Number of APIs: 61
Note: The Zoom User API was formerly a subset of the Meeting API The Zoom User API lets developers access data related to Contact Groups, Groups, and Users. Use this API to build private services or public applications on the Zoom App Marketplace. Learn how to get your credentials and create private/public applications in our Authorization Guide. The API accepts application/json
and multipart/form-data
, and responds with application/json
and application/xml
. All endpoints are available at
1. contacts-groups-{groupId}-members - List contact group members
GET {{baseUrl}}/contacts/groups/:groupId/members?page_size=10&next_page_token=<string>
List members in contact groups under an account.
Prerequisite: Pro or higher account.
Scopes: contact_group:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
2. contacts-groups-{groupId}-members - Add contact group members
POST {{baseUrl}}/contacts/groups/:groupId/members
Use this API to add members to a contact group.
Prerequisite: Pro or higher account.
Scopes: contact_group:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Heavy
3. contacts-groups-{groupId}-members - Remove members in a contact group
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/contacts/groups/:groupId/members?member_ids=<string>
Use this API to remove members in a contact group.
Prerequisite: Pro or higher account.
Scopes: contact_group:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Heavy
4. contacts-groups-{groupId} - Get a contact group
GET {{baseUrl}}/contacts/groups/:groupId
Get a contact group under an account.
Prerequisite: Pro or higher account.
Scopes: contact_group:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
5. contacts-groups-{groupId} - Delete a contact group
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/contacts/groups/:groupId
Use this API to delete a contact group.
Prerequisite: Pro or higher account.
Scopes: contact_group:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Heavy
6. contacts-groups-{groupId} - Update a contact group
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/contacts/groups/:groupId
Update a contact group under your account.
Prerequisite: Pro or higher account.
Scopes: contact_group:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Heavy
7. contacts-groups - List contact groups
GET {{baseUrl}}/contacts/groups?page_size=10&next_page_token=<string>
List contact groups under an account.
Prerequisite: Pro or higher account.
Scopes: contact_group:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
8. contacts-groups - Create a contact group
POST {{baseUrl}}/contacts/groups
Use this API to create a contact group.
Prerequisite: Pro or higher account.
Scopes: contact_group:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Heavy
9. groups-{groupId}-admins-{userId} - Delete a group admin
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/groups/:groupId/admins/:userId
Use this API to remove a group administrator in a Zoom account.
Prerequisites: * A Pro, Business, or Education account
Scopes: group:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
10. groups-{groupId}-admins - List group admins
GET {{baseUrl}}/groups/:groupId/admins?page_size=30&next_page_token=<string>
Use this API to return a list of group administrators under your account.
Prerequisites: * A Pro, Business, or Education account
Scopes: group:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
11. groups-{groupId}-admins - Add group admins
POST {{baseUrl}}/groups/:groupId/admins
Use this API to add administrators to a group under your account.
Prerequisites: * A Pro, Business, or Education account
Scopes: group:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
12. groups-{groupId}-lock_settings - Get locked settings
GET {{baseUrl}}/groups/:groupId/lock_settings?option=<string>
Retrieve a group's locked settings. If you lock a setting, the group members will not be able to modify it individually.
Note: The force_pmi_jbh_password
field under meeting settings is to be deprecated on September 22, 2019. This field is replaced by another field that will provide the same functionality.
Prerequisite: Pro, Business, or Education account
Scopes: group:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: MEDIUM
13. groups-{groupId}-lock_settings - Update locked settings
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/groups/:groupId/lock_settings?option=<string>
Update a group's locked settings. If you lock a setting, the group members cannot modify it individually.
Note: The force_pmi_jbh_password
field under meeting settings is deprecated as of September 22, 2019. This field will be replaced by another field that will provide the same functionality.</p>
Prerequisite: Pro, Business, or Education account
Scopes: group:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: MEDIUM
14. groups-{groupId}-members-{memberId} - Delete a group member
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/groups/:groupId/members/:memberId
Use this API to remove a user from a group in an account.
