Number of APIs: 536
You can access information from Zoom with Zoom Phone APIs to build private services or public applications on theĀ Zoom App Marketplace. To learn how to get your credentials and create private or public applications, see Zoom APIs useĀ OAuth 2.0 authorization. All endpoints are available via For instance, you can list all users on an account via Note: You will get https
and are located at
response Zoom Phone has not been enabled for this account
if the phone account is not set up.
1. phone-account_settings - List an account's zoom phone settings
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/account_settings?setting_types=<string>
Returns an account's Zoom phone settings.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_account_settings:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/outbound_caller_id/customized_numbers?selected=<boolean>&site_id=<string>&extension_type=sharedLineGroup&keyword=<string>&page_size=30&next_page_token=<string>
Retrieves phone numbers that can be used as the account-level
customized outbound caller ID. Note that when multiple sites policy is enabled, users cannot manage the account-level
configuration. The system will throw an exception.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license.
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_customized_number:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/outbound_caller_id/customized_numbers
Adds the account-level
customized outbound caller ID phone numbers. Note that when multiple sites policy is enabled, users cannot manage the account-level
configuration. The system will throw an exception.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:customized_number:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/outbound_caller_id/customized_numbers?customize_ids=<string>&customize_ids=<string>
Deletes the account-level
customized outbound caller ID phone numbers. Note that when multiple sites policy is enabled, users cannot manage the account-level
configuration. The system will throw an exception.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:customized_number:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
5. phone-alert_settings-{alertSettingId} - Get Alert setting details
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/alert_settings/:alertSettingId
Gets detailed information about a specific Alert setting.
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:alert_setting:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
6. phone-alert_settings-{alertSettingId} - Delete an alert setting
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/alert_settings/:alertSettingId
Deletes an alert setting.
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:alert_setting:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
7. phone-alert_settings-{alertSettingId} - Update an alert setting
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/alert_settings/:alertSettingId
Updates information of an Alert setting.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:patch:alert_setting:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
8. phone-alert_settings - List alert settings with paging query
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/alert_settings?page_size=30&next_page_token=<string>&module=2&rule=2&status=1
Gets alert settings for an account with paging query.
Prerequisites * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_alert_settings:admin
Rate Limit Label: MEDIUM
9. phone-alert_settings - Add an alert setting
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/alert_settings
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:alert_setting:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
10. phone-audios-{audioId} - Get an audio item
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/audios/:audioId
Returns an audio item. Only the admin or user can access your audio.
Prerequisites: * Business or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read
Granular Scopes: phone:read:audio
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
11. phone-audios-{audioId} - Delete an audio item
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/audios/:audioId
Deletes an audio item. Only the admin or user can delete your audio.
Prerequisites: * Business, or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:audio
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
12. phone-audios-{audioId} - Update an audio item
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/audios/:audioId
Updates an audio item. Only the admin or user can update your audio.
Prerequisites: * Business or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write
Granular Scopes: phone:update:audio
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
13. phone-users-{userId}-audios-batch - Add audio items
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/audios/batch
Adds the audio items. You can only upload voice files at this time. Only the admin or user can add your audio and directly pass the me
value instead of the userId
Prerequisites: * Business or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Size and quantity limits for audio attachments: * Up to 5 attachments * Each file size should be no more than 1MB
Scopes: phone:write
Granular Scopes: phone:write:batch_audios
Rate Limit Label: HEAVY
14. phone-users-{userId}-audios - List audio items
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/audios
Returns personal audios. Only the admin or user can query your audios and directly pass the me
value instead of the userId
Prerequisites: * Business or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_audios
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
15. phone-users-{userId}-audios - Add an audio item for text-to-speech conversion
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/audios
Adds an audio item for text-to-speech conversion. Only the admin or user can add your audio and directly pass the me
value instead of the userId
Prerequisites: * Business or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write
Granular Scopes: phone:write:audio
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
16. phone-users-{userId}-call_logs-sync - Sync user's call logs
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/call_logs/sync?sync_type=BSync&count=<integer>&sync_token=<string>
Syncs a user's Zoom phone call logs. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_call_logs
Rate Limit Label: Medium
17. phone-users-{userId}-call_logs-{callLogId} - Delete a user's call log
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/call_logs/:callLogId
Deletes a user's call log. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Prerequisites: * User must belong to a Business or Enterprise account * User must have a Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:call_log
Rate Limit Label: Light
18. phone-users-{userId}-call_logs-{id}-voice_mail - Get user voicemail details from a call log
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/call_logs/:id/voice_mail
Use this API to return detailed information on a voicemail associated with a call log ID. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Prerequisites: * User must belong to a Business or Enterprise account * User must have a Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read
Granular Scopes: phone:read:voicemail
Rate Limit Label: Light
19. phone-users-{userId}-call_logs - Get user's call logs
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/call_logs?page_size=30&from=<date>&to=<date>&type=all&next_page_token=<string>&phone_number=<string>&time_type=startTime
Gets a user's Zoom phone call logs. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_call_logs
Rate Limit Label: Heavy
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/outbound_calling/countries_regions?next_page_token=<string>&page_size=30
Returns the user level outbound calling countries and regions.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:user_outbound_calling_rule:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/outbound_calling/countries_regions
Updates the user level outbound calling policy country or region.
Prerequisite: * Account must have a Pro or a higher plan with a Zoom Phone license.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:update:user_outbound_calling_rule:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/outbound_calling/exception_rules/:exceptionRuleId
Deletes the user level outbound calling exception rule.
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:user_outbound_calling_rule:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/outbound_calling/exception_rules/:exceptionRuleId
Updates the user level outbound calling policy for the country region exception rule.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:update:user_outbound_calling_rule:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/outbound_calling/exception_rules?country=<string>&keyword=<string>&match_type=prefix&status=inactive&next_page_token=<string>&page_size=30
Lists the user level outbound calling policy exception rules.
Prerequisite: * Pro or higher account plan with Zoom phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:user_outbound_calling_rule:admin
Rate Limit Label: MEDIUM
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/outbound_calling/exception_rules
Adds an user level outbound calling policy exception rule for the country region.
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:user_outbound_calling_rule:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
26. phone-users-{userId}-phone_numbers-{phoneNumberId} - Unassign a phone number
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/phone_numbers/:phoneNumberId
Unassigns Zoom Phone user's phone number.
After assigning a phone number, you can remove it if you do not want it to be assigned to anyone.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license * The user must have been previously assigned a Zoom Phone number
Scopes: phone:write
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:user_number
Rate Limit Label: Light
27. phone-users-{userId}-phone_numbers - Assign a phone number to a user
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/phone_numbers
Assigns a phone number to a user who has already enabled Zoom Phone.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write
Granular Scopes: phone:write:user_number
Rate Limit Label: Light
28. phone-users-{userId}-recordings - Get user's recordings
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/recordings?page_size=30&next_page_token=<string>&from=<date>&to=<date>
Gets a user's Zoom Phone recordings. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone_recording:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_recordings
Rate Limit Label: Medium
29. phone-users-{userId}-sms-sessions-sync - List user's SMS sessions in descending order
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/sms/sessions/sync?sync_type=FSync&sync_token=<string>&count=<integer>&session_type=user
Retrieves the user's SMS sessions in descending order. Mirrors the ZP client behavior with the most recent on top.
Prerequisites: * Paid account * User-enabled Zoom phone
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:sms_session
Rate Limit Label: Medium
30. phone-users-{userId}-sms-sessions - Get user's SMS sessions
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/sms/sessions?page_size=30&next_page_token=<string>&session_type=user&from=<date>&to=<date>&phone_number=<string>&filter_type=last_message_time
Returns details about SMS sessions for a user.
For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Prerequisites: * Paid account * User-enabled Zoom phone
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_sms_sessions
Rate Limit Label: HEAVY
31. phone-users-{userId}-calling_plans-{planType} - Unassign user's calling plan
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/calling_plans/:planType?billing_account_id=<string>
Unassigns a a Zoom Phone user's calling plan. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:users_calling_plan
Rate Limit Label: Light
32. phone-users-{userId}-calling_plans - Update user's calling plan
PUT {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/calling_plans
Switches calling plans of a Zoom Phone user. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:update:calling_plan
Rate Limit Label: Light
33. phone-users-{userId}-calling_plans - Assign calling plan to a user
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/calling_plans
Assigns a calling plan to a Zoom Phone user. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:calling_plan
Rate Limit Label: Light
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/outbound_caller_id/customized_numbers?selected=<boolean>&site_id=<string>&extension_type=sharedLineGroup&keyword=<string>&page_size=30&next_page_token=<string>
Retrieves phone numbers that can be the user-level
customized outbound caller ID.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license.
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_user_customized_number
Rate Limit Label: Light
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/outbound_caller_id/customized_numbers
Adds users' customized outbound caller ID phone numbers.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:user_customized_number
Rate Limit Label: Light
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/outbound_caller_id/customized_numbers?customize_ids=<string>&customize_ids=<string>
Removes the users' customized outbound caller ID phone numbers.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:user_customized_number
Rate Limit Label: Light
37. phone-users-{userId}-settings-{settingType} - Add a user's shared access setting
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/settings/:settingType
Adds the user setting according to the setting type, specifically for delegation, intercom and shared access for voicemail, and call recordings. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
To see the shared access settings in the Zoom web portal, go to Admin > Phone System Management > Users & Rooms . Click Users and select User Policy. Go to Voicemail, Automatic Call Recording and Ad Hoc Call Recording.
To view the delegation and intercom setting in your Zoom web portal, navigate to Admin > Phone System Management > Users & Rooms. Click the Users tab and select User Settings
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:shared_setting
Rate Limit Label: Light
38. phone-users-{userId}-settings-{settingType} - Delete a user's shared access setting
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/settings/:settingType?shared_id=<string>&assistant_extension_id=<string>&device_id=<string>&intercom_extension_id=<string>
Removes the user setting according to the setting type, specifically for delegation, intercom and shared access for voicemail and call recordings. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
To see the shared access settings in the Zoom web portal, go to Admin > Phone System Management > Users & Rooms . Click Users and select User Policy. Go to Voicemail, Automatic Call Recording and Ad Hoc Call Recording.
To view the delegation and intercom setting in your Zoom web portal, navigate to Admin > Phone System Management > Users & Rooms. Click the Users tab and select User Settings
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:shared_setting
Rate Limit Label: Light
39. phone-users-{userId}-settings-{settingType} - Update a user's shared access setting
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/settings/:settingType
Updates the user setting according to the setting type, specifically for delegation, intercom and shared access for voicemail and call recordings. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
To see the shared access settings in the Zoom web portal, go to Admin > Phone System Management > Users & Rooms . Click Users and select User Policy. Go to Voicemail, Automatic Call Recording and Ad Hoc Call Recording.
To view the delegation and intercom setting in your Zoom web portal, navigate to Admin > Phone System Management > Users & Rooms. Click the Users tab and select User Settings
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:update:shared_setting
Rate Limit Label: Light
40. phone-users-{userId}-settings - Get a user's profile settings
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/settings
Gets the Zoom Phone profile settings of a user. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:user_setting:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
41. phone-users-{userId}-settings - Update a user's profile settings
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/settings
Updates the Zoom Phone profile settings of a user. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write
Granular Scopes: phone:update:user_setting
Rate Limit Label: Light
42. phone-users-{userId}-voice_mails-sync - List user's voicemails in descending order
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/voice_mails/sync?sync_type=FSync&sync_token=<string>&count=<integer>
Use this API to retrieve a user's Zoom Phone voicemails in descending order. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_voicemails
Rate Limit Label: Medium
43. phone-users-{userId}-voice_mails - Get user's voicemails
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/voice_mails?page_size=30&status=all&next_page_token=<string>&from=<date>&to=<date>
Use this API to get a user's Zoom Phone voicemails. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_voicemails
Rate Limit Label: Medium
44. phone-users-{userId} - Get a user's profile
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId
Returns a user's Zoom phone profile. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:user
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
45. phone-users-{userId} - Update a user's profile
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId
Updates a user's Zoom Phone profile. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
To add, update or remove the shared access members for voicemail and call recordings, use the Add/Update/Delete a user's shared access setting API.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write
Granular Scopes: phone:update:user
Rate Limit Label: Light
46. phone-users-batch - Update multiple users' properties in batch
PUT {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/batch
Updates multiple users' properties in batch. For example, you can update the users' site when batchType
is equal to move_site
. You can update 10 users at a time.
Prerequisites: * Business, or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:update:batch_users:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
47. phone-users-batch - Batch add users
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/batch
Adds phone users in batch. You can add up to 10 users at a time.
Prerequisites: * The users must be active in your Zoom account. * Pro or higher account plan with Zoom phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:batch_users:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
48. phone-users - List phone users
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/users?page_size=30&next_page_token=<string>&site_id=<string>&calling_type=<integer>&status=pending&department=<string>&cost_center=<string>&keyword=<string>
Returns a list of all of an account's users who are assigned a Zoom Phone license.
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account plan * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_users:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
49. phone-users - List phone users
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/users?page_size=30&next_page_token=BJLYC6PABbAHdjwSkGVQeeR6B1juwHqj3G2&site_id=8f71O6rWT8KFUGQmJIFAdQ
Use this API to return a list of all of an account's users who are assigned a Zoom Phone license.
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account plan * A Zoom Phone license
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/auto_receptionists/:autoReceptionistId/phone_numbers/:phoneNumberId
Unassign a specific phone number that was previously assigned to an auto receptionist.
Prerequisites: * Pro or higher account plan with Zoom Phone License * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:auto_receptionist_number:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
51. phone-auto_receptionists-{autoReceptionistId}-phone_numbers - Assign phone numbers
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/auto_receptionists/:autoReceptionistId/phone_numbers
Assign available phone numbers to an auto receptionist. The available numbers can be retrieved using the List Phone Numbers API with type
query parameter set to "unassigned".
Prerequisites: * Pro or higher account plan with Zoom Phone License * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:auto_receptionist_number:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
52. phone-auto_receptionists-{autoReceptionistId}-phone_numbers - Unassign all phone numbers
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/auto_receptionists/:autoReceptionistId/phone_numbers
Unassign all phone numbers that were previously assigned to an auto receptionist.
Prerequisites: * Pro or higher account plan with Zoom Phone License * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:auto_receptionist_number:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
53. phone-auto_receptionists-{autoReceptionistId}-policies-{policyType} - Add a policy setting
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/auto_receptionists/:autoReceptionistId/policies/:policyType
Use this API to add a policy sub-setting according to the policy type for a specific auto receptionist. For example, you can set up shared access members.
Prerequisites: * Pro or higher account plan with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:auto_receptionist_policy:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
54. phone-auto_receptionists-{autoReceptionistId}-policies-{policyType} - Delete a policy setting
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/auto_receptionists/:autoReceptionistId/policies/:policyType?shared_ids=<string>&shared_ids=<string>
Use this API to remove the policy sub-setting of a auto receptionist. For example, you can remove shared access members.
Prerequisites: * Pro or higher account plan with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:auto_receptionist_policy:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
55. phone-auto_receptionists-{autoReceptionistId}-policies-{policyType} - Update a policy setting
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/auto_receptionists/:autoReceptionistId/policies/:policyType
Use this API to update the policy sub-setting of a specific auto receptionist according to the policy type. For example, you can update shared access members.
Prerequisites: * Pro or higher account plan with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:update:auto_receptionist_policy:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
56. phone-auto_receptionists-{autoReceptionistId}-policies - Get an auto receptionist policy
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/auto_receptionists/:autoReceptionistId/policies
Use this API to get the policy setting of a specific auto receptionist.
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license. * Account owner or admin permissions.
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:auto_receptionist_policy:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
57. phone-auto_receptionists-{autoReceptionistId}-policies - Update an auto receptionist policy
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/auto_receptionists/:autoReceptionistId/policies
Use this API to update the policy setting of a specific auto receptionist.
Prerequisites: * Pro or higher account plan with Zoom Phone License * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:update:auto_receptionist_policy:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
58. phone-auto_receptionists-{autoReceptionistId}-ivr - Get auto receptionist IVR
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/auto_receptionists/:autoReceptionistId/ivr?hours_type=business_hours&holiday_id=<string>
Gets an interactive voice response (IVR) system of the specified auto receptionist.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:auto_receptionist_ivr:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
59. phone-auto_receptionists-{autoReceptionistId}-ivr - Update auto receptionist IVR
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/auto_receptionists/:autoReceptionistId/ivr
Updates the interactive voice response (IVR) system of the specified auto receptionist.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:update:auto_receptionist_ivr:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
60. phone-auto_receptionists-{autoReceptionistId} - Get an auto receptionist
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/auto_receptionists/:autoReceptionistId
Use this API to get information on a specific auto receptionist.
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license. * Account owner or admin permissions.
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:auto_receptionist:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
61. phone-auto_receptionists-{autoReceptionistId} - Delete a non-primary auto receptionist
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/auto_receptionists/:autoReceptionistId
An auto receptionist answers calls with a personalized recording and routes calls to a phone user, call queue, common area (phone), or to a voicemail. An auto receptionist can also be set up so that it routes calls to an interactive voice response (IVR) system to allow callers to select the routing options. Use this API to delete a non-primary auto receptionist.
Prerequisites: * Pro or higher account with Zoom Phone license.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:auto_receptionist:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
62. phone-auto_receptionists-{autoReceptionistId} - Update an auto receptionist
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/auto_receptionists/:autoReceptionistId
An auto receptionist answers calls with a personalized recording and routes calls to a phone user, call queue, common area, or voicemail. An auto receptionist can also be set up so that it routes calls to an interactive voice response (IVR) system to allow callers to select the routing options. Use this API to change information such as the display name and extension number assigned to the main auto receptionist.
Prerequisites: * Pro or higher account with Zoom Phone license.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:update:auto_receptionist:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
63. phone-auto_receptionists - List auto receptionists
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/auto_receptionists?page_size=30&next_page_token=<string>
Use this API to list auto receptionists.
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license. * Account owner or admin permissions.
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_auto_receptionists:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
64. phone-auto_receptionists - Add an auto receptionist
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/auto_receptionists
Auto receptionists answer calls with a personalized recording and routes calls to a phone user, call queue, common area, voicemail or an IVR system. Use this API to add an auto receptionist to a Zoom Phone
Prerequisites: * Pro or higher account with Zoom Phone license. * Account owner or admin privileges
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:auto_receptionist:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
65. phone-billing_accounts-{billingAccountId} - Get billing account details
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/billing_accounts/:billingAccountId
A Zoom account owner or a user with admin privilege can use this API to get information about a billing account.
