Number of APIs: 40
The Zoom Team Chat API allows developers to access information from Zoom. You can use this API to build private services or public applications on the Zoom App Marketplace. To learn how to get your credentials and create private/public applications, read our OAuth documentation. All endpoints are available via Contact Support:
Name: Zoom Developershttps
and are located at
1. report-chat-sessions-{sessionId} - Get chat messages reports
GET {{baseUrl}}/report/chat/sessions/:sessionId?from=<date>&to=<date>&next_page_token=<string>&page_size=30&include_fields=edited_messages,deleted_messages&include_bot_message=false
Gets Zoom Chat message reports for a specified period of time. The monthly date range must be within the last six months.
Scopes: report_chat:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher plan * Report chat permissions
2. report-chat-sessions - Get chat sessions reports
GET {{baseUrl}}/report/chat/sessions?from=<date>&to=<date>&page_size=30&next_page_token=<string>
Gets Zoom Chat session reports for a specified period of time. The monthly date range must be within the last six months.
Scopes: report_chat:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher plan * Report chat permissions.
3. im-users-{userId}-chat-messages - Get user's IM messages
GET {{baseUrl}}/im/users/:userId/chat/messages?chat_user=<email>&channel=<string>&date=<date>&page_size=30&next_page_token=<string>
Gets IM Chat messages for a specified period of time. This API only supports Oauth2.
Scopes: imchat:read
Rate Limit Label: Medium
Deprecated: By end of 2021, Zoom is deprecating this API in favor of a consolidated set of APIs. The API will still be available for you to use, though Zoom will no longer provide support for it. For further information, see Announcements: IM APIs Deprecation.
4. im-users-me-chat-messages - Send IM messages
POST {{baseUrl}}/im/users/me/chat/messages?chat_user=<email>
Sends chat message to a user.
Scope: imchat:write
Rate Limit Label: Medium
5. im-chat-sessions-{sessionId} - Get IM chat messages
GET {{baseUrl}}/im/chat/sessions/:sessionId?from=<date>&to=<date>&page_size=30&next_page_token=<string>
Retrieves IM chat messages for a specified period of time. This API only supports oauth2.
Scopes: imchat:read
Rate Limit Label: Medium
Deprecated: By end of 2021, Zoom is deprecating this API in favor of a consolidated set of APIs. The API will still be available for you to use, though Zoom will no longer provide support for it. For further information, see Announcements: IM APIs Deprecation.
6. im-chat-sessions - Get IM chat sessions
GET {{baseUrl}}/im/chat/sessions?from=<date>&to=<date>&page_size=30&next_page_token=<string>
Retrieves IM Chat sessions for a specified period of time. This API only supports Oauth2.
Scopes: imchat:read, imchat:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Heavy
Deprecated: By end of 2021, Zoom is deprecating this API in favor of a consolidated set of APIs. The API will still be available for you to use, though Zoom will no longer provide support for it. For further information, see Announcements: IM APIs Deprecation.
7. contacts - Search company contacts
GET {{baseUrl}}/contacts?search_key=<string>&query_presence_status=<boolean>&page_size=1&contact_types=1&user_status=inactive&next_page_token=<string>
A user under an organization's Zoom account has internal users listed under Company Contacts in the Zoom Client. Use this API to search users that are in the company contacts of a Zoom account. Using the search_key
query parameter, provide either first name, last name or the email address of the user that you would like to search for. Optionally, set query_presence_status
to true
in order to include the presence status of a contact.
Scopes: contact:read:admin
, contact:read
Rate Limit Label: Medium
8. chat-users-{userId}-sessions - List a user's chat sessions
GET {{baseUrl}}/chat/users/:userId/sessions?type=1:1&page_size=10&next_page_token=<string>
Retrieves a user's chat sessions. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Note: For an account-level OAuth app, this API can only be used on behalf of a user who is assigned a role that has the View or Edit permission for Chat Messages.
Scopes: chat_message:read
, chat_message:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
9. chat-users-{userId}-messages-{messageId}-status - Mark message read or unread
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/chat/users/:userId/messages/:messageId/status
Marks a chat message as read or unread. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
For an account-level OAuth app, this API can only be used on behalf of a user assigned to a role with the **Edit**
permission for Chat Messages.
Scopes: chat_message:write
, chat_message:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
10. chat-users-{userId}-messages-{messageId}-emoji_reactions - React to a chat message
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/chat/users/:userId/messages/:messageId/emoji_reactions
Adds or removes an emoji to a chat message.