Prerequisites: * A Pro, Business, or Education account
Scopes: group:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
15. groups-{groupId}-members-{memberId} - Update a group member
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/groups/:groupId/members/:memberId
Use this API to perform either of the following tasks: * Remove a group member from one group and move them to a different group. * Set a user's primary group. By default, the primary group is the first group that user is added to.
If a user is a member of multiple groups, you can assign the user a primary group. The user will use the primary group's settings by default. However, if the user is a member of a group with locked settings, those group settings will remain locked to the user.
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account
Scopes: group:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
16. groups-{groupId}-members - List group members
GET {{baseUrl}}/groups/:groupId/members?page_size=30&page_number=1&next_page_token=<string>
List the members of a group under your account.
Prerequisite: Pro, Business, or Education account
Scopes: group:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
17. groups-{groupId}-members - Add group members
POST {{baseUrl}}/groups/:groupId/members
Use this API to add users to a group in your account.
Prerequisites: * A Pro, Business, or Education account
Scopes: group:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
18. groups-{groupId}-settings-registration - Get a group's webinar registration settings
GET {{baseUrl}}/groups/:groupId/settings/registration?type=webinar
Get webinar registration settings for a group. Prerequisite: Pro, Business, or Education account
Scopes: group:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
19. groups-{groupId}-settings-registration - Update a group's webinar registration settings
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/groups/:groupId/settings/registration?type=webinar
Update webinar registration settings for a group.<p style="background-color:#FEEFB3; color:#9F6000">
Note:</b> The force_pmi_jbh_password
field under meeting settings is planned to be deprecated on September 22, 2019. This field will be replaced by another field that will provide the same functionality.</p>
Prerequisite: Pro, Business, or Education account
Scopes: group:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
20. groups-{groupId}-settings-virtual_backgrounds - Upload Virtual Background files
POST {{baseUrl}}/groups/:groupId/settings/virtual_backgrounds
Use this API to upload Virtual Background files for all users in a group to use.
Prerequisites: * The Virtual Background feature must be enabled on the account.
Scopes: group:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: MEDIUM
21. groups-{groupId}-settings-virtual_backgrounds - Delete Virtual Background files
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/groups/:groupId/settings/virtual_backgrounds?file_ids=<string>
Use this API to delete a group's Virtual Background files.
Prerequisites: * The Virtual Background feature must be enabled on the account.
Scopes: group:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
22. groups-{groupId}-settings - Get a group's settings
GET {{baseUrl}}/groups/:groupId/settings?option=recording_authentication&custom_query_fields=<string>
Get settings for a group. Prerequisite: Pro, Business, or Education account.
Scopes: group:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: MEDIUM
23. groups-{groupId}-settings - Update a group's settings
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/groups/:groupId/settings?option=recording_authentication
Update settings for a group.
Note:The force_pmi_jbh_password
field under meeting settings is planned to be deprecated on September 22, 2019. This field will be replaced by another field that will provide the same functionality
Prerequisite: Pro, Business, or Education account
Scopes: group:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: MEDIUM
24. groups-{groupId} - Get a group
GET {{baseUrl}}/groups/:groupId
Get a group under an account.
Prerequisite: Pro, Business, or Education account
Scopes: group:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
25. groups-{groupId} - Delete a group
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/groups/:groupId
Delete an entire group. Prerequisites: * A Pro, Business, or Education account.
Scopes: group:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
26. groups-{groupId} - Update a group
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/groups/:groupId
Update a group under your account.
Prerequisite: Pro, Business, or Education account
Scopes: group:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
GET {{baseUrl}}/groups
List groups under an account.
Prerequisite: Pro or higher account.
Scopes: group:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
POST {{baseUrl}}/groups
Use this API to create a group. You can add a maximum of 100 groups in one account per day, and a maximum of 5000 groups in one account.
If you enabled a new group via the user interface, you can also choose whether to display the group and set its privacy level.