Prerequisites: * Pro or higher account plan with Zoom phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:billing_account:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
66. phone-billing_accounts - List billing accounts
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/billing_accounts
A Zoom account owner or a user with admin privileges can use this API to retrieve a list of billing accounts.
Prerequisites: * Pro or higher account plan with Zoom phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_billing_accounts:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
67. phone-blocked_list-{accountBlockedId} - Get blocked list details
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/blocked_list/:accountBlockedId
A Zoom account owner or a user with admin privilege can block phone numbers for phone users in an account. Blocked numbers can be inbound (numbers will be blocked from calling in) and outbound (phone users in your account won't be able to dial those numbers). Blocked callers will hear a generic message stating that the person they are calling is not available. Use this API to get information about a specific blocked list.
Prerequisites: * Pro or higher account plan with Zoom phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:blocked_list:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
68. phone-blocked_list-{accountBlockedId} - Delete a blocked list
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/blocked_list/:accountBlockedId
A Zoom account owner or a user with admin privilege can block phone numbers for phone users in an account. Blocked numbers can be inbound (numbers will be blocked from calling in) and outbound (phone users in your account won't be able to dial those numbers).
Use this API to delete a blocked list and therefore removing the associated number from the blocked list. The number will be unblocked after the deletion.
Prerequisites: * Pro or higher account plan with Zoom phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:blocked_list:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
69. phone-blocked_list-{accountBlockedId} - Update a blocked list
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/blocked_list/:accountBlockedId
A Zoom account owner or a user with admin privilege can block phone numbers for phone users in an account. Blocked numbers can be inbound (numbers will be blocked from calling in) and outbound (phone users in your account won't be able to dial those numbers). Blocked callers will hear a generic message stating that the person they are calling is not available. Use this API to update the information on the blocked list.
Prerequisites: * Pro or higher account plan with Zoom phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:update:blocked_list:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
70. phone-blocked_list - List blocked lists
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/blocked_list?next_page_token=<string>&page_size=30
A Zoom account owner or a user with admin privilege can block phone numbers for phone users in an account. Blocked numbers can be inbound (numbers will be blocked from calling in) and outbound (phone users in your account won't be able to dial those numbers). Blocked callers will hear a generic message stating that the person they are calling is not available. Use this API to list all the blocked lists in an acccount.
Prerequisites: * Pro or higher account plan with Zoom phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_blocked_lists:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
71. phone-blocked_list - Create a blocked list
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/blocked_list
A Zoom account owner or a user with the admin privilege can block phone numbers for phone users in an account. Blocked numbers can be inbound (numbers will be blocked from calling in) and outbound (phone users in your account won't be able to dial those numbers). Blocked callers will hear a generic message stating that the person they are calling is not available. Use this API to create a block list and add a number to the list.
Prerequisites: * Pro or higher account plan with Zoom phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:blocked_list:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
72. phone-extension-{extensionId}-call_handling-settings-{settingType} - Add a call handling setting
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/extension/:extensionId/call_handling/settings/:settingType
Adds Zoom Phone call handling subsettings for your phone system. Call handling settings allow you to control how your system routes calls during business, closed, or holiday hours. For more information, see our API guide or Zoom support article Customizing call handling settings.
Applicable to user, call queue, auto receptionist, or shared line group call handling at this time.
Prerequisites: * A Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone enabled
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:call_handling_setting:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
73. phone-extension-{extensionId}-call_handling-settings-{settingType} - Delete a call handling setting
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/extension/:extensionId/call_handling/settings/:settingType?call_forwarding_id=<string>&holiday_id=<string>
Deletes a Zoom Phone's call handling settings. Call handling settings let you control how your system routes calls during business, closed, or holiday hours. For more information, read our API guide or Zoom support article Customizing call handling settings.
Applicable to user, call queue, auto receptionist, or shared line group call handling at this time.
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone enabled
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:call_handling_setting:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
74. phone-extension-{extensionId}-call_handling-settings-{settingType} - Update a call handling setting
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/extension/:extensionId/call_handling/settings/:settingType
Updates a Zoom Phone's call handling setting.
Call handling settings allow you to control how your system routes calls during business, closed, or holiday hours. For more information, read our Call Handling API guide or Zoom support article Customizing call handling settings.
Applicable to user, call queue, auto receptionist, or shared line group call handling at this time.
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone enabled
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:update:call_handling_setting:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
75. phone-extension-{extensionId}-call_handling-settings - Get call handling settings
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/extension/:extensionId/call_handling/settings
Returns information about a Zoom Phone's call handling settings. Call handling settings let you control how your system routes calls during business, closed, or holiday hours. For more information, read our API guide or Zoom support article Customizing call handling settings.Applicable to user, call queue, auto receptionist, or shared line group call handling at this time. Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone enabled
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_call_handling_settings:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
76. phone-extension-{extensionId}-inbound_blocked-rules - List an extension's inbound block rules
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/extension/:extensionId/inbound_blocked/rules?keyword=<string>&match_type=prefix&type=block_as_threat&next_page_token=<string>&page_size=30
Returns a list of the given extension's block rule for inbound calls and messaging.
it lists inbound block rule for the given Call Queue, Auto Receptionist, Shared Line Group, Common Area, Zoom Room, or User.
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_extension_inbound_block_rules:admin
Rate Limit Label: MEDIUM
77. phone-extension-{extensionId}-inbound_blocked-rules - Add an extension's inbound block rule
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/extension/:extensionId/inbound_blocked/rules
Adds the given extension's block rule for inbound calls and messaging.
It adds the inbound block rule for the given Call Queue, Auto Receptionist, Shared Line Group, Common Area, Zoom Room or User.
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:extension_inbound_block_rule:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
78. phone-extension-{extensionId}-inbound_blocked-rules - Delete an extension's inbound block rule
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/extension/:extensionId/inbound_blocked/rules?blocked_rule_id=<string>
Deletes the given extension's blocked rule for inbound calls and messaging.
Use this API to delete inbound blocked rule for the given Call Queue, Auto Receptionist, Shared Line Group, Common Area, Zoom Room or User.
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:extension_inbound_block_rule:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
79. phone-extension-{extensionId}-line_keys-{lineKeyId} - Delete a line key setting.
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/extension/:extensionId/line_keys/:lineKeyId
Use this API to delete the Zoom Phone line key settings information.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:line_keys
Rate Limit Label: Light
80. phone-extension-{extensionId}-line_keys - Get line key position and settings information
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/extension/:extensionId/line_keys
Use this API to get the Zoom Phone line key settings information.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:line_keys
Rate Limit Label: Light
81. phone-extension-{extensionId}-line_keys - Batch update line key position and settings information
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/extension/:extensionId/line_keys
Use this API to batch update the Zoom Phone line key settings information.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:update:line_keys
Rate Limit Label: Light
82. phone-call_history-{callLogId} - Get call path
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/call_history/:callLogId
Returns information about a call log.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:call_log:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
83. phone-call_history - Get account's call history
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/call_history?page_size=30&from=<date>&to=<date>&next_page_token=<string>&keyword=<string>&directions=outbound&directions=outbound&connect_types=internal&connect_types=internal&number_types=3rd_party_contact_center&number_types=byoc&call_types=emergency&call_types=emergency&extension_types=group_call_pickup&extension_types=user&call_results=answered&call_results=connected&group_ids=<string>&group_ids=<string>&site_ids=<string>&site_ids=<string>&department=<string>&cost_center=<string>&time_type=start_time&recording_status=
Returns an account's new edition call logs.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license * Account owner or a role with Zoom Phone management
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_call_logs:admin
Rate Limit Label: HEAVY
84. phone-call_logs-{callLogId}-client_code - Add a client code to a call log
PUT {{baseUrl}}/phone/call_logs/:callLogId/client_code
Adds a client code to a call log. You can track call logs with a client code.
Prerequisites: * Business, or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:update:call_log:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
85. phone-call_logs-{callLogId} - Get call log details
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/call_logs/:callLogId
Returns information about a call log.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:call_log:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
86. phone-call_logs-{id}-recordings - Get recording by call ID
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/call_logs/:id/recordings
Returns an account's call recording by the recording's callId
or callLogId
Note: This API returns the file_url
in the JSON query results.
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin privileges
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:call_recording
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
87. phone-call_logs - Get account's call logs
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/call_logs?page_size=30&from=<date>&to=<date>&type=<string>&next_page_token=<string>&path=<string>&time_type=startTime&site_id=<string>&charged_call_logs=<boolean>
Returns an account's call logs.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license * Account owner or a role with Zoom Phone management
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_call_logs:admin
Rate Limit Label: HEAVY
88. phone-call_queues-{callQueueId}-members-{memberId} - Unassign a member
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/call_queues/:callQueueId/members/:memberId
Removes a member who was previously added to a call queue. The member could be a phone user or common area. Note that you cannot use this API to unassign a call queue manager.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:call_queue_member:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
89. phone-call_queues-{callQueueId}-members - List call queue members
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/call_queues/:callQueueId/members
Lists the call queue members.
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_call_queue_members:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
90. phone-call_queues-{callQueueId}-members - Add members to a call queue
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/call_queues/:callQueueId/members
Add phone users and/or common areas as members to a specific call queue.
Prerequisites: * Pro or higher account plan. * Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:call_queue_member:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
91. phone-call_queues-{callQueueId}-members - Unassign all members
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/call_queues/:callQueueId/members
Removes all members from a call queue who were previously assigned to that call queue. The members could be phone users or common areas.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:call_queue_member:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
92. phone-call_queues-{callQueueId}-policies-{policyType} - Add a policy setting to a call queue
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/call_queues/:callQueueId/policies/:policyType
Use this API to add the policy sub-setting for a specific call queue according to the policyType
. For example, you can use this API to set up shared access members.
Prerequisites: * Pro or higher account with Zoom Phone license. * Account owner or admin privileges
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:call_queue_policy:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
93. phone-call_queues-{callQueueId}-policies-{policyType} - Delete a CQ policy setting
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/call_queues/:callQueueId/policies/:policyType?shared_ids=<string>&shared_ids=<string>
Use this API to remove the policy sub-setting for a specific call queue according to the policyType
. For example, you can use this API to remove shared access members.
Prerequisites: * Pro or higher account with Zoom Phone license. * Account owner or admin privileges
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:call_queue_policy:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
94. phone-call_queues-{callQueueId}-policies-{policyType} - Update a CQ policy setting
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/call_queues/:callQueueId/policies/:policyType
Use this API to update the policy sub-setting for a specific call queue according to the policyType
. For example, you can use this API to update shared access members.
Prerequisites: * Pro or higher account with Zoom Phone license. * Account owner or admin privileges
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:update:call_queue_policy:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
95. phone-call_queues-{callQueueId}-recordings - Get call queue recordings
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/call_queues/:callQueueId/recordings?page_size=30&next_page_token=<string>&from=<date>&to=<date>
Use this API to view call recordings from the call queue.
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_call_queue_recordings:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
96. phone-call_queues-{callQueueId} - Get call queue details
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/call_queues/:callQueueId
Call queues allow you to route incoming calls to a group of users. For instance, you can use call queues to route calls to various departments in your organization such as sales, engineering, billing, customer service etc. Use this API to get information on a specific Call Queue.
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:call_queue:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
97. phone-call_queues-{callQueueId} - Delete a call queue
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/call_queues/:callQueueId
Call queues allow you to route incoming calls to a group of users. For instance, you can use call queues to route calls to various departments in your organization such as sales, engineering, billing, customer service etc. Use this API to delete a Call Queue.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:call_queue:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
98. phone-call_queues-{callQueueId} - Update call queue details
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/call_queues/:callQueueId
Call queues allow you to route incoming calls to a group of users. For instance, you can use call queues to route calls to various departments in your organization such as sales, engineering, billing, customer service etc. Use this API to update information of a specific Call Queue.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:update:call_queue:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
99. phone-call_queues-{groupId}-phone_numbers-{phoneNumberId} - Unassign a phone number
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/call_queues/:groupId/phone_numbers/:phoneNumberId
After assigning a phone number, you can unbind it if you don't want it to be assigned to a Call Queue. Use this API to unbind a phone number from a Call Queue. After successful unbinding, the number will appear in the Unassigned tab.
Prerequisites: * Pro or higher account palan * Account owner or admin permissions * Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:call_queue_number:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
100. phone-call_queues-{groupId}-phone_numbers - Assign numbers to a call queue
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/call_queues/:groupId/phone_numbers
After buying phone number(s), you can assign it, allowing callers to directly dial a number to reach a call queue.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:call_queue_number:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
101. phone-call_queues-{groupId}-phone_numbers - Unassign all phone numbers
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/call_queues/:groupId/phone_numbers
Use this API to unbind all phone numbers that are assigned to a Call Queue After successful unbinding, the numbers will appear in the Unassigned tab. If you only need to unassign a specific phone number, use the Unassign a Phone Number API instead.
Prerequisites: * Pro or higher account palan * Account owner or admin permissions * Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:call_queue_number:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
102. phone-call_queues - List call queues
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/call_queues?next_page_token=<string>&page_size=30&site_id=<string>&cost_center=<string>&department=<string>
Call queues allow you to route incoming calls to a group of users. For instance, you can use call queues to route calls to various departments in your organization such as sales, engineering, billing, customer service etc. Use this API to list Call queues.
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_call_queues:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
103. phone-call_queues - Create a call queue
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/call_queues
Creates a call queue. Call queues allow you to route incoming calls to a group of users. For instance, you can use call queues to route calls to various departments in your organization such as sales, engineering, billing, customer service, and so on. You can add phone users or common areas to call queues.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:call_queue:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
104. phone-carrier_reseller-numbers-{number} - Delete a phone number
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/carrier_reseller/numbers/:number
Use this API to delete or unassign a phone number from a carrier reseller account.
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account plan * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:carrier_number:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
105. phone-carrier_reseller-numbers - List phone numbers
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/carrier_reseller/numbers?page_size=<integer>&next_page_token=<string>&assigned_status=unassigned&sub_account_id=<string>&keyword=<string>
Use this API to list phone numbers in a carrier reseller (master) account that can be pushed to its subaccounts.
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account plan * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_carrier_numbers:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
106. phone-carrier_reseller-numbers - Create phone numbers
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/carrier_reseller/numbers
Use this API to add phone numbers to a carrier reseller (master) account. Up to 200 numbers at a time. If this API is called in MA mode, it also has functions of distribution.
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account plan * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:carrier_number:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
107. phone-carrier_reseller-numbers - Activate phone numbers
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/carrier_reseller/numbers
Use this API to change phone number status to 'active' in a carrier reseller's master account. Up to 200 numbers at a time.
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account plan * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:update:carrier_number:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
108. phone-common_areas-activation_codes - List activation codes
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/common_areas/activation_codes?page_size=30&next_page_token=<string>
Returns a list of activation code information of the common areas under an account.
Note: This API serves customers who opted for Common Area Optimization
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_common_area_activation_codes:admin
Rate Limit Label: MEDIUM
Not supported in Gov cluster
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/common_areas/:commonAreaId/calling_plans/:type?billing_account_id=<string>
Use this API to unassign a calling plan from the common area.
Note: For use by customers who opted for Common Area Optimization
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account with a Zoom Phone license * An account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:common_area_calling_plan:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
110. phone-common_areas-{commonAreaId}-calling_plans - Assign calling plans to a common area
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/common_areas/:commonAreaId/calling_plans
Use this API to assign calling plans to a common area.
Note: For use by customers who opted for Common Area Optimization
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license. * Account owner or admin permissions.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:common_area_calling_plan:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/common_areas/:commonAreaId/phone_numbers/:phoneNumberId
Use this API to unassign a phone number from a common area.
Note: For use by customers who opted for Common Area Optimization
Prerequisites: * A Pro or a higher account with a Zoom Phone license * An account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:common_area_number:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
112. phone-common_areas-{commonAreaId}-phone_numbers - Assign phone numbers to a common area
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/common_areas/:commonAreaId/phone_numbers
Assign phone numbers to a common area.
Note: For use by customers who opted for Common Area Optimization
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license. * Account owner or admin permissions.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:common_area_number:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
113. phone-common_areas-{commonAreaId}-settings-{settingType} - Add common area settings
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/common_areas/:commonAreaId/settings/:settingType
Use this API to add the common area setting according to the setting type, specifically for desk phones.
Note: For use by customers who opted for Common Area Optimization
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license. * Account owner or admin permissions.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:common_area_setting:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
114. phone-common_areas-{commonAreaId}-settings-{settingType} - Delete common area setting
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/common_areas/:commonAreaId/settings/:settingType?device_id=<string>
Use this API to remove the common area subsetting from desk phones.
Note: For use by customers who opted for Common Area Optimization
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license. * Account owner or admin permissions.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:common_area_setting:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
115. phone-common_areas-{commonAreaId}-settings-{settingType} - Update common area settings
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/common_areas/:commonAreaId/settings/:settingType
Use this API to update the common area setting according to the setting type, specifically for desk phones.
Note: For use by customers who opted for Common Area Optimization
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license. * Account owner or admin permissions.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:update:common_area_setting:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
116. phone-common_areas-{commonAreaId}-settings - Get common area settings
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/common_areas/:commonAreaId/settings
Use this API to get common area settings.
Note: For use by customers who opted for Common Area Optimization
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license. * Account owner or admin permissions.
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_common_area_settings:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/common_areas/:commonAreaId/outbound_calling/countries_regions?next_page_token=<string>&page_size=30
Returns the common area level outbound calling countries and regions.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:common_area_outbound_calling_rule:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/common_areas/:commonAreaId/outbound_calling/countries_regions
Updates the common area level outbound calling policy country or region.
Prerequisite: * Account must have a Pro or a higher plan with a Zoom Phone license.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:update:common_area_outbound_calling_rule:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/common_areas/:commonAreaId/outbound_calling/exception_rules/:exceptionRuleId
Deletes the common area level outbound calling exception rule. Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:common_area_outbound_calling_rule:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/common_areas/:commonAreaId/outbound_calling/exception_rules/:exceptionRuleId
Updates the common area level outbound calling policy for the country region exception rule.
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:update:common_area_outbound_calling_rule:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/common_areas/:commonAreaId/outbound_calling/exception_rules?country=<string>&keyword=<string>&match_type=prefix&status=inactive&next_page_token=<string>&page_size=30
Lists the common area level outbound calling policy exception rules.
Prerequisite: * Pro or higher account plan with Zoom phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:common_area_outbound_calling_rule:admin
Rate Limit Label: MEDIUM
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/common_areas/:commonAreaId/outbound_calling/exception_rules
Adds the common area level outbound calling policy exception rule for the country region.