For an account-level OAuth app, this API can only be used on behalf of a user who is assigned with a role that has the Edit permission for Chat Messages.
Scopes: chat_message:write
, chat_message:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
11. chat-users-{userId}-messages-{messageId} - Delete a message
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/chat/users/:userId/messages/:messageId?to_contact=<email>&to_channel=<string>
Deletes a chat message previously sent to a contact or a channel. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
For an account-level OAuth app, this API can only be used on behalf of a user who is assigned with a role that has the Edit permission for Chat Messages.
Scopes: chat_message:write
, chat_message:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
12. chat-users-{userId}-messages-{messageId} - Get a message
GET {{baseUrl}}/chat/users/:userId/messages/:messageId?to_contact=<email>&to_channel=<string>&download_file_formats=audio/mp4
Gets a chat message previously sent to a contact or a channel. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
You must provide one of the following query parameters:
* to_contact
— The email address of the Zoom contact to whom you sent the message.
* to_channel
— The ID of the Zoom channel where you sent the message.
Scopes: chat_message:read
, chat_message:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
Note: For an account-level OAuth app, you can only use this API for a user assigned the Edit permission for the Chat message role setting.
13. chat-users-{userId}-messages-{messageId} - Update a message
PUT {{baseUrl}}/chat/users/:userId/messages/:messageId
Edits a chat message that you previously sent to either a contact or a channel in Zoom by providing the ID of the message as the value of the messageId
parameter. You can get the ID from the List User's Chat Messages API. Additionally, as a query parameter, you must provide either the contact's email address of the contact or the Channel ID of the channel where the message was sent.
For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Note: For an account-level OAuth app, this API can only be used on behalf of a user who is assigned with a role that has the Edit permission for Chat Messages.
Scope: chat_message:write
Rate Limit Label: Medium
14. chat-users-{userId}-messages-files - Send a chat file
POST {{baseUrl}}/chat/users/:userId/messages/files
Sends a file on Zoom to either an individual user in your contact list or a channel of which you are a member.
* The base URL for this API is
* The rate limit of this API is 20 requests per second per API or 2000 requests per second per IP address.
* The caller must support HTTP 30x redirects.
* All files are sent as common files except png
and gif
* Zoom Cloud Storage will store the files sent through this API. If you do not use Zoom Cloud Storage, Zoom Cloud will temporarily store these files for 7 days.
* The caller must retain the authorization header when redirected to a different hostname.
For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
For an account-level OAuth app, this API can only be used on behalf of a user who is assigned with a role that has the Edit permission for Chat Messages.
Scopes: chat_message:write
, chat_message:write:admin
15. chat-users-{userId}-messages - List user's chat messages
GET {{baseUrl}}/chat/users/:userId/messages?to_contact=<email>&to_channel=<string>&date=<date>&from=<dateTime>&to=<dateTime>&page_size=10&next_page_token=<string>&include_deleted_and_edited_message=<boolean>&search_type=file&search_key=<string>&exclude_child_message=false&download_file_formats=audio/mp4
Searches chat messages or shared files between a user and an individual contact or a chat channel. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Note: For an account-level OAuth app, this API can only be used on behalf of a user who is assigned with a role that has the View or Edit permission for Chat Messages.
Scopes: chat_message:read
, chat_message:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
16. chat-users-{userId}-messages - Send a chat message
POST {{baseUrl}}/chat/users/:userId/messages
Sends chat messages on Zoom to either an individual user who is in your contact list or to a channel of which you are a member. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
To send a message to a contact, provide the contact's email address in the to_contact
field. To send a message to a channel, provide the channel's ID in to_channel
Scopes: chat_message:write
, chat_message:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
Note: For an account-level OAuth app, this API can only be used on behalf of a user who is assigned with a role that has the Edit permission for Chat Messages.
17. chat-users-{userId}-files - Upload a chat file
POST {{baseUrl}}/chat/users/:userId/files
Uploads a file to chat.
* The base URL for this API's is
* The rate limit of this API is 20 requests per second per API or 2000 requests per second per IP address.
* The caller must support HTTP 30x redirects.
* All files are sent as common files except png
and gif
* Zoom Cloud Storage will store the files sent through this API. If you do not use Zoom Cloud Storage, Zoom Cloud will temporarily store these files for 7 days.
* The caller must retain the authorization header when redirected to a different hostname.
For an account-level OAuth app, this API can only be used on behalf of a user who is assigned with a role that has the Edit permission for Chat Messages.