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account
Scopes: group:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
29. users-email - Check a user email
GET {{baseUrl}}/users/email?email=<string>
Verify if a user's email is registered with Zoom.
<b>Note: </b>You can successfully check if a user is a registered Zoom user only if the user signed up for Zoom via email and is within your account. If you provide an email address of a user who is not in your account, the value of "existed_email" parameter will be "false" irrespective of whether or not the user is registered with Zoom. The response of this API call will not include users who joined Zoom using options such as "Sign in with SSO", "Sign in with Google" or "Sign in with Facebook" even if they are in the same account as yours.
Scopes: user:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
30. users-features - Bulk update feature
POST {{baseUrl}}/users/features
31. users-me-zak - Get the user's ZAK
GET {{baseUrl}}/users/me/zak
Get the Zoom Access Key (ZAK) for the authenticated user associated with the access token in the API request. Use a ZAK to start or join a meeting on behalf of this user.
ZAKs obtained with this endpoint expire five minutes after receipt.
To get a ZAK for a different user or with a different expiration, use the Get a user token API with the zak
query parameter.
See Getting a Zoom Access Key (ZAK) for details.
Scopes: user_zak:read
Rate Limit Label: Light
32. users-summary - Get user summary
GET {{baseUrl}}/users/summary
Use this API to get a summary of users, including the number and types of users in the account.
Scopes: user:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
33. users-vanity_name - Check a user's PM room
GET {{baseUrl}}/users/vanity_name?vanity_name=<string>
A personal meeting room is a virtual meeting room that can be permanently assigned to a user. Use this API to check if a personal meeting room with the given name exists or not.
Scopes: user:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
34. users-{userId}-assistants-{assistantId} - Delete a user assistant
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/users/:userId/assistants/:assistantId
Delete a specific assistant of a user. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Assistants are the users who the current user has assigned scheduling privilege. These assistants can schedule meeting on behalf of the current user as well as manage and act as an alternative host for all meetings if the admin has enabled co-host option on the account.
Prerequisites: * The user as well as the assistant must have Licensed or an On-prem license. * Assistants must be under the current user's account.
Scopes: user:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
35. users-{userId}-assistants - List user assistants
GET {{baseUrl}}/users/:userId/assistants
List a user's assistants. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Assistants are users who the current user has assigned scheduling privilege. These assistants can schedule meetings on behalf of the current user, as well as manage and act as an alternative host for all meetings if the admin has enabled the co-host option on the account.
Prerequisites: * Current user as well as the assistant must have Licensed or an On-prem license. * Assistants must be under the current user's account.
Scopes: user:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
36. users-{userId}-assistants - Add assistants
POST {{baseUrl}}/users/:userId/assistants
Assign assistants to a user. In the request body, provide either the user's ID or the user's email address. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Assistants are the users to whom the current user has assigned scheduling privilege. Assistants can schedule meetings on behalf of the current user, and can also manage and act as an alternative host for all meetings if the admin has enabled the co-host option on the account.
Prerequisites: * The user as well as the assistant must have Licensed or an On-prem license. * Assistants must be under the current user's account, or the assistants' account must be in the same organization as the current user's account.
Scopes: user:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
37. users-{userId}-assistants - Delete user assistants
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/users/:userId/assistants
Delete all of the current user's assistants. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Assistants are the users who the current user has assigned scheduling privilege. These assistants can schedule meeting on behalf of the current user, and manage and act as an alternative host for all meetings if the admin has enabled co-host option on the account.
Prerequisites: * The user as well as the assistant must have Licensed or an On-prem license. * Assistants must be under the current user's account.
Scopes: user:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
38. users-{userId}-collaboration_devices-{collaborationDeviceId} - Get collaboration device detail
GET {{baseUrl}}/users/:userId/collaboration_devices/:collaborationDeviceId
Get collaboration device detail. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Scopes: user:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: MEDIUM
39. users-{userId}-collaboration_devices - List a user's collaboration devices
GET {{baseUrl}}/users/:userId/collaboration_devices
List a user's collaboration devices. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Scopes: user:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: MEDIUM
40. users-{userId}-email - Update a user's email
PUT {{baseUrl}}/users/:userId/email
Change a user's email address on a Zoom account that has managed domain set up. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Prerequisites: * Managed domain must be enabled in the account. * The new email address should not already exist in Zoom.
Scopes: user:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
41. users-{userId}-meeting_templates-{meetingTemplateId} - Get meeting template detail
GET {{baseUrl}}/users/:userId/meeting_templates/:meetingTemplateId
Retrieve a user's meeting template. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Scopes: user:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
42. users-{userId}-password - Update a user's password
PUT {{baseUrl}}/users/:userId/password
Update the password of a user using which the user can login to Zoom. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
After this request is processed successfully, an email notification is sent to the user saying that the password was changed.
Scopes: user:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
43. users-{userId}-permissions - Get user permissions
GET {{baseUrl}}/users/:userId/permissions
Get permissions that have been granted to the user. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Users can be assigned a set of permissions that allows them to access only the pages or information that a user needs to view or edit.
Scopes: user:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
44. users-{userId}-picture - Upload a user's profile picture
POST {{baseUrl}}/users/:userId/picture
Upload a user's profile picture. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Provide multipart/form-data
as the value of the content-type
header for this request. This API supports .jpeg
and .png
file formats.
Scopes: user:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
45. users-{userId}-picture - Delete a user's profile picture
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/users/:userId/picture
Delete a user's profile picture. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Scopes: user:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
46. users-{userId}-presence_status - Update a user's presence status
PUT {{baseUrl}}/users/:userId/presence_status
Update a user's presence status. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
A user's status cannot be updated more than once per minute. For example, you can only submit a maximum of one update request per minute for a single user.
Users in the Zoom desktop client and mobile apps are assigned with a presence status. The presence status informs users of their contact's availability. Users can also change their own presence status to one the following: * Away * Do not disturb * Available * In a calendar event * Presenting * In a Zoom meeting * On a call * Out of Office * Busy
Note that a user's presence status cannot be updated via this API if the user is not logged in to the Zoom client.
Scopes: user:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: MEDIUM
47. users-{userId}-schedulers-{schedulerId} - Delete a scheduler
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/users/:userId/schedulers/:schedulerId
Delete a scheduler. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Schedulers are users who the current user (assistant) can schedule meetings on their behalf. By calling this API, the current user will no longer be a scheduling assistant of this scheduler.
Prerequisites: * Current user must be under the same account as the scheduler.
Scopes: user:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
48. users-{userId}-schedulers - List user schedulers
GET {{baseUrl}}/users/:userId/schedulers
List all of a user's schedulers. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Schedulers in this context are users who can schedule meetings for the current user. For example, if the current user, the user whose userId
was passed in the path
parameter, is User A, this API's response will list all users for whom User A can schedule and manage meetings. User A is the assistant of these users, and thus has scheduling privilege for these users.
Prerequisites * Current user must be under the same account as the scheduler.
Scopes: user:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Medium
49. users-{userId}-schedulers - Delete user schedulers
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/users/:userId/schedulers
Delete all of a user's schedulers. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Schedulers are users on whose behalf the current user (assistant) can schedule meetings for. By calling this API, the current user will no longer be a scheduling assistant of any user.
Prerequisites: * Current user (assistant) must be under the same account as the scheduler.
Scopes: user:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
50. users-{userId}-settings-virtual_backgrounds - Upload Virtual Background files
POST {{baseUrl}}/users/:userId/settings/virtual_backgrounds
Use this API to upload a Virtual Background files to a user's profile. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Note: * A user profile cannot exceed more than 10 Virtual Background files. * You can only upload image files that are in JPG/JPEG, GIF or PNG format. * Video files must be in MP4 or MOV file format with a minimum resolution of 480 by 360 pixels (360p) and a maximum resolution of 1920 by 1080 pixels (1080p). * The Virtual Background file size cannot exceed 15 megabytes (MB).