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:common_area_outbound_calling_rule:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
123. phone-common_areas-{commonAreaId} - Get common area details
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/common_areas/:commonAreaId
Use this API to get detailed information on the common area.
Note: For use by customers who opted for Common Area Optimization
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:common_area:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
124. phone-common_areas-{commonAreaId} - Delete a common area
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/common_areas/:commonAreaId
Use this API to remove the common area.
Note: For use by customers who opted for Common Area Optimization
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license. * Account owner or admin permissions.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:common_area:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
125. phone-common_areas-{commonAreaId} - Update common area
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/common_areas/:commonAreaId
Use this API to update the common area information.
Note: For use by customers who opted for Common Area Optimization
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:update:common_area:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
126. phone-common_areas - List common areas
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/common_areas?page_size=30&next_page_token=<string>
Lists common areas under an account.
Note: For use by customers who opted for Common Area Optimization
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:common_area:admin
Rate Limit Label: MEDIUM
127. phone-common_areas - Add a common area
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/common_areas
Use this API to add an instance of common area. Configure devices shared by users and deployed in shared spaces.
Note: For use by customers who opted for Common Area Optimization
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:common_area:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
128. phone-metrics-call_logs-{callId}-qos - Get call QoS
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/metrics/call_logs/:callId/qos
Gets the call quality of service (QoS) data for a call made or received by a Zoom phone user in the account.
Prerequisites: * Business, or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:call_qos:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
129. phone-metrics-call_logs-{call_id} - Get call details from call log
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/metrics/call_logs/:call_id
Lists call log details of a specific call. The call logs provide a record of all incoming and outgoing calls over Zoom Phone in an account.
Prerequisites: * Business, or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:call_log:admin
130. phone-metrics-call_logs - List call logs
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/metrics/call_logs?from=<date>&to=<date>&site_id=<string>&quality_type=<string>&page_size=30&next_page_token=<string>
Lists the monthly call logs metrics. You can use query parameters to filter the response by date, site and MOS(Mean Opinion Score) of the call.The call logs that provide a record of all incoming and outgoing calls over Zoom Phone in an account.
Prerequisites: * Business, or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_call_logs:admin
Rate Limit Label: Heavy
131. phone-metrics-location_tracking - List tracked locations
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/metrics/location_tracking?type=5&site_id=<string>&location_type=unknown&keyword=<string>
Lists the tracked locations.
Prerequisites: * Pro or higher account plan with Zoom phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_tracked_locations:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
132. phone-metrics-past_calls - List past call metrics
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/metrics/past_calls?from=<date>&to=<date>&phone_number=<string>&extension_number=<string>&quality_type=good&department=<string>&cost_center=<string>&directions=internal&directions=inbound&durations=0&durations=1&site_id=<string>&page_size=30&next_page_token=<string>
Returns all the call logs metrics of the account from the selected time period. The call logs provide a record of all incoming and outgoing calls over Zoom Phone in an account. You can use query parameters to filter the response by metrics of the call (such as date, phone number, extension number and quality type).
Prerequisites: * Business, or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_call_logs:admin
Rate Limit Label: Heavy
133. phone-devices-{deviceId}-line_keys - Get device line keys information
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/devices/:deviceId/line_keys
Use this API to get information on the Zoom Phone device line keys settings and position.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:device_line_keys
Rate Limit Label: Heavy
134. phone-devices-{deviceId}-line_keys - Batch update device line key position
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/devices/:deviceId/line_keys
Use this API to batch update the Zoom Phone device line key position information.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:update:device_line_keys
Rate Limit Label: Heavy
135. phone-devices-{deviceId}-extensions-{extensionId} - Unassign an entity from the device
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/devices/:deviceId/extensions/:extensionId
Use this API to unassign a specific assignee from the device.
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:device_extension:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
136. phone-devices-{deviceId}-extensions - Assign an entity to a device
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/devices/:deviceId/extensions
By default, all Zoom Phone users can make and receive calls using the Zoom desktop and mobile applications. Additionally, if a desk phone is required, use this API to add a desk phone and assign it to a user.
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions * Supported device
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:device_extension:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
137. phone-devices-{deviceId}-provision_templates - Update provision template of a device
PUT {{baseUrl}}/phone/devices/:deviceId/provision_templates
Use this API to assign a provision template to a device or remove a provision template from the device by leaving templateId
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:update:device_provision_template:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
138. phone-devices-{deviceId}-reboot - Reboot a desk phone
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/devices/:deviceId/reboot
Use this API to reboot an online zero-touch or assisted-provisioning device. You can only send one request every second.
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:reboot_device:admin
Rate Limit Label: Heavy
139. phone-devices-{deviceId} - Get device details
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/devices/:deviceId
Gets detailed information about a specific desk phone device.
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:device:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
140. phone-devices-{deviceId} - Delete a device
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/devices/:deviceId
Remove a desk phone device or ATA (Analog Telephone Adapter) from the Zoom Phone System Management.
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions * Device must not have been assigned to a user.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:device:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
141. phone-devices-{deviceId} - Update a device
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/devices/:deviceId
Updates the information of a desk phone device.Prerequisites:* Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license* Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:update:device:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
142. phone-devices-sync - Sync deskphones
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/devices/sync
Use this API to resync all online zero-touch or assisted-provisioning devices in an account or a site. Only allows sending one request every 15 minutes.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:sync_device:admin
Rate Limit Label: Heavy
143. phone-devices - List devices
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/devices?type=assigned&assignee_type=commonArea&device_source=haas&location_status=unknownAddress&site_id=<string>&device_type=yealink&keyword=<string>&next_page_token=<string>&page_size=30
Lists all the desk phone devices that are configured with Zoom Phone on an account.
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_devices:admin
Rate Limit Label: MEDIUM
144. phone-devices - Add a device
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/devices
By default, all Zoom Phone users can make and receive calls using the Zoom desktop and mobile applications. Additionally, if a desk phone is required, use this API to add a desk phone and assign it to a user.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
145. phone-devices - List devices
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/devices?type=assigned&assignee_type=user&next_page_token=BJLYC6PABbAHdjwSkGVQeeR6B1juwHqj3G2&page_size=30
List all the desk phone devices that are configured with Zoom Phone on an account.
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
146. phone-devices - Sync deskphones
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/devices/sync
Use this API to resync all online zero-touch or assisted-provisioning devices in an account or a site. Only allows sending one request every 15 minutes.
Rate Limit Label: Heavy
147. phone-dial_by_name_directory-extensions - List users in directory
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/dial_by_name_directory/extensions?page_size=30&next_page_token=<string>&in_directory=false&site_id=<string>
Use this API to get users that are in or not in a directory.
Prerequisites: * Business or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:directory:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
148. phone-dial_by_name_directory-extensions - Add users to a directory
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/dial_by_name_directory/extensions
Use this API to add users to a directory.
Prerequisites: * Business or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:directory:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
149. phone-dial_by_name_directory-extensions - Delete users from a directory
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/dial_by_name_directory/extensions?site_id=<string>&extension_ids=<string>&extension_ids=<string>
Use this API to delete users from the directory.
Prerequisites: * Business or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:directory:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
150. phone-sites-{siteId}-dial_by_name_directory-extensions - List users in a directory by site
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/sites/:siteId/dial_by_name_directory/extensions?page_size=30&next_page_token=<string>&in_directory=false&site_id=<string>
Use this API to get users that are in or not in a directory of the specified site.
Prerequisites: * Business or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:directory:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
151. phone-sites-{siteId}-dial_by_name_directory-extensions - Add users to a directory of a site
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/sites/:siteId/dial_by_name_directory/extensions
Use this API to add users to a directory of the specified site.
Prerequisites: * Business or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:directory:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
152. phone-sites-{siteId}-dial_by_name_directory-extensions - Delete users from a directory of a site
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/sites/:siteId/dial_by_name_directory/extensions?site_id=<string>&extension_ids=<string>&extension_ids=<string>
Use this API to delete users from a directory of the specified site.
Prerequisites: * Business or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:directory:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/sites/:siteId/outbound_calling/countries_regions?next_page_token=<string>&page_size=30
Returns the site level outbound calling countries and regions.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:site_outbound_calling_rule:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/sites/:siteId/outbound_calling/countries_regions
Updates the site level outbound calling policy country or region.
Prerequisites: * Account must have a Pro or a higher plan with a Zoom Phone license.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:update:site_outbound_calling_rule:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/sites/:siteId/outbound_calling/exception_rules/:exceptionRuleId
Deletes the site level outbound calling exception rule.
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:site_outbound_calling_rule:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/sites/:siteId/outbound_calling/exception_rules/:exceptionRuleId
Updates the site level outbound calling policy for the country region exception rule.
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:update:site_outbound_calling_rule:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/sites/:siteId/outbound_calling/exception_rules?country=<string>&keyword=<string>&match_type=prefix&status=inactive&next_page_token=<string>&page_size=30
Lists site level outbound calling policy exception rules.*
Prerequisite: * Pro or higher account plan with Zoom phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:site_outbound_calling_rule:admin
Rate Limit Label: MEDIUM
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/sites/:siteId/outbound_calling/exception_rules
Adds the site level outbound calling policy exception rule for the country region.
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:site_outbound_calling_rule:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/sites/:siteId/outbound_caller_id/customized_numbers?selected=<boolean>&site_id=<string>&extension_type=sharedLineGroup&keyword=<string>&page_size=30&next_page_token=<string>
Use this API to retrieve phone numbers that can be used as the site-level
customized outbound caller ID.
* Multiple sites must be enabled.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license.
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_site_customized_number:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/sites/:siteId/outbound_caller_id/customized_numbers
Use this API to add the site-level
customized outbound caller ID phone numbers.
* Multiple sites must be enabled.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:site_customized_number:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/sites/:siteId/outbound_caller_id/customized_numbers?customize_ids=<string>&customize_ids=<string>
Use this API to remove the site-level
customized outbound caller ID phone numbers.
* Multiple sites must be enabled.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:site_customized_number:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
162. phone-sites-{siteId}-settings-{settingType} - Get a phone site setting
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/sites/:siteId/settings/:settingType
Sites allow you to organize Zoom Phone users in your organization. Use this API to get site setting about a specific site according to the setting type.
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:site_setting:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
163. phone-sites-{siteId}-settings-{settingType} - Add a site setting
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/sites/:siteId/settings/:settingType
Sites allow you to organize Zoom Phone users in your organization. Use this API to add a site setting to a specific site according to the setting type.
Prerequisites: * Account must have a Pro or a higher plan with Zoom Phone license. * Multiple sites must be enabled.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:site_setting:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
164. phone-sites-{siteId}-settings-{settingType} - Delete a site setting
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/sites/:siteId/settings/:settingType?device_type=<string>&holiday_id=<string>
Sites allow you to organize Zoom Phone users in your organization. Use this API to delete the site setting of a specific site.
Prerequisites: * Account must have a Pro or a higher plan with Zoom Phone license. * Multiple sites must be enabled.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:site_setting:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
165. phone-sites-{siteId}-settings-{settingType} - Update the site setting
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/sites/:siteId/settings/:settingType
Sites allow you to organize Zoom Phone users in your organization. Use this API to update the site setting of a specific site according to the setting type.
Prerequisites: * Account must have a Pro or a higher plan with Zoom Phone license. * Multiple sites must be enabled.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:update:site_setting:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
166. phone-sites-{siteId} - Get phone site details
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/sites/:siteId
Returns information on a specific site. Sites allow you to organize Zoom Phone users in your organization.
Prerequisites: * Account must have a Pro or a higher plan with Zoom Phone license. * Multiple sites must be enabled.
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:site:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
167. phone-sites-{siteId} - Delete a phone site
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/sites/:siteId?transfer_site_id=<string>
Use this API to delete a specific site in a Zoom account. To delete a site, in the query parameter, you must provide the site ID of another site where the assets of current site (users, numbers and phones) can be transferred to. You cannot use this API to delete the main site.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:site:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
168. phone-sites-{siteId} - Update phone site details
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/sites/:siteId
Updates information about a specific site. It allows you to organize Zoom Phone users in your organization.
Prerequisites: * Account must have a Pro or a higher plan with Zoom Phone license.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:update:site:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
169. phone-sites - List phone sites
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/sites?page_size=30&next_page_token=<string>
Sites allow you to organize Zoom Phone users in your organization. Use this API to list all the sites that have been created for an account.
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_sites:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
170. phone-sites - Create a phone site
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/sites
Sites allow you to organize Zoom Phone users in your organization. Use this API to create a site.
Prerequisites: * Multiple sites must be enabled. * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone enabled.
Scope: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
171. phone-sites - List phone sites
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/sites?page_size=30&next_page_token=BJLYC6PABbAHdjwSkGVQeeR6B1juwHqj3G2
Sites allow you to organize Zoom Phone users in your organization. Use this API to list all the sites that have been created for an account.
* Multiple Sites must be enabled.
* Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone enabled.
Scope: phone:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
172. phone-emergency_addresses-{emergencyAddressId} - Get emergency address details
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/emergency_addresses/:emergencyAddressId
Gets the emergency address information.
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:emergency_address:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
173. phone-emergency_addresses-{emergencyAddressId} - Delete an emergency address
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/emergency_addresses/:emergencyAddressId
Removes an emergency address.
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:emergency_address:admin
Rate Limit Label: Heavy
174. phone-emergency_addresses-{emergencyAddressId} - Update an emergency address
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/emergency_addresses/:emergencyAddressId
Updates an emergency address information. If the address provided is not an exact match, the system generated corrected address will be used.
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:update:emergency_address:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
175. phone-emergency_addresses - List emergency addresses
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/emergency_addresses?site_id=<string>&user_id=<string>&level=2&status=4&address_keyword=<string>&next_page_token=<string>&page_size=30
Lists the emergency addresses.
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_emergency_addresses:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
176. phone-emergency_addresses - Add an emergency address
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/emergency_addresses
Adds an emergency address. If the address provided is not an exact match, the system generated corrected address will be used.
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:emergency_address:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
177. phone-batch_locations - Batch add emergency service locations
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/batch_locations
Batches the add emergency service locations.
Prerequisites: * Pro or higher account plan with Zoom phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:batch_emergency_locations:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
178. phone-locations-{locationId} - Get emergency service location details
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/locations/:locationId
Returns an emergency service location's information.
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:emergency_location:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
179. phone-locations-{locationId} - Delete an emergency location
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/locations/:locationId
Removes an emergency location.
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:emergency_location:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
180. phone-locations-{locationId} - Update emergency service location
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/locations/:locationId
Updates an emergency location's information.
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:update:emergency_location:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
181. phone-locations - List emergency service locations
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/locations?next_page_token=<string>&page_size=30&site_id=<string>
Returns emergency service locations.
Note: When you enable multiple sites, the site_id
parameter is required.
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_emergency_locations:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
182. phone-locations - Add an emergency service location
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/locations
Use this API to add an emergency service location.
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
183. phone-locations - List emergency service locations
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/locations?next_page_token=BJLYC6PABbAHdjwSkGVQeeR6B1juwHqj3G2&page_size=30&site_id=SQv52YtkRLC2dwrDdYtGsA
Use this API to list emergency service locations.
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
184. phone-external_contacts-{externalContactId} - Get external contact details
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/external_contacts/:externalContactId
Gets an external contact's information.
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:external_contact:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
185. phone-external_contacts-{externalContactId} - Delete an external contact
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/external_contacts/:externalContactId
Removes an external contact.
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:external_contact:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
186. phone-external_contacts-{externalContactId} - Update external contact
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/external_contacts/:externalContactId
Updates an external contact's information.
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:update:external_contact:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
187. phone-external_contacts - List external contacts
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/external_contacts?next_page_token=<string>&page_size=30
Lists the external contacts.
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_external_contacts:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
188. phone-external_contacts - Add an external contact
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/external_contacts
Adds an external contact.
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:external_contact:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
189. phone-firmware_update_rules-{ruleId} - Get firmware update rule information
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/firmware_update_rules/:ruleId
Use this API to get the firmware update rule information.
Prerequisites: * Business or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:firmware_update_rule:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
190. phone-firmware_update_rules-{ruleId} - Delete firmware update rule
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/firmware_update_rules/:ruleId?restart_type=1
Use this API to delete the firmware update rule.
Prerequisites: * Business or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:firmware_update_rule:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
191. phone-firmware_update_rules-{ruleId} - Update firmware update rule
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/firmware_update_rules/:ruleId
Use this API to update a specific firmware update rule.
Prerequisites: * Business, or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:update:firmware_update_rule:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
192. phone-firmware_update_rules - List firmware update rules
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/firmware_update_rules?site_id=<string>&page_size=30&next_page_token=<string>
Use this API to get firmware update rules.
Prerequisites: * Business or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_firmware_update_rules:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
193. phone-firmware_update_rules - Add a firmware update rule
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/firmware_update_rules
Use this API to add a firmware update rule.
Prerequisites: * Business, or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:firmware_update_rule:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
194. phone-firmwares - List updatable firmwares
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/firmwares?is_update=true&site_id=<string>
Use this API to get updatable firmwares.
Prerequisites: * Business or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_firmwares:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
195. phone-group_call_pickup-{groupId}-members-{extensionId} - Remove members from call pickup group
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/group_call_pickup/:groupId/members/:extensionId
Use this API to remove member from the Group Call Pickup object.
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account plan * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:call_pickup_group_member:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
196. phone-group_call_pickup-{groupId}-members - List call pickup group members
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/group_call_pickup/:groupId/members?page_size=30&next_page_token=<string>&site_id=<string>&extension_type=commonArea
Use this API to retrieve members of a call pickup group in an account.
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account plan * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:call_pickup_group_member:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
197. phone-group_call_pickup-{groupId}-members - Add members to a call pickup group
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/group_call_pickup/:groupId/members
Use this API to add members to the specified Group Call Pickup object.
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account plan * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:call_pickup_group_member:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
198. phone-group_call_pickup-{groupId} - Get call pickup group by ID
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/group_call_pickup/:groupId
Use this API to retrieve information on a specific Group Call Pickup object in an account.
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account plan * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:call_pickup_group:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
199. phone-group_call_pickup-{groupId} - Delete group call pickup objects
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/group_call_pickup/:groupId
Use this API to remove a Group Call Pickup object.
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account plan * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:call_pickup_group:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
200. phone-group_call_pickup-{groupId} - Update the group call pickup information
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/group_call_pickup/:groupId
Use this API to update a specific Group Call Pickup object information.
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account plan * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:update:call_pickup_group:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
201. phone-group_call_pickup - List group call pickup objects
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/group_call_pickup?page_size=30&next_page_token=<string>&site_id=<string>
Use this API to retrieve a list of Group Call Pickup objects in an account.
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account plan * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_call_pickup_groups:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
202. phone-group_call_pickup - Add a group call pickup object
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/group_call_pickup
Use this API to add a Group Call Pickup instance to the account that has the Zoom Phone license assigned.
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account plan * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:call_pickup_group:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
203. phone-groups-{groupId}-settings - Get group phone settings
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/groups/:groupId/settings?setting_types=<string>
Returns group phone settings.
Prerequisites: * Account must have a Pro or a higher plan with Zoom Phone license.
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:group_setting:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/inbound_blocked/extension_rules/statistics/blocked_for_all
Promotes and applies the phone number blocked from the extension level blocked rule to the account level blocked rule. This action is contingent on the statistics of extensions blocked rule. All extensions under the current account block this phone number.
Prerequisites: * Pro or higher account plan with Zoom phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:update:inbound_blocked_for_all:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
205. phone-inbound_blocked-extension_rules-statistics - List an account's inbound blocked statistics
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/inbound_blocked/extension_rules/statistics?keyword=<string>&match_type=prefix&type=<string>&next_page_token=<string>&page_size=30
Returns the list of the statistics of the extensions blocked rule for inbound calls and messaging. (e.g. Call Queue, Auto Receptionist, Shared Line Group, Common Area, Zoom Room and User)
Prerequisites: * Pro or higher account plan with Zoom phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_extension_inbound_block_rules_stat:admin
Rate Limit Label: MEDIUM
206. phone-inbound_blocked-extension_rules-statistics - Delete an account's inbound blocked statistics
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/inbound_blocked/extension_rules/statistics?blocked_statistic_id=<string>
Deletes the statistic of extensions blocked rule for inbound calls and messaging. (e.g. Call Queue, Auto Receptionist, Shared Line Group, Common Area, Zoom Room and User)
Prerequisites: * Pro or higher account plan with Zoom phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:extension_inbound_block_rule_stat:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
207. phone-inbound_blocked-rules-{blockedRuleId} - Update an account's inbound block rule
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/inbound_blocked/rules/:blockedRuleId
Updates the account level block rule for inbound calls and messaging.
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:update:inbound_block_rule:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
208. phone-inbound_blocked-rules - List an account's inbound block rules
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/inbound_blocked/rules?keyword=<string>&match_type=prefix&type=block_as_threat&status=inactive&next_page_token=<string>&page_size=30
Returns a list of account level inbound block rule for inbound calls and messaging.
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_inbound_block_rules:admin
Rate Limit Label: MEDIUM
209. phone-inbound_blocked-rules - Add an account's inbound block rule
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/inbound_blocked/rules
Adds an account level block rule for inbound calls and messaging from a phone number. As a result, all extensions block calls and messages to the phone number.
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:inbound_block_rule:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
210. phone-inbound_blocked-rules - Delete an account's inbound block rule
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/inbound_blocked/rules?blocked_rule_id=<string>
Deletes the account level blocked rule for inbound calls and messaging.
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:inbound_block_rule:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/monitoring_groups/:monitoringGroupId/monitor_members/:memberExtensionId?member_type=monitor
Use this API to remove a member from a Monitoring Group.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:monitoring_group_member:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
212. phone-monitoring_groups-{monitoringGroupId}-monitor_members - Get members of a monitoring group
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/monitoring_groups/:monitoringGroupId/monitor_members?member_type=monitor&page_size=<integer>&next_page_token=<string>
Use this API to return members list of a Monitoring Group.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_monitoring_group_members:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
213. phone-monitoring_groups-{monitoringGroupId}-monitor_members - Add members to a monitoring group
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/monitoring_groups/:monitoringGroupId/monitor_members?member_type=monitor
Use this API to add members to a Monitoring Group.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:monitoring_group_member:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/monitoring_groups/:monitoringGroupId/monitor_members?member_type=monitor
Use this API to remove all monitor or monitored members from a Monitoring Group.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:monitoring_group_member:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
215. phone-monitoring_groups-{monitoringGroupId} - Get monitoring group by ID
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/monitoring_groups/:monitoringGroupId
Returns a monitoring group for the specified ID.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:monitoring_group:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
216. phone-monitoring_groups-{monitoringGroupId} - Delete a monitoring group
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/monitoring_groups/:monitoringGroupId
Use this API to delete a Monitoring Group.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:monitoring_group:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
217. phone-monitoring_groups-{monitoringGroupId} - Update a monitoring group
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/monitoring_groups/:monitoringGroupId
Use this API to update a Monitoring Group.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:update:monitoring_group:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
218. phone-monitoring_groups - Get a list of monitoring groups on an account
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/monitoring_groups?type=2&site_id=<string>&page_size=<integer>&next_page_token=<string>
Returns an account's monitoring group list.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_monitoring_groups:admin
Rate Limit Label: MEDIUM
219. phone-monitoring_groups - Create a monitoring group
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/monitoring_groups
Creates a monitoring group.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:monitoring_group:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
220. phone-outbound_calling-countries_regions - Get account level outbound calling countries and regions
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/outbound_calling/countries_regions?next_page_token=<string>&page_size=30
Returns the account level outbound calling countries and regions.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_outbound_calling_rules:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/outbound_calling/countries_regions
Updates the account level outbound calling policy country or region.
Prerequisite: * Account must have a Pro or a higher plan with a Zoom Phone license.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:update:outbound_calling_rule:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/outbound_calling/exception_rules/:exceptionRuleId
Deletes the account level outbound calling exception rule.
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:outbound_calling_rule:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/outbound_calling/exception_rules/:exceptionRuleId
Updates the account level outbound calling policy for the country region exception rule.
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:update:outbound_calling_rule:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
224. phone-outbound_calling-exception_rules - List account level outbound calling exception rules
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/outbound_calling/exception_rules?country=<string>&keyword=<string>&match_type=prefix&status=inactive&next_page_token=<string>&page_size=30
Lists the account level outbound calling policy exception rules.
Prerequisite: * Pro or higher account plan with Zoom phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_outbound_calling_rules:admin
Rate Limit Label: MEDIUM
225. phone-outbound_calling-exception_rules - Add account level outbound calling exception rule
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/outbound_calling/exception_rules
Adds the account level outbound calling policy exception rule for country region.
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:outbound_calling_rule:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
226. phone-byoc_numbers - Add BYOC phone numbers
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/byoc_numbers
Use this API to add BYOC (Bring Your Own Carrier) phone numbers to Zoom Phone.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise plan * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:byo_carrier_number:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
227. phone-numbers-sites-{siteId} - Update a site's unassigned phone numbers
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/numbers/sites/:siteId
Updates a site's unassigned phone numbers. Up to 20 phone numbers can be updated in a single request.
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account plan * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:update:site_number:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
228. phone-numbers-{phoneNumberId} - Get a phone number
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/numbers/:phoneNumberId
Returns information about an account's Zoom Phone number.
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account plan * A Zoom phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:numbers:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
229. phone-numbers-{phoneNumberId} - Update a phone number
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/numbers/:phoneNumberId
Updates a Zoom Phone number's information.
Prerequisites: * A Paid account
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:update:number:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
230. phone-numbers - List phone numbers
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/numbers?next_page_token=<string>&type=assigned&extension_type=meetingService&page_size=30&number_type=toll&pending_numbers=<boolean>&site_id=<string>
Returns a list all Zoom Phone numbers in a Zoom account.
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account plan * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_numbers:admin
Rate Limit Label: MEDIUM
231. phone-numbers - Delete unassigned phone numbers
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/numbers?phone_numbers=<string>&phone_numbers=<string>
Deletes unassigned phone numbers. Up to 20 phone numbers can be removed in a single request.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license * The user must have been previously assigned a Zoom Phone number
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:number:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
232. phone-numbers - List phone numbers
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/numbers?next_page_token=BJLYC6PABbAHdjwSkGVQeeR6B1juwHqj3G2&type=all&extension_type=user&page_size=30&number_type=toll&pending_numbers=false&site_id=8f71O6rWT8KFUGQmJIFAdQ
Use this API to list all Zoom Phone numbers in a Zoom account.
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account plan * A Zoom Phone license
233. phone-calling_plans - List calling plans
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/calling_plans
Use this API to return all of an account's Zoom Phone calling plans.
Prerequisites: * A Pro or a higher account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_calling_plans:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
234. phone-plans - List plan information
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/plans
Use this API to return all of an account's Zoom Phone plan package, phone number usage and availability.
Prerequisites: * A Pro or a higher account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_calling_plans:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
235. phone-roles-{roleId}-members - List members in a role
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/roles/:roleId/members?in_role=false
Use this API to get members (not) in a role.
Prerequisites: * Business or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:role_member:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
236. phone-roles-{roleId}-members - Add members to roles
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/roles/:roleId/members
Use this API to add members to roles.
Prerequisites: * Business or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:role_member:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
237. phone-roles-{roleId}-members - Delete members in a role
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/roles/:roleId/members?user_ids=<string>&user_ids=<string>
Use this API to delete member(s) in a role.
Prerequisites: * Business or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:role_member:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
238. phone-roles-{roleId} - Get role information
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/roles/:roleId
Use this API to get information on a phone role.
Prerequisites: * Business, or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:role:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
239. phone-roles-{roleId} - Delete a phone role
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/roles/:roleId
Use this API to delete a phone role.
Prerequisites: * Business, or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:role:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
240. phone-roles-{roleId} - Update a phone role
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/roles/:roleId
Use this API to update a role.
Prerequisites: * Business, or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:update:role:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
241. phone-roles - List phone roles
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/roles
Use this API to get phone roles.
Prerequisites: * Business or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Rate Limit Label: Medium
242. phone-roles - Duplicate a phone role
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/roles
Use this API to duplicate a phone role.
Prerequisites: * Business or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Rate Limit Label: Light
243. phone-carrier_peering-numbers - List carrier peering phone numbers.
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/carrier_peering/numbers?page_size=30&next_page_token=<string>&phone_number=<string>
Returns phone numbers pushed by the carrier to different customers. To become a peering provider/ carrier, submit your request.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_peering_numbers:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
244. phone-peering-numbers - List peering phone numbers
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/peering/numbers?page_size=30&next_page_token=<string>&phone_number=<string>&carrier_code=<integer>
Returns phone numbers to Zoom through the Provider Exchange.
Note: Phone peering API and events are for partners who have completed the MoU to peer with Zoom. To become a peering provider/ carrier, submit your request.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_peering_numbers:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
245. phone-peering-numbers - Add peering phone numbers
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/peering/numbers
Adds phone numbers to Zoom through the Provider Exchange.
Note: Phone peering API and events are for partners who have completed the MoU to peer with Zoom. To become a peering provider/ carrier, submit your request.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:peering_number:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
246. phone-peering-numbers - Remove peering phone numbers
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/peering/numbers
Removes phone numbers added to Zoom through the Provider Exchange.
Note: Phone peering API and events are for partners who have completed the MoU to peer with Zoom. To become a peering provider/ carrier, submit your request.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:peering_number:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
247. phone-peering-numbers - Update peering phone numbers
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/peering/numbers
Updates phone numbers to Zoom through the Provider Exchange.
Note: Phone peering API and events are for partners that have completed the MoU to peer with Zoom. To become a peering provider/ carrier, submit your request.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:update:peering_number:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
248. phone-provision_templates-{templateId} - Get a provision template
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/provision_templates/:templateId
Use this API to get a specific provision template.
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account plan * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:provision_template:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
249. phone-provision_templates-{templateId} - Delete a provision template
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/provision_templates/:templateId
Use this API to delete a provision template in a Zoom account.
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account plan * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:provision_template:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
250. phone-provision_templates-{templateId} - Update a provision template
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/provision_templates/:templateId
Use this API to update a provision template in a Zoom account.
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account plan * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:update:provision_template:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
251. phone-provision_templates - List provision templates
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/provision_templates?page_size=30&next_page_token=<string>
Use this API to list all provision templates in a Zoom account.
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account plan * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_provision_templates:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
252. phone-provision_templates - Add a provision template
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/provision_templates
Use this API to create a provision template in a Zoom account.
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account plan * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:provision_template:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
253. phone-recording_transcript-download-{recordingId} - Download a phone recording transcript
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/recording_transcript/download/:recordingId
Downloads the phone recording transcript.
Scopes: phone:read
Granular Scopes: phone:read:recording_transcript
Rate Limit Label: Light
254. phone-recordings-{recordingId}-status - Update Recording Status
PUT {{baseUrl}}/phone/recordings/:recordingId/status
Updates the status of a single recording in account.
Prerequisites: * User must belong to a Business or Enterprise account * User must have a Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:update:call_recording
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
255. phone-recordings-{recordingId} - Delete a call recording
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/recordings/:recordingId
Deletes a call recording.
Prerequisites: * User must belong to a Business or Enterprise account * User must have a Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:call_recording
Rate Limit Label: Light
256. phone-recordings-{recordingId} - Update auto delete field
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/recordings/:recordingId
Updates the auto delete field for recording. It only updates if you enable the Auto Delete Data After Retention Duration setting in the account settings for recordings.
Prerequisites: * User must belong to a Business or Enterprise account * User must have a Zoom Phone license.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:update:call_recording
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
257. phone-recordings - Get call recordings
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/recordings?page_size=<integer>&next_page_token=<string>&from=<date>&to=<date>&owner_type=all&recording_type=<string>&site_id=All sites&query_date_type=start_time&group_id=All groups
Returns an account's call recordings.
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account plan * A Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin privileges
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_call_recordings:admin
Rate Limit Label: MEDIUM
258. phone-recordings - Get call recordings
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/recordings?page_size=30&next_page_token=cWiI3vTqdcENiV9RJz3Rh8iP1ksNPheW8c1&from=2021-12-01&to=2021-12-31&owner_type=all&recording_type=OnDemand&site_id=8f71O6rWT8KFUGQmJIFAdQ&query_date_type=start_time
Use this API to list an account's call recordings
* A Pro or higher account plan
* A Zoom Phone license
* Account owner or admin privilegesScopes: phone:read:admin
, phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
259. phone-recordings - Delete a call recording
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/recordings/:recordingId
Use this API to delete a call recording.
Scopes: phone:write
, phone:write:admin
, phone_recording:write
, phone_recording:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * User must belong to a Business or Enterprise account * User must have a Zoom Phone license
260. phone-reports-call_charges - Get call charges usage report
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/reports/call_charges?from=<date>&to=<date>&page_size=<integer>&next_page_token=<string>&billing_account_id=<string>&show_charges_only=<boolean>
Retrieves the Phone Call Charges Report.
The Call charges usage report allows account owners and admins to view monthly Zoom phone call charges. Account owners and admins can also access this information when they log into their Zoom accounts and navigate to Call Charges Usage Report.
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:call_charges:admin
Rate Limit Label: HEAVY
261. phone-reports-operationlogs - Get operation logs report
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/reports/operationlogs?from=<date>&to=<date>&category_type=all&page_size=30&next_page_token=<string>
Retrieves the phone system operation logs report.
The phone system operation logs report allows account owners and admins to view monthly Zoom phone related admin operation details.
Account owners and admins can also access this information by logging into their Zoom accounts and navigating to Phone System Operation Logs.
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:operation_logs:admin
Rate Limit Label: HEAVY
262. phone-reports-sms_charges - Get SMS/MMS charges usage report
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/reports/sms_charges?from=<date>&to=<date>&page_size=<integer>&next_page_token=<string>&show_charges_only=<boolean>
Retrieves the SMS/MMS Charges Report. The SMS/MMS charges usage report allows account owners and admins to view monthly Zoom phone call charges. Account owners and admins can also access this information by when they log into their Zoom accounts and navigate to SMS/MMS Charges Usage Report. Prerequisites: * Account must be enrolled in Pro or a higher plan * Account must be enrolled in a Zoom Phone plan
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:sms_charges:admin
Rate Limit Label: HEAVY
263. phone-routing_rules-{routingRuleId} - Get directory backup routing rule
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/routing_rules/:routingRuleId
Returns the directory backup routing rule. The directory backup routing rules are a series of predefined Regular Expressions. These rules are used to route outgoing calls. If a dialed number does not match a Zoom Phone user, and does not match a defined External Contact, these rules are tested next. If a dialed number does not match any rules, the call will be routed via the PSTN.Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:routing_rule:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
264. phone-routing_rules-{routingRuleId} - Delete directory backup routing rule
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/routing_rules/:routingRuleId
Deletes the directory backup routing rule.
The directory backup routing rules are a series of predefined Regular Expressions. These rules are used to route outgoing calls. If a dialed number does not match a Zoom Phone user, and does not match a defined External Contact, these rules are tested next. If a dialed number does not match any rules, the call will be routed via the PSTN.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:routing_rule:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
265. phone-routing_rules-{routingRuleId} - Update directory backup routing rule
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/routing_rules/:routingRuleId
Updates the directory backup routing rule.
The directory backup routing rules are a series of predefined regular expressions. These rules are used to route outgoing calls. If a dialed number does not match a Zoom Phone user, and does not match a defined external contact, these rules are tested next. If a dialed number does not match any rules, the call will be routed through the PSTN.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:update:routing_rule:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
266. phone-routing_rules - List directory backup routing rules
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/routing_rules?site_id=<string>
Returns a list of directory backup routing rules. The directory backup routing rules are a series of predefined Regular Expressions. These rules are used to route outgoing calls. If a dialed number does not match a Zoom Phone user, and does not match a defined External Contact, these rules are tested next. If a dialed number does not match any rules, the call will be routed via the PSTN. Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_routing_rules:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
267. phone-routing_rules - Add directory backup routing rule
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/routing_rules
Creates a directory backup routing rule.
The directory backup routing rules are a series of predefined regular expressions. These rules are used to route outgoing calls. If a dialed number does not match a Zoom Phone user, and does not match a defined external contact, these rules are tested next. If a dialed number does not match any rules, the call will be routed through the PSTN.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:routing_rule:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
268. phone-sms-sessions-{sessionId}-messages-{messageId} - Get SMS by message ID
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/sms/sessions/:sessionId/messages/:messageId
Get details about a specific message in an SMS session.
Prerequisites * Paid account * User-enabled Zoom phone
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:sms_message
Rate Limit Label: Heavy
269. phone-sms-sessions-{sessionId}-sync - Sync SMS by session ID
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/sms/sessions/:sessionId/sync?sync_type=BSync&count=<integer>&sync_token=<string>
Use this API to sync SMS messages in a session.
Prerequisites * Paid account * User-enabled Zoom phone
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:sms_session
Rate Limit Label: Medium
270. phone-sms-sessions-{sessionId} - Get SMS session details
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/sms/sessions/:sessionId?page_size=30&next_page_token=<string>&from=<date>&to=<date>&sort=<integer>
Get details about an SMS session.
Prerequisites * Paid account * User-enabled Zoom phone
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:sms_session
Rate Limit Label: Medium
271. phone-sms-sessions - Get account's SMS sessions
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/sms/sessions?page_size=30&next_page_token=<string>&from=<date>&to=<date>&session_type=user&phone_number=<string>&filter_type=last_message_time
Returns details about SMS sessions for an account.
Prerequisites * Paid account * User-enabled Zoom phone
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_sms_sessions
Rate Limit Label: MEDIUM
272. phone-sms_campaigns-{smsCampaignId}-phone_numbers-{phoneNumberId} - Unassign a phone number
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/sms_campaigns/:smsCampaignId/phone_numbers/:phoneNumberId
Use this API to unassign a phone number from the SMS campaign. Remove the assigned phone number from the campaign.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license * The campaign must have been previously assigned a Zoom Phone number
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:sms_campaign_number:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
273. phone-sms_campaigns-{smsCampaignId}-phone_numbers - Assign a phone number to SMS campaign
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/sms_campaigns/:smsCampaignId/phone_numbers
Use this API to assign a phone number to the SMS campaign.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:sms_campaign_number:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
274. phone-sms_campaigns-{smsCampaignId} - Get an SMS campaign
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/sms_campaigns/:smsCampaignId
Use this API to get a specific SMS campaign.
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account plan * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:sms_campaign:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
275. phone-sms_campaigns - List SMS campaigns
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/sms_campaigns?page_size=30&next_page_token=<string>
Use this API to list all SMS campaigns in a Zoom account.
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account plan * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_sms_campaigns:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
276. phone-setting_templates-{templateId} - Get setting template details
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/setting_templates/:templateId?custom_query_fields=<string>
Returns information about an account's phone template.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:setting_template:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
277. phone-setting_templates-{templateId} - Update a setting template
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/setting_templates/:templateId
Updates or modifies a phone template's settings.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:update:setting_template:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
278. phone-setting_templates - List setting templates
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/setting_templates?page_size=30&next_page_token=<string>&site_id=<string>
Gets a list of all the created phone template settings.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_setting_templates:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
279. phone-setting_templates - Add a setting template
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/setting_templates
Creates a Zoom Phone setting template for an account. After creating a phone template, the defined settings will become the default settings for an account.
Prerequisites: * A Business or enterprise Zoom account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:setting_template:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
280. phone-ported_numbers-orders-{orderId} - Get ported number details
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/ported_numbers/orders/:orderId
Use this API to get details on the ported numbers by specifying order_id
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account plan * A Zoom phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:ported_number:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
281. phone-ported_numbers-orders - List ported numbers
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/ported_numbers/orders?next_page_token=<string>&page_size=30
Use this API to list ported numbers in a Zoom account.
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account plan * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_ported_numbers:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
282. phone-settings - Get phone account settings
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/settings
Use this API to return an account's settings.
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
283. phone-settings - Update phone account settings
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/settings
Account owners can use this API to update Zoom Phone account settings.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account
284. phone-sip_groups - List SIP groups
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/sip_groups?next_page_token=<string>&page_size=30
Use this API to list SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) groups.
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_sip_groups:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
285. phone-sip_trunk-trunks - List BYOC SIP trunks
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/sip_trunk/trunks?next_page_token=<string>&page_size=30
Use this API to return a list of an account's assigned BYOC (Bring Your Own Carrier) SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) trunks.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_sip_trunks:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
286. phone-shared_line_appearances - List shared line appearances
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/shared_line_appearances?page_size=30&next_page_token=<string>
Use this API to list shared line appearance instances.
Prerequisites: * Pro or higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin privileges
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_shared_line_appearances:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
287. phone-shared_line_groups-{sharedLineGroupId}-policies - Get a shared line group policy
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/shared_line_groups/:sharedLineGroupId/policies
Returns the policy setting of a specific shared line group.
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:shared_line_group_policy:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
288. phone-shared_line_groups-{sharedLineGroupId}-policies - Update a shared line group policy
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/shared_line_groups/:sharedLineGroupId/policies
Updates the policy setting of a specific shared line group.
Prerequisites: * Pro or higher account plan with Zoom Phone License * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:update:shared_line_group_policy:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
289. phone-shared_line_groups-{sharedLineGroupId} - Get a shared line group
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/shared_line_groups/:sharedLineGroupId
Lists all the shared line groups. A shared line group allows Zoom Phone admins to share a phone number and extension with a group of phone users or common areas. This gives members of the shared line group access to the group's direct phone number and voicemail.
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:shared_line_group:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
290. phone-shared_line_groups-{slgId}-members-{memberId} - Unassign a member from a shared line group
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/shared_line_groups/:slgId/members/:memberId
Unassigns a specific member from a shared line group. Members of the shared line group have access to the group's phone number and voicemail.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:shared_line_member:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
291. phone-shared_line_groups-{slgId}-members - Add members to a shared line group
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/shared_line_groups/:slgId/members
Adds members to a shared line group. A shared line group allows Zoom Phone admins to share a phone number and extension with a group of phone users or common areas. This gives members of the shared line group access to the group's direct phone number and voicemail. Note that a member can only be added to one shared line group.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:shared_line_member:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
292. phone-shared_line_groups-{slgId}-members - Unassign members from a shared line group
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/shared_line_groups/:slgId/members
Unassigns all existing members from a Shared Line Group.Members of the shared line group have access to the group's phone number and voicemail.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:shared_line_member:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
293. phone-shared_line_groups-{slgId}-phone_numbers-{phoneNumberId} - Unassign a phone number
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/shared_line_groups/:slgId/phone_numbers/:phoneNumberId
Unassigns a specific phone number that was assigned to the shared line group. Prerequisites:
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:shared_line_group_number:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
294. phone-shared_line_groups-{slgId}-phone_numbers - Assign phone numbers
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/shared_line_groups/:slgId/phone_numbers
Assigns phone numbers to a shared line groups. These direct phone numbers will be shared among members of the shared line group.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:shared_line_group_number:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
295. phone-shared_line_groups-{slgId}-phone_numbers - Unassign all phone numbers
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/shared_line_groups/:slgId/phone_numbers
Unassigns all the phone numbers that have been assigned to the shared line group.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:shared_line_group_number:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
296. phone-shared_line_groups-{slgId}-policy-{policyType} - Add a policy setting to a shared line group
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/shared_line_groups/:slgId/policy/:policyType
Adds the policy sub-setting for a specific shared line group according to the policyType
. For example, you can use this API to set up shared access members.
Prerequisites: * Pro or higher account with Zoom Phone license. * Account owner or admin privileges
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
297. phone-shared_line_groups-{slgId}-policy-{policyType} - Delete an SLG policy setting
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/shared_line_groups/:slgId/policy/:policyType?shared_ids=<string>&shared_ids=<string>
Removes the policy sub-setting for a specific shared line group according to the policyType
. For example, you can use this API to remove shared access members.
Prerequisites: * Pro or higher account with Zoom Phone license. * Account owner or admin privileges
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
298. phone-shared_line_groups-{slgId}-policy-{policyType} - Update an SLG policy setting
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/shared_line_groups/:slgId/policy/:policyType
Updates the policy sub-setting for a specific shared line group according to the policyType
. For example, you can use this API to update shared access members.
Prerequisites: * Pro or higher account with Zoom Phone license. * Account owner or admin privileges
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
299. phone-shared_line_groups-{slgId} - Delete a shared line group
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/shared_line_groups/:slgId
Deletes a shared line group. A shared line group allows Zoom Phone admins to share a phone number and extension with a group of phone users or common areas. Prerequisites:
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:shared_line_group:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
300. phone-shared_line_groups-{slgId} - Update a shared line group
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/shared_line_groups/:slgId
Updates information of a shared line group. A shared line group allows Zoom Phone admins to share a phone number and extension with a group of phone users or common areas. This gives members of the shared line group access to the group's direct phone number and voicemail. Prerequisites:
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:update:shared_line_group:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
301. phone-shared_line_groups - List shared line groups
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/shared_line_groups?page_size=30&next_page_token=<string>
Lists all the shared line groups. A shared line group allows Zoom Phone admins to share a phone number and extension with a group of phone users or common areas. This capability gives members of the shared line group access to the group's direct phone number and voicemail.
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_shared_line_groups:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
302. phone-shared_line_groups - Create a shared line group
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/shared_line_groups
Creates a shared line group. A shared line group allows Zoom Phone admins to share a phone number and extension with a group of phone users or common areas. This gives members of the shared line group access to the group's direct phone number and voicemail. Prerequisites: * Pro or higher account with Zoom Phone license.* Account owner or admin privileges
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:shared_line_group:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
303. phone-voice_mails-{voicemailId} - Update Voicemail Read Status
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/voice_mails/:voicemailId?read_status=Unread
Updates the status of voicemail message.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:update:voicemail
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
304. phone-rooms-unassigned - List Zoom Rooms without Zoom Phone assignment
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/rooms/unassigned?keyword=<string>
Use this API to retrieve Zoom Rooms that are not assigned a Zoom Phone.
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account plan * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_rooms:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
305. phone-rooms-{roomId}-calling_plans-{type} - Remove a calling plan from a Zoom Room
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/rooms/:roomId/calling_plans/:type?billing_account_id=<string>
Use this API to unassign a calling plan from a Zoom Room.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:room_calling_plan:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
306. phone-rooms-{roomId}-calling_plans - Assign calling plans to a Zoom Room
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/rooms/:roomId/calling_plans
Use this API to assign calling plans to a Zoom Room. Up to 200 numbers at a time.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:room_calling_plan:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
307. phone-rooms-{roomId}-phone_numbers-{phoneNumberId} - Remove a phone number from a Zoom Room
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/rooms/:roomId/phone_numbers/:phoneNumberId
Use this API to unassign a phone number from a Zoom Room.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license * The Zoom Room must have been previously assigned a Zoom Phone number
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:room_phone_number:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
308. phone-rooms-{roomId}-phone_numbers - Assign phone numbers to a Zoom Room
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/rooms/:roomId/phone_numbers
Use this API to assign phone numbers to a Zoom Room. Up to 200 numbers at a time.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:room_phone_number:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
309. phone-rooms-{roomId} - Get a Zoom Room under Zoom Phone license
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/rooms/:roomId
Use this API to get a specific Zoom Room in an account that has the Zoom Phone license assigned.
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account plan * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:room:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
310. phone-rooms-{roomId} - Remove a Zoom Room from a ZP account
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/rooms/:roomId
Use this API to remove Zoom Room from a Zoom Phone account.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:delete:room:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
311. phone-rooms-{roomId} - Update a Zoom Room under Zoom Phone license
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/rooms/:roomId
Use this API to update a Zoom Room in an account that has the Zoom Phone license assigned.
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account plan * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:update:room:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
312. phone-rooms - List Zoom Rooms under Zoom Phone license
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/rooms?page_size=30&next_page_token=<string>&site_id=<string>&calling_type=<integer>&keyword=<string>
Retrieves a list of Zoom Rooms under the account that has the Zoom Phone license assigned.Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account plan * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:read:list_rooms:admin
Rate Limit Label: MEDIUM
313. phone-rooms - Add a Zoom Room to a Zoom Phone
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/rooms
Use this API to associate a Zoom Room with a Zoom Phone license.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Granular Scopes: phone:write:room:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
314. phone-rooms - List Zoom Rooms under Zoom Phone license
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/rooms?page_size=30&next_page_token=BJLYC6PABbAHdjwSkGVQeeR6B1juwHqj3G2&site_id=kLD4F3WBT-O9LYE31C0tRQ&calling_type=100
Use this API to retrieve a list of Zoom Rooms under the account that has the Zoom Phone license assigned.
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account plan * A Zoom Phone license
315. phone-audios/{audio Id} - Delete an audio item
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/audios/:audioId
Use this API to delete an audio item.
Prerequisites: * Business, or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write
Rate Limit Label: Light
316. phone-audios/{audio Id} - Get an audio item
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/audios/:audioId
Use this API to get an audio item.
Prerequisites: * Business or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read
Rate Limit Label: Light
317. phone-audios/{audio Id} - Update an audio item
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/audios/:audioId
Use this API to update an audio item.
Prerequisites: * Business or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write
Rate Limit Label: Light
318. phone-auto receptionists-{auto Receptionist Id}-policies-{policy Type} - Update a policy setting
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/auto_receptionists/:autoReceptionistId/policies/:policyType
Use this API to update the policy sub-setting of a specific auto receptionist according to the policy type.
Prerequisites: * Pro or higher account plan with Zoom Phone License * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
319. phone-auto receptionists-{auto Receptionist Id}-policies-{policy Type} - Add a policy setting
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/auto_receptionists/:autoReceptionistId/policies/:policyType
Use this API to add a policy sub-setting according to the policy type for a specific auto receptionist.
Prerequisites: * Pro or higher account plan with Zoom Phone License * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
320. phone-auto receptionists-{auto Receptionist Id}-policies-{policy Type} - Delete a policy setting
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/auto_receptionists/:autoReceptionistId/policies/:policyType?shared_ids=p8JVVAopTwuA0eLzSwAcwg&shared_ids=p8JVVAopTwuA0eLzSwAcwg
Use this API to remove the policy sub-setting of a auto receptionist.
Prerequisites: * Pro or higher account plan with Zoom Phone License * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
321. phone-auto receptionists-{auto Receptionist Id}-policies - Update an auto receptionist policy
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/auto_receptionists/:autoReceptionistId/policies
Use this API to update the policy setting of a specific auto receptionist.
Prerequisites: * Pro or higher account plan with Zoom Phone License * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
322. phone-auto receptionists-{auto Receptionist Id}-policies - Get an auto receptionist policy
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/auto_receptionists/:autoReceptionistId/policies
Use this API to get the policy setting of a specific auto receptionist.
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license. * Account owner or admin permissions.
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
323. phone-auto receptionists-{auto Receptionist Id}-ivr - Get auto receptionist IVR
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/auto_receptionists/:autoReceptionistId/ivr?hours_type=business_hours&holiday_id=YpLBylKbQKe1vEB1iSGatQ
Use this API to get an interactive voice response (IVR) system of the specified auto receptionist.
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
324. phone-auto receptionists-{auto Receptionist Id}-ivr - Update auto receptionist IVR
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/auto_receptionists/:autoReceptionistId/ivr
Use this API to update the interactive voice response (IVR) system of the specified auto receptionist.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
325. phone-auto receptionists-{auto Receptionist Id}-phone numbers - Unassign all phone numbers
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/auto_receptionists/:autoReceptionistId/phone_numbers
Unassign all phone numbers that were previously assigned to an auto receptionist.
* Pro or higher account plan with Zoom Phone License
* Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
326. phone-auto receptionists-{auto Receptionist Id}-phone numbers - Assign phone numbers
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/auto_receptionists/:autoReceptionistId/phone_numbers
Assign available phone numbers to an auto receptionist. The available numbers can be retrieved using the List Phone Numbers API with type
query parameter set to unassigned
* Pro or higher account plan with Zoom Phone License
* Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
327. phone-auto receptionists-{auto Receptionist Id}-phone numbers - Unassign a phone number
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/auto_receptionists/:autoReceptionistId/phone_numbers/:phoneNumberId
Unassign a specific phone number that was previously assigned to an auto receptionist.
* Pro or higher account plan with Zoom Phone License
* Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
328. phone-auto receptionists-{auto Receptionist Id} - Update auto receptionist details
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/auto_receptionists/:autoReceptionistId
An auto receptionist answers calls with a personalized recording and routes calls to a phone user, call queue, common area phone, or voicemail. An auto receptionist can also be set up so that it routes calls to an interactive voice response (IVR) system to allow callers to select the routing options.
Use this API to change information such as display name and extension number assigned to the main auto receptionist.
* Pro or higher account with Zoom Phone license.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
329. phone-auto receptionists - List auto receptionists
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/auto_receptionists?page_size=30&next_page_token=BJLYC6PABbAHdjwSkGVQeeR6B1juwHqj3G2
Use this API to list auto receptionists.
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
330. phone-auto receptionists - Add an auto receptionist
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/auto_receptionists
Auto receptionists answer calls with a personalized recording and routes calls to a phone user, call queue, common area phone, voicemail or an IVR system. Use this API to add an auto receptionist to a Zoom Phone
* Pro or higher account with Zoom Phone license.
* Account owner or admin privileges
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
331. phone-blocked list-{blocked List Id} - Delete a blocked list
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/blocked_list/:blockedListId
A Zoom account owner or a user with admin privilege can block phone numbers for phone users in an account. Blocked numbers can be inbound (numbers will be blocked from calling in) and outbound (phone users in your account won't be able to dial those numbers).
Use this API to delete a blocked list and therefore removing the associated number from the blocked list. The number will be unblocked after the deletion.
Prerequisites: * Pro or higher account plan with Zoom phone license
Scope: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
332. phone-blocked list-{blocked List Id} - Get blocked list details
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/blocked_list/:blockedListId
A Zoom account owner or a user with admin privilege can block phone numbers for phone users in an account. Blocked numbers can be inbound (numbers will be blocked from calling in) and outbound (phone users in your account won't be able to dial those numbers). Blocked callers will hear a generic message stating that the person they are calling is not available. Use this API to get information about a specific blocked list.
Prerequisites: * Pro or higher account plan with Zoom phone license
Scope: phone:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
333. phone-blocked list-{blocked List Id} - Update a blocked list
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/blocked_list/:blockedListId
A Zoom account owner or a user with admin privilege can block phone numbers for phone users in an account. Blocked numbers can be inbound (numbers will be blocked from calling in) and outbound (phone users in your account won't be able to dial those numbers). Blocked callers will hear a generic message stating that the person they are calling is not available. Use this API to update the information on the blocked list.
Prerequisites: * Pro or higher account plan with Zoom phone license
Scope: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
334. phone-blocked list - List blocked lists
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/blocked_list?next_page_token=BJLYC6PABbAHdjwSkGVQeeR6B1juwHqj3G2&page_size=30
A Zoom account owner or a user with admin privilege can block phone numbers for phone users in an account. Blocked numbers can be inbound (numbers will be blocked from calling in) and outbound (phone users in your account won't be able to dial those numbers). Blocked callers will hear a generic message stating that the person they are calling is not available. Use this API to list all the blocked lists in an acccount.