Scopes: chat_message:write
, chat_message:write:admin
18. chat-users-{userId}-channels-{channelId}-members-{identifier} - Remove a member
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/chat/users/:userId/channels/:channelId/members/:identifier
Removes a member from a chat channel. A channel can have one or many members. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Scopes: chat_channel:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
Note: For an account-level OAuth app, this API can only be used on behalf of a user who is assigned with a role that has Edit permission for Chat Channels.
19. chat-users-{userId}-channels-{channelId}-members - List channel members
GET {{baseUrl}}/chat/users/:userId/channels/:channelId/members?page_size=30&next_page_token=<string>
Lists all members of a channel. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Scopes: chat_channel:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
Note: For an account-level OAuth app, this API can only be used on behalf of a user who is assigned with a role that has the View or Edit permission for Chat Channels.
20. chat-users-{userId}-channels-{channelId}-members - Invite channel members
POST {{baseUrl}}/chat/users/:userId/channels/:channelId/members
Invites members that are in a user's contact list to a channel. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Scopes: chat_channel:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
Note: For an account-level OAuth app, this API can only be used on behalf of a user who is assigned with a role that has the Edit permission for Chat Channels.
21. chat-users-{userId}-channels-{channelId}-admins - List channel administrators
GET {{baseUrl}}/chat/users/:userId/channels/:channelId/admins?page_size=10&next_page_token=<string>
Lists all administrators of a channel. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Scopes: chat_channel:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
Note: For an account-level OAuth app, this API can only be used on behalf of a user who is assigned with a role that has the View or Edit permission for Chat Channels.
22. chat-users-{userId}-channels-{channelId}-admins - Promote channel members to administrators
POST {{baseUrl}}/chat/users/:userId/channels/:channelId/admins
Promotes members to administrator role in a channel. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Scopes: chat_channel:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
Note: For an account-level OAuth app, this API can only be used on behalf of a user who is assigned with a role that has the Edit permission for Chat Channels.
23. chat-users-{userId}-channels-{channelId}-admins - Batch demote channel administrators
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/chat/users/:userId/channels/:channelId/admins?admin_ids=<string>&user_ids=<string>
Demotes administrators in a channel in batch. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Scopes: chat_channel:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
Note: For an account-level OAuth app, this API can only be used on behalf of a user who is assigned with a role that has the Edit permission for Chat Channels.
24. chat-users-{userId}-channels-{channelId} - Delete a channel
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/chat/users/:userId/channels/:channelId
Deletes a specific channel. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Zoom chat channels allow users to communicate via chat in private or public groups.
Scopes: chat_channel:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
Note: This API only supports a user-managed OAuth app.
25. chat-users-{userId}-channels-{channelId} - Get a channel
GET {{baseUrl}}/chat/users/:userId/channels/:channelId
Gets information about a specific channel. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Zoom chat channels allow users to communicate via chat in private or public groups.
Scopes: chat_channel:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
Note: For an account-level OAuth app, this API can only be used on behalf of a user who is assigned with a role that has the View or Edit permission for Chat Channels.
26. chat-users-{userId}-channels-{channelId} - Update a channel
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/chat/users/:userId/channels/:channelId
Updates the name and settings of a specific channel owned or administrated by a user. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Zoom chat channels allow users to communicate via chat in private or public channels.
Scopes: chat_channel:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
Note: For an account-level OAuth app, this API can only be used on behalf of a user who is assigned with a role that has the Edit permission for Chat Channel.
27. chat-users-{userId}-channels - List user's channels
GET {{baseUrl}}/chat/users/:userId/channels?page_size=10&next_page_token=<string>
Lists a user's chat channels. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Zoom chat channels allow users to communicate via chat in private or public groups.
Scopes: chat_channel:read
or chat_channel:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
Note: This API supports both user-managed apps and account-level apps. However, in an account-level OAuth app, to list channels of another user in the same Zoom account, the user calling this API must have a role that has the View or Edit permission for the Chat channels feature.
28. chat-users-{userId}-channels - Create a channel
POST {{baseUrl}}/chat/users/:userId/channels
Creates a channel for a user. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Zoom chat channels allow users to communicate via chat in private or public groups.
Scopes: chat_channel:write
or chat_channel:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
Note: This API supports both user-managed apps and account-level apps. However, in an account-level OAuth app, to create a channel on behalf of another user in the same Zoom account, the user calling this API must have a role that has the Edit permission for the Chat channels feature.