Prerequisites: * The Virtual Background feature must be enabled on the account.
Scopes: user:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: MEDIUM
51. users-{userId}-settings-virtual_backgrounds - Delete Virtual Background files
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/users/:userId/settings/virtual_backgrounds?file_ids=<string>
Use this API to delete a user's Virtual Background files. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Prerequisites: * The Virtual Background feature must be enabled on the account.
Scopes: user:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
52. users-{userId}-settings - Get user settings
GET {{baseUrl}}/users/:userId/settings?login_type=99&option=recording_authentication&custom_query_fields=<string>
Retrieve a user's settings. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Scopes: user:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: MEDIUM
53. users-{userId}-settings - Update user settings
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/users/:userId/settings?option=recording_authentication
Update a user's settings. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Scopes: user:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: MEDIUM
54. users-{userId}-status - Update user status
PUT {{baseUrl}}/users/:userId/status
Deactivate an active user or to reactivate a deactivated user. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
An account owner or admins can deactivate as well as activate a user in a Zoom account. Deactivating a user removes all licenses associated with a user, and prevents the deactivated user from logging into their Zoom account. A deactivated user can be reactivated. Reactivating a user grants the user access to log in to their Zoom account.
Scopes: user:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
55. users-{userId}-token - Get a user's token
GET {{baseUrl}}/users/:userId/token?type=token&ttl=7200
Get a user's Zoom token or Zoom Access Key (ZAK). For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Scopes: user:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
56. users-{userId}-token - Revoke a user's SSO token
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/users/:userId/token
Revoke a user's SSO token. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
After calling this API, the SSO user will be logged out of their current Zoom session.
Scopes: user:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
57. users-{userId} - Get a user
GET {{baseUrl}}/users/:userId?login_type=99&encrypted_email=false&search_by_unique_id=<boolean>
View a user's information on a Zoom account. For user-managed apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Note: The user_info:read
scope is only available when you pass the me
value for the $userId
Users who have not activated their account will have a pending
status. These users' created_at
timestamp will also display the time at which the API call was made, not the account's creation date.
Scopes: user_info:read
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
58. users-{userId} - Delete a user
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/users/:userId?encrypted_email=false&action=disassociate&transfer_email=<string>&transfer_meeting=<boolean>&transfer_webinar=<boolean>&transfer_recording=<boolean>&transfer_whiteboard=<boolean>
Disassociate (unlink) a user or permanently delete a user.
Disassociating a user unlinks the user from the associated Zoom account and provides the user their own basic free Zoom account. The disassociated user can then purchase their own Zoom licenses. An account owner or account admin can transfer the user's meetings, webinars, and cloud recordings to another user before disassociation.
Deleting a user permanently removes the user and their data from Zoom. Users can create a new Zoom account using the same email address. An account owner or an account admin can transfer meetings, webinars, and cloud recordings to another Zoom user account before deleting.
For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Note: This API does not support the deletion requirements of a Data Subject Access Request (DSAR). For a DSAR request, contact Zoom Support.
Scopes: user:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
59. users-{userId} - Update a user
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/users/:userId?login_type=99&remove_tsp_credentials=<boolean>
Update a user's Zoom profile information. For user-level apps, pass the me
value instead of the userId
Scopes: user:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT
GET {{baseUrl}}/users?status=active&page_size=30&role_id=<string>&page_number=<string>&include_fields=host_key&next_page_token=<string>&license=zoom_workforce_management
POST {{baseUrl}}/users
Add a new user to your Zoom account.
Note These rate limits apply when you use the create
value for the action
* 50 requests per day for Free accounts.
* 1,500 requests per day for Pro accounts.
* 10,000 requests per day for Business+ accounts.
Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher plan.
Scopes: user:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: LIGHT