Prerequisites: * Pro or higher account plan with Zoom phone license
Scope: phone:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
335. phone-blocked list - Create a blocked list
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/blocked_list
A Zoom account owner or a user with the admin privilege can block phone numbers for phone users in an account. Blocked numbers can be inbound (numbers will be blocked from calling in) and outbound (phone users in your account won't be able to dial those numbers). Blocked callers will hear a generic message stating that the person they are calling is not available. Use this API to create a block list and add a number to the list.
Prerequisites: * Pro or higher account plan with Zoom phone license
Scope: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
336. phone-call logs-{call Log Id} - Get call log details
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/call_logs/:callLogId
Use this API to return information about a call log.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read
, phone:read:admin
, phone_call_log:read
, phone_call_log:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
337. phone-call logs-{call Log Id} - Add a client code to a call log
PUT {{baseUrl}}/phone/call_logs/:callLogId/client_code
Use this API to add a client code to a call log. You can track call logs with a client code.
Prerequisites: * Business, or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
338. phone-call logs - Get account's call logs
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/call_logs?page_size=30&from=2020-10-31&to=2021-12-31&type=all&next_page_token=BJLYC6PABbAHdjwSkGVQeeR6B1juwHqj3G2&path=extension&time_type=startTime&site_id=8f71O6rWT8KFUGQmJIFAdQ&charged_call_logs=false
Use this API to return an account's call logs.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license * Account owner or a role with Zoom Phone management
Scopes: phone:read:admin
, phone_call_log:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Heavy
339. phone-call logs - Get recording by call ID
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/call_logs/:id/recordings
Use this API to get an account's call recording( by the recording's callId
or callLogId
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account with Zoom Phone license. * Account owner or admin privileges
Scopes: phone:read:admin
, phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
340. phone-call queues-{call Queue Id}-members - Unassign all members
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/call_queues/:callQueueId/members
Use this API to remove all members from a Call Queue who were previously assigned to that Call Queue. The members could be phone users or common area phones. Prerequisites:
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
341. phone-call queues-{call Queue Id}-members - Add members to a call queue
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/call_queues/:callQueueId/members
Add phone users and/or common areas as members to a specific call queue.
Prerequisites: * Pro or higher account plan. * Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
342. phone-call queues-{call Queue Id}-members - Unassign a member
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/call_queues/:callQueueId/members/:memberId
Use this API to remove a member who was previously added to a call queue. The member could be a phone user, common area phone or common area. Note that you cannot use this API to unassign a call queue manager. Prerequisites:
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
343. phone-call queues-{call Queue Id}-phone numbers - Unassign all phone numbers
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/call_queues/:callQueueId/phone_numbers
Use this API to unbind all phone numbers that are assigned to a Call Queue After successful unbinding, the numbers will appear in the Unassigned tab. If you only need to unassign a specific phone number, use the Unassign a Phone Number API instead.
* Pro or higher account palan
* Account owner or admin permissions
* Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
344. phone-call queues-{call Queue Id}-phone numbers - Assign numbers to a call queue
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/call_queues/:callQueueId/phone_numbers
After buying phone number(s), you can assign it, allowing callers to directly dial a number to reach a call queue.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
345. phone-call queues-{call Queue Id}-phone numbers - Unassign a phone number
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/call_queues/:callQueueId/phone_numbers/:phoneNumberId
After assigning a phone number, you can unbind it if you don't want it to be assigned to a Call Queue. Use this API to unbind a phone number from a Call Queue. After successful unbinding, the number will appear in the Unassigned tab.
* Pro or higher account palan
* Account owner or admin permissions
* Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
346. phone-call queues-{call Queue Id} - Delete a call queue
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/call_queues/:callQueueId
Call queues allow you to route incoming calls to a group of users. For instance, you can use call queues to route calls to various departments in your organization such as sales, engineering, billing, customer service etc. Use this API to delete a Call Queue.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
347. phone-call queues-{call Queue Id} - Get call queue details
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/call_queues/:callQueueId
Call queues allow you to route incoming calls to a group of users. For instance, you can use call queues to route calls to various departments in your organization such as sales, engineering, billing, customer service etc. Use this API to get information on a specific Call Queue.
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
348. phone-call queues-{call Queue Id} - Update call queue details
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/call_queues/:callQueueId
Call queues allow you to route incoming calls to a group of users. For instance, you can use call queues to route calls to various departments in your organization such as sales, engineering, billing, customer service etc. Use this API to update information of a specific Call Queue.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
349. phone-call queues-{call Queue Id} - Change call queue manager
PUT {{baseUrl}}/phone/call_queues/:callQueueId/manager
A call queue manager has the privileges to manage the call queue's voicemail inbox and recordings, change all call queue settings and call queue policy settings.
Use this API to to set another phone user as the call queue manager.
Prerequisites: * Pro or higher account plan. * Account owner or admin permissions * Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
350. phone-call queues-{call Queue Id} - Get call queue recordings
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/call_queues/:callQueueId/recordings?page_size=30&next_page_token=BJLYC6PABbAHdjwSkGVQeeR6B1juwHqj3G2&from=2020-10-31&to=2021-12-31
Use this API to view call recordings from the call queue.
Rate Limit Label: Medium
351. phone-call queues - List call queues
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/call_queues?next_page_token=BJLYC6PABbAHdjwSkGVQeeR6B1juwHqj3G2&page_size=30
Call queues allow you to route incoming calls to a group of users. For instance, you can use call queues to route calls to various departments in your organization such as sales, engineering, billing, customer service etc. Use this API to list Call queues.
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
352. phone-call queues - Create a call queue
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/call_queues
Call queues allow you to route incoming calls to a group of users. For instance, you can use call queues to route calls to various departments in your organization such as sales, engineering, billing, customer service etc. Use this API to create a call queue. You can add phone users or common area phones to call queues.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
353. phone-carrier reseller/numbers - List phone numbers
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/carrier_reseller/numbers?page_size=30&next_page_token=next_page_token&assigned_status=assigned&sub_account_id=8EVJZPwCTmSZme6fTOcBFg&keyword=555
Use this API to list phone numbers in a carrier reseller (master) account that can be pushed to its subaccounts.
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account plan * A Zoom Phone license
354. phone-carrier reseller/numbers - Activate phone numbers
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/carrier_reseller/numbers
Use this API to change phone number status to 'active' in a carrier reseller's master account. Up to 200 numbers at a time.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account plan * A Zoom Phone license
355. phone-carrier reseller/numbers - Create phone numbers
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/carrier_reseller/numbers
Use this API to add phone numbers to a carrier reseller (master) account. Up to 200 numbers at a time. If this API is called in MA mode, it also has functions of distribution.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account plan * A Zoom Phone license
356. phone-carrier reseller/numbers - Delete a phone number
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/carrier_reseller/numbers/:number
Use this API to delete or unassign a phone number from a carrier reseller account.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account plan * A Zoom Phone license
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/common_area_phones/:commonAreaPhoneId/calling_plans
Assign calling plans to common area phone.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/common_area_phones/:commonAreaPhoneId/calling_plans/:type
Use this API to unassign a calling plan from a common area phone.
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account with a Zoom Phone license * An account owner or admin permissions
Rate Limit Label: Light
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/common_area_phones/:commonAreaPhoneId/phone_numbers
Assign phone numbers to common area phone.
Rate Limit Label: Light
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/common_area_phones/:commonAreaPhoneId/phone_numbers/:phoneNumberId
Use this API to unassign a phone number from a common Area phone.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
361. phone-common area phones-{common Area Phone Id} - Delete a common area phone
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/common_area_phones/:commonAreaPhoneId
A common area phone can be provisioned by a Zoom account owner or a Zoom admin so that anyone in an organization can use it. For example, if your office has shared desks that don't belong to a specific employees, you could add a common area phone so that any person can use it. Use this API to remove the common area phone from Zoom Phone System in an account.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
362. phone-common area phones-{common Area Phone Id} - Get common area phone details
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/common_area_phones/:commonAreaPhoneId
Use this API to get details on a specific common area phone in an account.
A common area phone can be provisioned by a Zoom account owner or a Zoom admin so that anyone in an organization can use it. For example, if your office has shared desks that don't belong to a specific employees, you could add a common area phone so that any person can use it.
Rate Limit Label: Light
363. phone-common area phones-{common Area Phone Id} - Update common area phone
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/common_area_phones/:commonAreaPhoneId
Use this API to update details on a specific common area phone in an account.
A common area phone can be provisioned by a Zoom account owner or a Zoom admin so that anyone in an organization can use it. For example, if your office has shared desks that don't belong to a specific employees, you could add a common area phone so that any person can use it.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
364. phone-common area phones - List common area phones
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/common_area_phones?page_size=30&next_page_token=BJLYC6PABbAHdjwSkGVQeeR6B1juwHqj3G2
Use this API to list all of an account's common area phones.
A common area phone can be provisioned by a Zoom account owner or a Zoom admin so that anyone in an organization can use it. For example, if your office has shared desks that don't belong to a specific employees, you could add a common area phone so that any person can use it.
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
365. phone-common area phones - Add a common area phone
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/common_area_phones
Use this API to add a common area phone.
A common area phone can be provisioned by a Zoom account owner or a Zoom admin so that anyone in an organization can use it. For example, if your office has shared desks that don't belong to a specific employees, you could add a common area phone so that any person can use it.
Rate Limit Label: Light
366. phone-common areas-{common Area Id}-calling plans - Assign calling plans to a common area
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/common_areas/:commonAreaId/calling_plans
Use this API to assign calling plans to a common area.
Note: For use by customers who opted for Common Area Optimization
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license. * Account owner or admin permissions.
Scope: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
367. phone-common areas-{common Area Id}-calling plans - Unassign a calling plan from the common area
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/common_areas/:commonAreaId/calling_plans/:type
Use this API to unassign a calling plan from the common area.
Note: For use by customers who opted for Common Area Optimization
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account with a Zoom Phone license * An account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
368. phone-common areas-{common Area Id}-phone numbers - Assign phone numbers to a common area
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/common_areas/:commonAreaId/phone_numbers
Assign phone numbers to a common area.
Note: For use by customers who opted for Common Area Optimization
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license. * Account owner or admin permissions.
Scope: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
369. phone-common areas-{common Area Id}-phone numbers - Unassign phone numbers from common area
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/common_areas/:commonAreaId/phone_numbers/:phoneNumberId
Use this API to unassign a phone number from a common area.
Note: For use by customers who opted for Common Area Optimization
Prerequisites: * A Pro or a higher account with a Zoom Phone license * An account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
370. phone-common areas-{common Area Id}-settings-{setting Type} - Add common area settings
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/common_areas/:commonAreaId/settings/:settingType
Use this API to add the common area setting according to the setting type, specifically for desk phones.
Note: For use by customers who opted for Common Area Optimization
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license. * Account owner or admin permissions.
Scope: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
371. phone-common areas-{common Area Id}-settings-{setting Type} - Delete common area settings
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/common_areas/:commonAreaId/settings/:settingType?device_id=TNxfEp2WT9emyCsAQt4qnA
Use this API to remove the common area subsetting from desk phones.
Note: For use by customers who opted for Common Area Optimization
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license. * Account owner or admin permissions.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
372. phone-common areas-{common Area Id}-settings-{setting Type} - Update common area settings
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/common_areas/:commonAreaId/settings/:settingType
Use this API to update the common area setting according to the setting type, specifically for desk phones.
Note: For use by customers who opted for Common Area Optimization
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license. * Account owner or admin permissions.
Scope: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
373. phone-common areas-{common Area Id}-settings - Get common area settings
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/common_areas/:commonAreaId/settings
Use this API to get common area settings.
Note: For use by customers who opted for Common Area Optimization
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license. * Account owner or admin permissions.
Scope: phone:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
374. phone-common areas-{common Area Id} - Delete a common area
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/common_areas/:commonAreaId
Use this API to remove the common area.
Note: For use by customers who opted for Common Area Optimization
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license. * Account owner or admin permissions.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
375. phone-common areas-{common Area Id} - Get common area details
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/common_areas/:commonAreaId
Use this API to get detailed information on the common area.
Note: For use by customers who opted for Common Area Optimization
* Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license
* Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
376. phone-common areas-{common Area Id} - Update common area
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/common_areas/:commonAreaId
Use this API to update the common area information.
Note: For use by customers who opted for Common Area Optimization
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
377. phone-common areas - List common areas
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/common_areas?page_size=30&next_page_token=BJLYC6PABbAHdjwSkGVQeeR6B1juwHqj3G2
Use this API to list common areas under an account.
Note: For use by customers who opted for Common Area Optimization
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
378. phone-common areas - Add a common area
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/common_areas
Use this API to add an instance of common area. Configure devices shared by users and deployed in shared spaces.
Note: For use by customers who opted for Common Area Optimization
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
379. phone-devices-{device Id}-extensions - Assign an entity to a device
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/devices/:deviceId/extensions
By default, all Zoom Phone users can make and receive calls using the Zoom desktop and mobile applications. Additionally, if a desk phone is required, use this API to add a desk phone and assign it to a user.
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions * Supported device
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
380. phone-devices-{device Id}-extensions - Unassign an entity from the device
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/devices/:deviceId/extensions/:extensionId
Use this API to unassign a specific assignee from the device.
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
381. phone-devices-{device Id}-line keys - Get device line keys information
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/devices/:deviceId/line_keys
Use this API to get information on the Zoom Phone device line keys settings and position.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
or phone:read
Rate Limit Label: Heavy
382. phone-devices-{device Id}-line keys - Batch update device line key position
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/devices/:deviceId/line_keys
Use this API to batch update the Zoom Phone device line key position information.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
or phone:write
Rate Limit Label: Heavy
383. phone-devices-{device Id} - Delete a device
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/devices/:deviceId
Remove a desk phone device or ATA (Analog Telephone Adapter) from the Zoom Phone System Management.
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions * Device must not have been assigned to a user.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
384. phone-devices-{device Id} - Get device details
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/devices/:deviceId
Get detailed information about a specific desk phone device.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
385. phone-devices-{device Id} - Update a device
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/devices/:deviceId
Update information of a desk phone device.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
386. phone-emergency addresses-{emergency Address Id} - Delete an emergency address
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/emergency_addresses/:emergencyAddressId
Use this API to remove an emergency address.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Heavy
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
387. phone-emergency addresses-{emergency Address Id} - Get emergency address details
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/emergency_addresses/:emergencyAddressId
Use this API to get emergency address information.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
388. phone-emergency addresses-{emergency Address Id} - Update an emergency address
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/emergency_addresses/:emergencyAddressId
Use this API to update an emergency address information.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
389. phone-emergency addresses - List emergency addresses
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/emergency_addresses?site_id=SQv52YtkRLC2dwrDdYtGsA&user_id=DnEopNmXQEGU2uvvzjgojw&level=1&status=1&next_page_token=BJLYC6PABbAHdjwSkGVQeeR6B1juwHqj3G2&page_size=30
Use this API to list emergency addresses.
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
390. phone-emergency addresses - Add an emergency address
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/emergency_addresses
Use this API to add an emergency address.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
391. phone-emergency number pools/phone numbers - Assign phone numbers to the emergency number pool
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/emergency_number_pools/phone_numbers
Use this API to assign phone numbers to the Emergency Number Pool.
Scopes: phone:write
, phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
392. phone-emergency number pools/phone numbers - Unassign phone numbers from the emergency number pool
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/emergency_number_pools/phone_numbers/:phoneNumberId
Use this API to unassign phone numbers from the Emergency Number Pool.
Scopes: phone:write
, phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/extension/:extensionId/call_handling/settings/:settingType?call_forwarding_id=qPvrfrrcrf843cdfvbDRDg&holiday_id=ewhu3i9-f3f3-fiohed
Use this API to delete a Zoom Phone's call handling settings. For more information, read our Customizing call handling settings documentation.
Applicable to user, call queue, or auto receptionist call handling at this time.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone enabled
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/extension/:extensionId/call_handling/settings/:settingType
Use this API to update a Zoom Phone's call handling setting. For more information, read our Customizing call handling settings documentation.
Applicable to user, call queue, or auto receptionist call handling at this time.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone enabled
395. phone-extension/{extension Id}-call handling/settings-{setting Type} - Add a call handling setting
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/extension/:extensionId/call_handling/settings/:settingType
Use this API to create a Zoom Phone call handling setting. Call handling settings let you control how your system routes calls during business, closed, or holiday hours. For more information, read our Customizing call handling settings documentation.
Applicable to user, call queue, or auto receptionist call handling at this time.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * A Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone enabled
396. phone-extension/{extension Id}-call handling/settings - Get call handling settings
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/extension/:extensionId/call_handling/settings
Use this API to get information about a Zoom Phone's call handling settings. For more information, read our Customizing call handling settings documentation.
Applicable to user, call queue, or auto receptionist call handling at this time.
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone enabled
397. phone-extension/{extension Id}-line keys - Get line key position and settings information
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/extension/:extensionId/line_keys
Use this API to get the Zoom Phone line key settings information.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
or phone:read
Rate Limit Label: Light
398. phone-extension/{extension Id}-line keys - Batch update line key position and settings information
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/extension/:extensionId/line_keys
Use this API to batch update the Zoom Phone line key settings information.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
or phone:write
Rate Limit Label: Light
399. phone-extension/{extension Id}-line keys - Delete a line key setting.
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/extension/:extensionId/line_keys/:lineKeyId
Use this API to delete the Zoom Phone line key settings information.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
or phone:write
Rate Limit Label: Light
400. phone-external contacts-{external Contact Id} - Delete an external contact
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/external_contacts/:externalContactId
Use this API to remove an external contact.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
401. phone-external contacts-{external Contact Id} - Get external contact details
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/external_contacts/:externalContactId
Use this API to get an external contact's information.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
* Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license
* Account owner or admin permissions
402. phone-external contacts-{external Contact Id} - Update external contact
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/external_contacts/:externalContactId
Use this API to update an external contact's information.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
403. phone-external contacts - List external contacts
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/external_contacts?next_page_token=BJLYC6PABbAHdjwSkGVQeeR6B1juwHqj3G2&page_size=30
Use this API to list external contacts.
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
404. phone-external contacts - Add an external contact
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/external_contacts
Use this API to add an external contact.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
405. phone-locations-{location Id} - Delete an emergency location
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/locations/:locationId
Use this API to remove an emergency location.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
406. phone-locations-{location Id} - Get emergency service location details
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/locations/:locationId
Use this API to return an emergency service location's information.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
407. phone-locations-{location Id} - Update emergency service location
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/locations/:locationId
Use this API to update an emergency location's information.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
408. phone-metrics-call logs - List call logs
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/metrics/call_logs?from=2021-12-01&to=2021-12-31&site_id=SQv52YtkRLC2dwrDdYtGsA&quality_type=good&page_size=30&next_page_token=T6WMY4fJBIAlxPUiqRtwvQS9dvsq8AoRam2
Call logs provide a record of all incoming and outgoing calls over Zoom Phone in an account.