29. chat-users-me-contacts-{identifier} - Get user's contact details
GET {{baseUrl}}/chat/users/me/contacts/:identifier?query_presence_status=<boolean>
A user under an organization's Zoom account has internal users listed under Company Contacts in the Zoom Client. A Zoom user can also add another Zoom user as a contact. Call this API to get information on a specific contact of the Zoom user.
Note: This API only supports user-managed OAuth app.
Scope: chat_contact:read
Rate Limit Label: Medium
30. chat-users-me-contacts - List user's contacts
GET {{baseUrl}}/chat/users/me/contacts?type=company&page_size=10&next_page_token=<string>
A user under an organization's Zoom account has internal users listed under Company Contacts in the Zoom Client. A Zoom user can also add another Zoom user as a contact. Call this API to list all the contacts of a Zoom user. Zoom contacts are categorized into company contacts
and external contacts
. You must specify the contact type in the type
query parameter. If you do not specify, by default, the type will be set as company contact.
Note: This API only supports user-managed OAuth app.
Scope: chat_contact:read
Rate Limit Label: Medium
31. chat-channels-{channelId}-members-{identifier} - Remove a member
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/chat/channels/:channelId/members/:identifier
Removes a member from a chat channel. A channel can have one or many members.
Scopes: chat_channel:write
Rate Limit Label: Medium
Note: This API only supports user-managed OAuth apps.
32. chat-channels-{channelId}-members-me - Leave a channel
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/chat/channels/:channelId/members/me
Leaves a specific channel. After leaving the channel, you can no longer access information from that channel.If you're no longer interested in being a member of an existing channel, you can leave the channel at any time.
Note: This API only supports user-managed OAuth app.
Scope: chat_channel:write
Rate Limit Label: Medium
33. chat-channels-{channelId}-members-me - Join a channel
POST {{baseUrl}}/chat/channels/:channelId/members/me
Joins a channel that is open for anyone in the same organization to join. A channel can have one or more members. You cannot use this API to join private channels that only allow invited members to be a part of them.
Note: This API only supports user-managed OAuth apps.
Scope: chat_channel:write
Rate Limit Label: Medium
34. chat-channels-{channelId}-members - Batch remove members from a channel
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/chat/channels/:channelId/members?member_ids=<string>&user_ids=<string>
Batch removes multiple members from a chat channel. A channel can have one or many members.
Scopes: chat_channel:write
Rate Limit Label: Medium
Note: This API only supports user-managed OAuth apps.
35. chat-channels-{channelId}-members - List channel members
GET {{baseUrl}}/chat/channels/:channelId/members?next_page_token=<string>&page_size=30
Lists all members of a channel.
Scopes: chat_channel:read
Rate Limit Label: Medium
36. chat-channels-{channelId}-members - Invite channel members
POST {{baseUrl}}/chat/channels/:channelId/members
Invites members that are in a user's contact list to a channel. A channel can have one or multiple members. The maximum number of members that can be added at once with this API is 5.
Scope: chat_channel:write
Note: This API only supports user-managed OAuth app
Rate Limit Label: Medium
37. chat-channels-{channelId} - Delete a channel
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/chat/channels/:channelId
Deletes a specific channel. Zoom chat channels allow users to communicate via chat in private or public groups.
Scope: chat_channel:write
Rate Limit Label: Medium
Note: This API only supports user-managed OAuth app.
38. chat-channels-{channelId} - Get a channel
GET {{baseUrl}}/chat/channels/:channelId
Gets information about a specific channel. Zoom chat channels allow users to communicate via chat in private or public groups.
Scope: chat_channel:read
Rate Limit Label: Medium
Note: This API supports only user-managed OAuth apps. If you use an Account-Level OAuth Access token, you can only retrieve the channel information for the authorized user. You can't retrieve the channel information of other account users. Use the Get a channel API to retrieve the channel information of other account users.
39. chat-channels-{channelId} - Update a channel
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/chat/channels/:channelId
Updates the name and settings of a specific channel owned or administrated by you. Zoom chat channels allow users to communicate via chat in private or public channels.
Scope: chat_channel:write
Rate Limit Label: Medium
Note: This API only supports user-managed OAuth app.
40. chat-channels - List account's public channels
GET {{baseUrl}}/chat/channels?page_size=10&next_page_token=<string>
Lists public chat channels created by an account's users.
Note: This API only supports account-level apps. The user calling this API must have a role that has the View or Edit permission for the Chat Channels feature.
Scopes: chat_channel:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium