIdentifier/settings/:settingId

Returns a single setting.

Scopes: calendar:read,calendar:read:admin

Rate Limit Label: LIGHT

28. calendars-users-{userIdentifier}-settings-{settingId} - Patch the specified user calendar settings of the authenticated user

PATCH {{baseUrl}}/calendars/users/:userIdentifier/settings/:settingId

Patches a single setting.

Scopes: calendar:write,calendar:write:admin

Rate Limit Label: LIGHT

29. calendars-users-{userIdentifier}-settings - List all user calendar settings of the authenticated user

GET {{baseUrl}}/calendars/users/:userIdentifier/settings?maxResults=<integer>&pageToken=<string>

Returns all user settings for the authenticated user.

Scopes: calendar:read,calendar:read:admin

Rate Limit Label: MEDIUM

30. calendars-channels-stop - Stop watching resources through this channel

POST {{baseUrl}}/calendars/channels/stop

Stops the watching of resources through this channel.

Scopes: calendar:write,calendar:write:admin

Rate Limit Label: LIGHT

31. calendars-colors - Get the color definitions for calendars and events

GET {{baseUrl}}/calendars/colors

Returns the color definitions for calendars and events.

Scopes: calendar:read,calendar:read:admin

Rate Limit Label: LIGHT

32. calendars-freeBusy - Query freebusy information for a set of calendars

POST {{baseUrl}}/calendars/freeBusy

Returns free or busy information for a set of calendars.

Scopes: calendar:write,calendar:write:admin

Rate Limit Label: MEDIUM

33. calendars - Create a new secondary calendar

POST {{baseUrl}}/calendars

Creates a secondary calendar.

Scopes: calendar:write,calendar:write:admin

Rate Limit Label: HEAVY