Use this API to list monthly call logs metrics. You can use query parameters to filter the response by date, site and MOS(Mean Opinion Score) of the call.
Prerequisites: * Business, or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
, phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Heavy
409. phone-metrics-call logs - Get call QoS
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/metrics/call_logs/:callId/qos
Get call quality of service(QoS) data for a call made or received by a Zoom phone user in the account.
Prerequisites: * Business, or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
, phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
410. phone-metrics-call logs - Get call details from call log
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/metrics/call_logs/:call_id
Call logs provide a record of all incoming and outgoing calls over Zoom Phone in an account.
Use this API to list call log details of a specific call.
Prerequisites: * Business, or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
, phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
411. phone-metrics - List tracked locations
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/metrics/location_tracking?type=6&site_id=NjHmTu16Qfe8yOiNJuekXA&location_type=personal&keyword=device name
Use this API to list tracked locations.
Prerequisites: * Pro or higher account plan with Zoom phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
Scope: phone:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/monitoring_groups/:monitoringGroupId/monitor_members?member_type=monitor
Use this API to remove all monitor or monitored members from a Monitoring Group.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
413. phone-monitoring groups-{monitoring Group Id}-monitor members - Get members of a monitoring group
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/monitoring_groups/:monitoringGroupId/monitor_members?member_type=monitor&page_size=1&next_page_token=ICF5K4lVmGG4kyIyGxSfBU2LH4QQG95cn32
Use this API to return members list of a Monitoring Group.
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
414. phone-monitoring groups-{monitoring Group Id}-monitor members - Add members to a monitoring group
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/monitoring_groups/:monitoringGroupId/monitor_members?member_type=monitor
Use this API to add members to a Monitoring Group.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/monitoring_groups/:monitoringGroupId/monitor_members/:memberExtensionId?member_type=monitor
Use this API to remove a member from a Monitoring Group.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
416. phone-monitoring groups-{monitoring Group Id} - Delete a monitoring group
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/monitoring_groups/:monitoringGroupId
Use this API to delete a Monitoring Group.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
417. phone-monitoring groups-{monitoring Group Id} - Get monitoring group by ID
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/monitoring_groups/:monitoringGroupId
Use this API to return a Monitoring Group for the specified ID.
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
418. phone-monitoring groups-{monitoring Group Id} - Update a monitoring group
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/monitoring_groups/:monitoringGroupId
Use this API to update a Monitoring Group.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
419. phone-monitoring groups - Get a list of monitoring groups on an account
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/monitoring_groups?type=1&site_id=8f71O6rWT8KFUGQmJIFAdQ&page_size=30&next_page_token=ICF5K4lVmGG4kyIyGxSfBU2LH4QQG95cn32
Use this API to return an account's Monitoring Group list.
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
420. phone-monitoring groups - Create a monitoring group
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/monitoring_groups
Use this API to create a Monitoring Group.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/outbound_caller_id/customized_numbers?selected=true&site_id=SQv52YtkRLC2dwrDdYtGsA&extension_type=callQueue&keyword=408&page_size=30&next_page_token=BJLYC6PABbAHdjwSkGVQeeR6B1juwHqj3G2
Use this API to retrieve phone numbers that can be used as the account-level
customized outbound caller ID. Note that when multiple sites policy is enabled, users cannot manage the account-level
configuration. The system will throw an exception.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license.
Scope: phone:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/outbound_caller_id/customized_numbers
Use this API to add the account-level
customized outbound caller ID phone numbers. Note that when multiple sites policy is enabled, users cannot manage the account-level
configuration. The system will throw an exception.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license.
Scope: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/outbound_caller_id/customized_numbers?customize_ids=8_RkKw9OQ42oYsXqJJjs4A&customize_ids=8_RkKw9OQ42oYsXqJJjs4A
Use this API to delete the account-level
customized outbound caller ID phone numbers. Note that when multiple sites policy is enabled, users cannot manage the account-level
configuration. The system will throw an exception.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license.
Scope: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
424. phone-numbers-{number Id} - Get phone number details
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/numbers/:numberId
Use this API to get information about an account's Zoom Phone number.
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account plan * A Zoom phone license
425. phone-numbers-{number Id} - Update phone number details
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/numbers/:numberId
Use this API to update a Zoom Phone number's information.
Scopes: phone:write
, phone:write:admin
, phone:master
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * A Paid account
426. phone-peering/numbers - Remove peering phone numbers
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/peering/numbers
Use this API to remove phone numbers that were added to Zoom through the Provider Exchange.
Note: Phone peering API and events are for use by partners that have completed the MoU to peer with Zoom. To become a peering provider/ carrier, please submit your request.
Scopes: phone_peering:write:admin
, phone_peering:master
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
427. phone-peering/numbers - List peering phone numbers
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/peering/numbers?page_size=30&next_page_token=BJLYC6PABbAHdjwSkGVQeeR6B1juwHqj3G2&phone_number=18108001001&carrier_code=8801
Use this API to return phone numbers that were added to Zoom through the Provider Exchange.
Note: Phone peering API and events are for use by partners that have completed the MoU to peer with Zoom. To become a peering provider/ carrier, please submit your request.
Scopes: phone_peering:read:admin
, phone_peering:master
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
428. phone-peering/numbers - Update peering phone numbers
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/peering/numbers
Use this API to update phone numbers that were added to Zoom through the Provider Exchange.
Note: Phone peering API and events are for use by partners that have completed the MoU to peer with Zoom. To become a peering provider/ carrier, please submit your request.
Scopes: phone_peering:write:admin
, phone_peering:master
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
429. phone-peering/numbers - Add peering phone numbers
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/peering/numbers
Use this API to add phone numbers to Zoom through the Provider Exchange.
Note: Phone peering API and events are for use by partners that have completed the MoU to peer with Zoom. To become a peering provider/ carrier, please submit your request.
Scopes: phone_peering:write:admin
, phone_peering:master
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
430. phone-ported numbers/orders - List ported numbers
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/ported_numbers/orders?next_page_token=BJLYC6PABbAHdjwSkGVQeeR6B1juwHqj3G2&page_size=30
Use this API to list ported numbers in a Zoom account.
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account plan * A Zoom Phone license
431. phone-ported numbers/orders - Get ported number details
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/ported_numbers/orders/:orderId
Use this API to get details on the ported numbers by specifying order_id
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account plan * A Zoom phone license
432. phone-rooms-{room Id}-calling plans - Assign calling plans to a Zoom Room
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/rooms/:roomId/calling_plans
Use this API to assign calling plans to a Zoom Room. Up to 200 numbers at a time.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
433. phone-rooms-{room Id}-calling plans - Remove a calling plan from a Zoom Room
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/rooms/:roomId/calling_plans/:type
Use this API to unassign a calling plan from a Zoom Room.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
434. phone-rooms-{room Id}-phone numbers - Assign phone numbers to a Zoom Room
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/rooms/:roomId/phone_numbers
Use this API to assign phone numbers to a Zoom Room. Up to 200 numbers at a time.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
435. phone-rooms-{room Id}-phone numbers - Remove a phone number from a Zoom Room
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/rooms/:roomId/phone_numbers/:phoneNumberId
Use this API to unassign a phone number from a Zoom Room.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license * The Zoom Room must have been previously assigned a Zoom Phone number
436. phone-rooms-{room Id} - Get a Zoom Room under Zoom Phone license
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/rooms/:roomId
Use this API to retrieve a Zoom Room under the account that has the Zoom Phone license assigned.
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account plan * A Zoom Phone license
437. phone-rooms-{room Id} - Update a Zoom Room under Zoom Phone license
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/rooms/:roomId
Use this API to update a Zoom Room under the account that has the Zoom Phone license assigned.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account plan * A Zoom Phone license
438. phone-routing rules-{routing Rule Id} - Delete directory backup routing rule
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/routing_rules/:routingRuleId
Use this API to delete directory backup routing rule. The directory backup routing rules are a series of predefined Regular Expressions. These rules are used to route outgoing calls. If a dialed number does not match a Zoom Phone user, and does not match a defined External Contact, these rules are tested next. If a dialed number does not match any rules, the call will be routed via the PSTN.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
439. phone-routing rules-{routing Rule Id} - Get directory backup routing rule
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/routing_rules/:routingRuleId
Use this API to get directory backup routing rule. The directory backup routing rules are a series of predefined Regular Expressions. These rules are used to route outgoing calls. If a dialed number does not match a Zoom Phone user, and does not match a defined External Contact, these rules are tested next. If a dialed number does not match any rules, the call will be routed via the PSTN.
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
440. phone-routing rules-{routing Rule Id} - Update directory backup routing rule
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/routing_rules/:routingRuleId
Use this API to update directory backup routing rule. The directory backup routing rules are a series of predefined Regular Expressions. These rules are used to route outgoing calls. If a dialed number does not match a Zoom Phone user, and does not match a defined External Contact, these rules are tested next. If a dialed number does not match any rules, the call will be routed via the PSTN.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
441. phone-routing rules - List directory backup routing rules
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/routing_rules?site_id=NjHmTu16Qfe8yOiNJuekXA
Use this API to return a list of directory backup routing rules. The directory backup routing rules are a series of predefined Regular Expressions. These rules are used to route outgoing calls. If a dialed number does not match a Zoom Phone user, and does not match a defined External Contact, these rules are tested next. If a dialed number does not match any rules, the call will be routed via the PSTN.
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
442. phone-routing rules - Add directory backup routing rule
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/routing_rules
Use this API to create a directory backup routing rule. The directory backup routing rules are a series of predefined Regular Expressions. These rules are used to route outgoing calls. If a dialed number does not match a Zoom Phone user, and does not match a defined External Contact, these rules are tested next. If a dialed number does not match any rules, the call will be routed via the PSTN.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
443. phone-setting templates-{template Id} - Get setting template details
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/setting_templates/:templateId?custom_query_fields=voicemail
Use this API to return information about an account's phone template.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
or phone:write
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
444. phone-setting templates-{template Id} - Update a setting template
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/setting_templates/:templateId
Use this API to update or modify a phone template's settings.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
or phone:write
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
445. phone-setting templates - List setting templates
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/setting_templates?page_size=30&next_page_token=nav48KOj42vYPSG4f0cCdT575bZ980did22&site_id=SQv52YtkRLC2dwrDdYtGsA
Use this API to get a list of all the created phone template settings.
Scopes: phone:read:admin
or phone:read
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
446. phone-setting templates - Add a setting template
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/setting_templates
Use this API to create a Zoom Phone setting template for an account. After creating a phone template, the defined settings will become the default settings for an account.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
, phone:write
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * A Business or enterprise Zoom account * A Zoom Phone license
447. phone-shared line groups-{shared Line Group Id}-members - Unassign members from a shared line group
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/shared_line_groups/:sharedLineGroupId/members
Members of the shared line group have access to the group's phone number and voicemail. Use this API to unassign all existing members from a Shared Line Group.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
448. phone-shared line groups-{shared Line Group Id}-members - Add members to a shared line group
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/shared_line_groups/:sharedLineGroupId/members
A shared line group allows Zoom Phone admins to share a phone number and extension with a group of phone users or common area phones. This gives members of the shared line group access to the group's direct phone number and voicemail. Use this API to add members to a Shared Line Group. Note that a member can only be added to one shared line group.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
449. phone-shared line groups-{shared Line Group Id}-members - Unassign a member from a shared line group
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/shared_line_groups/:sharedLineGroupId/members/:memberId
Members of the shared line group have access to the group's phone number and voicemail. Use this API to unassign a specific member from a Shared Line Group.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
450. phone-shared line groups-{shared Line Group Id}-phone numbers - Unassign all phone numbers
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/shared_line_groups/:sharedLineGroupId/phone_numbers
Use this API to unassign all the phone numbers that have been assigned to the shared line group.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
451. phone-shared line groups-{shared Line Group Id}-phone numbers - Assign phone numbers
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/shared_line_groups/:sharedLineGroupId/phone_numbers
Use this API to assign phone numbers to a shared line groups. These direct phone numbers will be shared among members of the shared line group.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
452. phone-shared line groups-{shared Line Group Id}-phone numbers - Unassign a phone number
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/shared_line_groups/:sharedLineGroupId/phone_numbers/:phoneNumberId
Use this API to unassign a specific phone number that was assigned to the shared line group. Prerequisites:
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
453. phone-shared line groups-{shared Line Group Id} - Delete a shared line group
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/shared_line_groups/:sharedLineGroupId
A shared line group allows Zoom Phone admins to share a phone number and extension with a group of phone users or common area phones. Use this API to delete a Shared Line Group. Prerequisites:
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
454. phone-shared line groups-{shared Line Group Id} - Get a shared line group
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/shared_line_groups/:sharedLineGroupId
A shared line group allows Zoom Phone admins to share a phone number and extension with a group of phone users or common area phones. This gives members of the shared line group access to the group's direct phone number and voicemail. Use this API to list all the Shared Line Groups.
Scopes: phone:read:admin
or phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
455. phone-shared line groups-{shared Line Group Id} - Update a shared line group
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/shared_line_groups/:sharedLineGroupId
A shared line group allows Zoom Phone admins to share a phone number and extension with a group of phone users or common area phones. This gives members of the shared line group access to the group's direct phone number and voicemail. Use this API to update information of a Shared Line Group.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
456. phone-shared line groups - List shared line groups
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/shared_line_groups?page_size=30&next_page_token=BJLYC6PABbAHdjwSkGVQeeR6B1juwHqj3G2
A shared line group allows Zoom Phone admins to share a phone number and extension with a group of phone users or common area phones. This gives members of the shared line group access to the group's direct phone number and voicemail. Use this API to list all the Shared Line Groups.
Scopes: phone:read:admin
, phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
457. phone-shared line groups - Create a shared line group
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/shared_line_groups
A shared line group allows Zoom Phone admins to share a phone number and extension with a group of phone users or common area phones. This gives members of the shared line group access to the group's direct phone number and voicemail. Use this API to create a shared line group.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
458. phone-sites-{site Id}-settings/{setting Type} - Get a phone site setting
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/sites/:siteId/settings/:settingType
Sites allow you to organize Zoom Phone users in your organization. Use this API to get site setting about a specific site according to the setting type.
Scope: phone:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
459. phone-sites-{site Id}-settings/{setting Type} - Update the site setting
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/sites/:siteId/settings/:settingType
Sites allow you to organize Zoom Phone users in your organization. Use this API to update the site setting of a specific site according to the setting type.
Prerequisites: * Account must have a Pro or a higher plan with Zoom Phone license. * Multiple sites must be enabled.
Scope: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
460. phone-sites-{site Id}-settings/{setting Type} - Add a site setting
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/sites/:siteId/settings/:settingType
Sites allow you to organize Zoom Phone users in your organization. Use this API to add a site setting to a specific site according to the setting type.
Prerequisites: * Account must have a Pro or a higher plan with Zoom Phone license. * Multiple sites must be enabled.
Scope: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
461. phone-sites-{site Id}-settings/{setting Type} - Delete a site setting
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/sites/:siteId/settings/:settingType?device_type=Poly trioc60&holiday_id=n6wfnyoFSmWwY121cPe66g
Sites allow you to organize Zoom Phone users in your organization. Use this API to delete the site setting of a specific site.
Prerequisites: * Account must have a Pro or a higher plan with Zoom Phone license. * Multiple sites must be enabled.
Scope: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/sites/:siteId/outbound_caller_id/customized_numbers?selected=true&site_id=SQv52YtkRLC2dwrDdYtGsA&extension_type=callQueue&keyword=408&page_size=30&next_page_token=BJLYC6PABbAHdjwSkGVQeeR6B1juwHqj3G2
Use this API to retrieve phone numbers that can be used as the site-level
customized outbound caller ID.
* Multiple sites must be enabled.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license.
Scope: phone:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/sites/:siteId/outbound_caller_id/customized_numbers
Use this API to add the site-level
customized outbound caller ID phone numbers.
* Multiple sites must be enabled.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license.
Scope: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/sites/:siteId/outbound_caller_id/customized_numbers?customize_ids=8_RkKw9OQ42oYsXqJJjs4A&customize_ids=8_RkKw9OQ42oYsXqJJjs4A
Use this API to remove the site-level
customized outbound caller ID phone numbers.
* Multiple sites must be enabled.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license.
Scope: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
465. phone-sites-{site Id}-dial by name directory/extensions - Add users to a directory of a site
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/sites/:siteId/dial_by_name_directory/extensions
Use this API to add users to a directory of the specified site.
Prerequisites: * Business or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Rate Limit Label: Light
466. phone-sites-{site Id}-dial by name directory/extensions - List users in a directory by site
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/sites/:siteId/dial_by_name_directory/extensions?page_size=30&next_page_token=BJLYC6PABbAHdjwSkGVQeeR6B1juwHqj3G2&in_directory=false&site_id=fefeqd
Use this API to get users that are in or not in a directory of the specified site.
Prerequisites: * Business or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Rate Limit Label: Medium
467. phone-sites-{site Id}-dial by name directory/extensions - Delete users from a directory of a site
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/sites/:siteId/dial_by_name_directory/extensions?site_id=fleoq3&extension_ids=fiefi02kd&extension_ids=fiefi02kd
Use this API to delete users from a directory of the specified site.
Prerequisites: * Business or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Rate Limit Label: Light
468. phone-sites-{site Id} - Delete a phone site
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/sites/:siteId?transfer_site_id=8f71O6rWT8KFUGQmJIFAdQ
Sites allow you to organize Zoom Phone users in your organization. Use this API to delete a specific site in a Zoom account. To delete a site, in the query parameter, you must provide The site ID of another site where the assets of current site (users, numbers and phones) can be transferred to. You cannot use this API to delete the main site.
Scope: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
469. phone-sites-{site Id} - Get phone site details
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/sites/:siteId
Sites allow you to organize Zoom Phone users in your organization. Use this API to get information on a specific site.
Prerequisites: * Account must have a Pro or a higher plan with Zoom Phone license. * Multiple sites must be enabled.
Scope: phone:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
470. phone-sites-{site Id} - Update phone site details
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/sites/:siteId
Sites allow you to organize Zoom Phone users in your organization. Use this API to update information about a specific site.
Rate Limit Label: Light
471. phone-sms/sessions-{session Id} - Get SMS session details
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/sms/sessions/:sessionId?page_size=30&next_page_token=2z0Ov7kngllAbfQi4ZR2eQTb3mFVYQpYAe2&from=2021-12-01&to=2021-12-31&sort=1
Get details about an SMS session.
Scopes: phone_sms:read
, phone_sms:read:admin
, phone_sms:master
Rate Limit Label: Heavy
Prerequisites * Paid account * User-enabled Zoom phone
472. phone-sms/sessions-{session Id} - Sync SMS by session ID
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/sms/sessions/:sessionId/sync?sync_type=FSync&count=100&sync_token=MFgyQ0Z3UDkwaF8xNjQyNDA3MjA3MDE0XzE2NDI0MDcyMDcwMTQ=
Use this API to sync SMS messages in a session.
Scopes: phone_sms:read
, phone_sms:read:admin
, phone_sms:master
Rate Limit Label: Heavy
Prerequisites * Paid account * User-enabled Zoom phone
473. phone-sms/sessions-{session Id} - Get SMS by message ID
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/sms/sessions/:sessionId/messages/:messageId
Get details about a specific message in an SMS session.
Scopes: phone_sms:read
, phone_sms:read:admin
, phone_sms:master
Rate Limit Label: Heavy
Prerequisites * Paid account * User-enabled Zoom phone
474. phone-sms/sessions - Get account's SMS sessions
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/sms/sessions?page_size=30&next_page_token=2z0Ov7kngllAbfQi4ZR2eQTb3mFVYQpYAe2&from=2021-12-01&to=2021-12-31&phone_number=18108001001
Get details about SMS sessions for an account.
Scopes: phone_sms:read:admin
, phone_sms:master
Rate Limit Label: Heavy
Prerequisites * Paid account * User-enabled Zoom phone
475. phone-users-{user Id}-audios - List audio items
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/audios
Use this API to get audio items.
Prerequisites: * Business or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read
Rate Limit Label: Light
476. phone-users-{user Id}-audios - Add an audio item for text-to-speech conversion
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/audios
Use this API to add an audio item for text-to-speech conversion.
Prerequisites: * Business or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write
Rate Limit Label: Light
477. phone-users-{user Id}-audios - Add audio items
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/audios/batch
Use this API to add audio items. You can only upload voice files at this time.
Prerequisites: * Business or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write
Rate Limit Label: Heavy
Size and quantity limits for audio attachments: * Up to 5 attachments * Each file size should be no more than 1MB
478. phone-users-{user Id}-call logs - Get user's call logs
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/call_logs?page_size=30&from=2020-10-31&to=2021-12-31&type=all&next_page_token=BJLYC6PABbAHdjwSkGVQeeR6B1juwHqj3G2&phone_number=+12055432724&time_type=startTime
Use this API to get a user's Zoom phone call logs. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read
, phone:read:admin
, phone_call_log:read
, phone_call_log:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Heavy
479. phone-users-{user Id}-call logs - Sync user's call logs
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/call_logs/sync?sync_type=FSync&count=50&sync_token=SDVjM3NHRlNyMF8xNjQwODI3NTkyMzkwXzE2NDgwMTUzNTk0MzI=
Use this API to sync a user's Zoom phone call logs. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read
, phone:read:admin
, phone_call_log:read
, phone_call_log:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
480. phone-users-{user Id}-call logs - Delete a user's call log
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/call_logs/:callLogId
Use this API to delete a user's call log. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Prerequisites: * User must belong to a Business or Enterprise account * User must have a Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write
, phone:write:admin
, phone_call_log:write
, phone_call_log:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
481. phone-users-{user Id}-call logs - Get user voicemail details from a call log
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/call_logs/:id/voice_mail
Use this API to return detailed information on a voicemail associated with a call log ID. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Scopes: phone:read
, phone:read:admin
, phone_voicemail:read
, phone_voicemail:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * User must belong to a Business or Enterprise account * User must have a Zoom Phone license
482. phone-users-{user Id}-calling plans - Assign calling plan to a user
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/calling_plans
Use this API to assign a calling plan to a Zoom Phone user. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Scopes: phone:write
, phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
483. phone-users-{user Id}-calling plans - Update user's calling plan
PUT {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/calling_plans
Use this API to switch calling plans of a Zoom Phone user. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
484. phone-users-{user Id}-calling plans - Unassign user's calling plan
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/calling_plans/:type
Use this API to unassign a a Zoom Phone user's calling plan. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Scopes: phone:write
, phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
485. phone-users-{user Id}-phone numbers - Assign phone number to user
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/phone_numbers
Use this API to assign a phone number to a user who has already enabled Zoom Phone.
Scopes: phone:write
, phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
486. phone-users-{user Id}-phone numbers - Unassign phone number
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/phone_numbers/:phoneNumberId
Use this API to unassign Zoom Phone user's phone number.
After assigning a phone number, you can remove it if you do not want it to be assigned to anyone.
Scopes: phone:write
, phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license * The user must have been previously assigned a Zoom Phone number
487. phone-users-{user Id}-settings-{setting Type} - Delete a user setting
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/settings/:settingType?shared_id=--e8ugg0SeS-9clgrDkn2w&assistant_extension_id=---52bTzRAW2z5Qdu_MQRg&device_id=-GHFnf5WQe-H-_r0Wwx9iQ&intercom_extension_id=GQUUuvGMQu-bvod7HsYYIw
Use this API to remove the setting type of a user for a shared voicemail access and delegation. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
To view these settings in your Zoom web portal, navigate to the Admin >> Phone System Management >> Users & Rooms interface. Click the Users tab and select User Settings. Scroll down to Voicemail & Call Recordings.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account
488. phone-users-{user Id}-settings-{setting Type} - Update a user setting
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/settings/:settingType
Use this API to update the user setting according to the setting type, specifically for a shared voicemail access and delegation. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Phone users can access shared voicemail inboxes in the Zoom desktop client, web portal, or provisioned desk phone.
To view these settings in the Zoom web portal, navigate to the Admin >> Phone System Management >> Users & Rooms interface. Click the Users tab and select User Settings. Scroll down to Voicemail & Call Recordings.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account
489. phone-users-{user Id}-settings-{setting Type} - Add a user setting
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/settings/:settingType
Use this API to add the user setting according to the setting type, specifically for a shared voicemail access and delegation. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Phone users can access shared voicemail inboxes in the Zoom desktop client, web portal, or provisioned desk phone.
To view these settings in the Zoom web portal, navigate to the Admin >> Phone System Management >> Users & Rooms interface. Click the Users tab and select User Settings. Scroll down to Voicemail & Call Recordings.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account
490. phone-users-{user Id}-settings - Get user profile settings
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/settings
Use this API to get the Zoom Phone profile settings of a user. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Scopes: phone:read
, phone:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
491. phone-users-{user Id}-settings - Update user profile settings
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/settings
Use this API to update the Zoom Phone profile settings of a user. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Scopes: phone:write
, phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/outbound_caller_id/customized_numbers?selected=true&site_id=SQv52YtkRLC2dwrDdYtGsA&extension_type=callQueue&keyword=408&page_size=30&next_page_token=BJLYC6PABbAHdjwSkGVQeeR6B1juwHqj3G2
Use this API to retrieve phone numbers that can be the user-level
customized outbound caller ID.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license.
Scope: phone:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/outbound_caller_id/customized_numbers
Use this API to add users' customized outbound caller ID phone numbers.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license.
Scope: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/outbound_caller_id/customized_numbers?customize_ids=8_RkKw9OQ42oYsXqJJjs4A&customize_ids=8_RkKw9OQ42oYsXqJJjs4A
Use this API to remove the users' customized outbound caller ID phone numbers.
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license.
Scope: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
495. phone-users-{user Id}-sms/sessions - Get user's SMS sessions
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/sms/sessions?page_size=30&next_page_token=nav48KOj42vYPSG4f0cCdT575bZ980did22&from=2021-12-01&to=2021-12-31&phone_number=18108001001
Get details about SMS sessions for a user. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Scopes: phone_sms:read
, phone_sms:read:admin
, phone_sms:master
Rate Limit Label: Heavy
Prerequisites: * Paid account * User-enabled Zoom phone
496. phone-users-{user Id}-sms/sessions - List user's SMS sessions in descending order
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/sms/sessions/sync?sync_type=FSync&sync_token=MFgyQ0Z3UDkwaF8xNjQyNDA3MjA3MDE0XzE2NDI0MDcyMDcwMTQ=&count=50
Use this API to retrieve user's SMS sessions in descending order. Mirrors the ZP client behavior with the most recent on top.
Prerequisites: * Paid account * User-enabled Zoom phone
Scopes: phone_sms:read
, phone_sms:read:admin
, phone_sms:master
Rate Limit Label: Heavy
497. phone-users-{user Id}-voice mails - Get user's voicemails
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/voice_mails?page_size=30&status=read&next_page_token=BJLYC6PABbAHdjwSkGVQeeR6B1juwHqj3G2&from=2020-12-31&to=2021-12-31
Use this API to get a user's Zoom Phone voicemails. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Scopes: phone:read
, phone:read:admin
, phone_voicemail:read
, phone_voicemail:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
498. phone-users-{user Id}-voice mails - List user's voicemails in descending order
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/voice_mails/sync?sync_type=FSync&sync_token=Z2JHTFNkMkRQa18xNjQxNTM3MDg2ODA5XzE2NDMyNjAxNzA5NDg=&count=15
Use this API to retrieve a user's Zoom Phone voicemails in descending order. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Scopes: phone:read
, phone:read:admin
, phone_voicemail:read
, phone_voicemail:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
499. phone-users-{user Id} - Get user's profile
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId
Use this API to return a user's Zoom phone profile. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Scopes: phone:read
, phone:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
500. phone-users-{user Id} - Update user's profile
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId
Use this API to update a user's Zoom Phone profile. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Scopes: phone:write
, phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
501. phone-users-{user Id} - Get user's recordings
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/users/:userId/recordings?page_size=30&next_page_token=BJLYC6PABbAHdjwSkGVQeeR6B1juwHqj3G2&from=2020-12-31&to=2021-12-31
Use this API to get a user's Zoom Phone recordings. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Scopes: phone:read
, phone:read:admin
, phone_recording:read
, phone_recording:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
502. phone-voice mails-{voicemail Id} - Delete a voicemail
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/voice_mails/:voicemailId
Use this API to delete an account's voicemail message.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
, phone:write
, phone_voicemail:write
, phone_voicemail:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * A Zoom Phone license
503. phone-voice mails-{voicemail Id} - Get voicemail details
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/voice_mails/:voicemailId
Use this API to return information about a voicemail message.
Scopes: phone:read:admin
, phone:read
, phone_voicemail:read
, phone_voicemail:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * A Zoom Phone license
504. phone-voice mails - Get account voicemails
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/voice_mails?page_size=30&status=read&next_page_token=BJLYC6PABbAHdjwSkGVQeeR6B1juwHqj3G2&from=2020-12-31&to=2021-12-31
Use this API to get a user's Zoom Phone voicemails.
Scopes: phone_voicemail:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Heavy
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license
505. phone-dial by name directory/extensions - Add users to a directory
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/dial_by_name_directory/extensions
Use this API to add users to a directory.
Prerequisites: * Business or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
506. phone-dial by name directory/extensions - List users in directory
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/dial_by_name_directory/extensions?page_size=30&next_page_token=BJLYC6PABbAHdjwSkGVQeeR6B1juwHqj3G2&in_directory=false&site_id=LFD8Bb63f
Use this API to get users that are in or not in a directory.
Prerequisites: * Business or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Rate Limit Label: Medium
507. phone-dial by name directory/extensions - Delete users from a directory
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/dial_by_name_directory/extensions?site_id=fdfdkq3k&extension_ids=derek&extension_ids=derek
Use this API to delete users from the directory.
Prerequisites: * Business or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
508. phone-group call pickup-{group Id}-members - List call pickup group members
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/group_call_pickup/:groupId/members?page_size=30&next_page_token=BJLYC6PABbAHdjwSkGVQeeR6B1juwHqj3G2&site_id=NjHmTu16Qfe8yOiNJuekXA&extension_type=user
Use this API to retrieve members of a call pickup group in an account.
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account plan * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
509. phone-group call pickup-{group Id}-members - Add members to a call pickup group
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/group_call_pickup/:groupId/members
Use this API to add members to the specified Group Call Pickup object.
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account plan * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
510. phone-group call pickup-{group Id}-members - Remove members from call pickup group
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/group_call_pickup/:groupId/members/:extensionId
Use this API to remove member from the Group Call Pickup object.
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account plan * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
511. phone-group call pickup-{group Id} - Get call pickup group by ID
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/group_call_pickup/:groupId
Use this API to retrieve information on a specific Group Call Pickup object in an account.
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account plan * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
512. phone-group call pickup-{group Id} - Update the group call pickup information
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/group_call_pickup/:groupId
Use this API to update a specific Group Call Pickup object information.
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account plan * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
513. phone-group call pickup-{group Id} - Delete group call pickup objects
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/group_call_pickup/:groupId
Use this API to remove a Group Call Pickup object.
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account plan * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
514. phone-group call pickup - List group call pickup objects
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/group_call_pickup?page_size=30&next_page_token=BJLYC6PABbAHdjwSkGVQeeR6B1juwHqj3G2&site_id=NjHmTu16Qfe8yOiNJuekXA
Use this API to retrieve a list of Group Call Pickup objects in an account.
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account plan * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
515. phone-group call pickup - Add a group call pickup object
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/group_call_pickup
Use this API to add a Group Call Pickup instance to the account that has the Zoom Phone license assigned.
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account plan * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
516. phone-roles-{role Id}-members - Add members to a role
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/roles/:roleId/members
Use this API to add member(s) to a role.
Prerequisites: * Business, or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Rate Limit Label: Light
517. phone-roles-{role Id}-members - List members in a role
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/roles/:roleId/members?in_role=false
Use this API to get members (not) in a role.
Prerequisites: * Business or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Rate Limit Label: Medium
518. phone-roles-{role Id}-members - Delete members in a role
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/roles/:roleId/members?user_ids=XFDf012vv%23ff111&user_ids=XFDf012vv%23ff111
Use this API to delete member(s) in a role.
Prerequisites: * Business, or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Rate Limit Label: Light
519. phone-roles-{role Id} - Delete a phone role
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/roles/:roleId
Use this API to delete a phone role.
Prerequisites: * Business, or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Rate Limit Label: Light
520. phone-roles-{role Id} - Get role information
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/roles/:roleId
Use this API to get information on a phone role.
Prerequisites: * Business, or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Rate Limit Label: Medium
521. phone-roles-{role Id} - Update a phone role
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/roles/:roleId
Use this API to update a role.
Prerequisites: * Business, or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Rate Limit Label: Light
522. phone-firmware update rules-{rule Id} - Get firmware update rule information
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/firmware_update_rules/:ruleId
Use this API to get the firmware update rule information.
Prerequisites: * Business or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Rate Limit Label: Light
523. phone-firmware update rules-{rule Id} - Delete firmware update rule
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/firmware_update_rules/:ruleId?restart_type=1
Use this API to delete the firmware update rule.
Prerequisites: * Business or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
524. phone-firmware update rules-{rule Id} - Update firmware update rule
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/firmware_update_rules/:ruleId
Use this API to update a specific firmware update rule.
Prerequisites: * Business, or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Rate Limit Label: Light
525. phone-firmware update rules - Add a firmware update rule
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/firmware_update_rules
Use this API to add a firmware update rule.
Prerequisites: * Business, or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Rate Limit Label: Light
526. phone-firmware update rules - List firmware update rules
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/firmware_update_rules?site_id=8f71O6rWT8KFUGQmJIFAdQ&page_size=30&next_page_token=BJLYC6PABbAHdjwSkGVQeeR6B1juwHqj3G2
Use this API to get firmware update rules.
Prerequisites: * Business or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Rate Limit Label: Light
527. phone - Batch add emergency service locations
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/batch_locations
Use this API to batch add emergency service locations.
Prerequisites: * Pro or higher account plan with Zoom phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
Scope: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
528. phone - Add BYOC phone numbers
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/byoc_numbers
Use this API to add BYOC (Bring Your Own Carrier) phone numbers to Zoom Phone.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
, phone:write
, or phone:master
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise plan * A Zoom Phone license
529. phone - List calling plans
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/calling_plans
Use this API to return all of an account's Zoom Phone calling plans.
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
Prerequisites: * A Pro or a higher account * A Zoom Phone license
530. phone - List plan details
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/plans
Use this API to return all of an account's Zoom Phone plan package, phone number usage and availability.
Prerequisites: * A Pro or a higher account * A Zoom Phone license
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
531. phone - Change main company number
PUT {{baseUrl}}/phone/company_number
Use this API to change an account's main company number.
External users can use the main company number to reach your Zoom Phone users by dialing the main company number and the user's extension. It can also be used by your account's Zoom Phone users as their caller ID when making calls.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account plan * Account owner or admin permissions
532. phone - Download a phone recording transcript
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/recording_transcript/download/:recordingId
Use this API to download the phone recording transcript.
Scopes: phone:read
, phone:read:admin
, phone_recording:read
, phone_recording:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
533. phone - Get operation logs report
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/reports/operationlogs?from=2020-11-01&to=2021-12-31&category_type=all&page_size=30&next_page_token=BJLYC6PABbAHdjwSkGVQeeR6B1juwHqj3G2
The Phone System operation logs report allows account owners and admins to view monthly Zoom phone related admin operation details.
Use this API to retrieve the Phone System Operation Logs Report. Account owners and admins can also access this information by logging into their Zoom accounts and navigating to Phone System Operation Logs.
Scopes: phone:read:admin
, phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Heavy
* Account must be enrollled in Pro or a higher plan
* Account must be enrolled in a Zoom Phone plan
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/sip_groups?next_page_token=BJLYC6PABbAHdjwSkGVQeeR6B1juwHqj3G2&page_size=30
Use this API to list SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) groups.
Scopes: phone:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions
535. phone - List BYOC SIP trunks
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/sip_trunk/trunks?next_page_token=BJLYC6PABbAHdjwSkGVQeeR6B1juwHqj3G2&page_size=30
Use this API to return a list of an account's assigned BYOC (Bring Your Own Carrier) SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) trunks.
Scopes: phone:write:admin
or phone:master
Rate Limit Label: Light
Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account
536. phone - List updatable firmwares
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/firmwares?is_update=true&site_id=8f71O6rWT8KFUGQmJIFAdQ
Use this API to get updatable firmwares.
Prerequisites: * Business or Education account * Zoom Phone license
Rate Limit Label: Light