Zoom Public API Documentation

Zoom Mail API

Number of APIs: 45

he Zoom Mail API lets developers access information from Zoom. Use this API to build private services or public applications on the Zoom App Marketplace. Learn how to get your credentials and create private or public apps in our Authorization guide. The API accepts application/json and multipart/form-data, and responds with application/json and application/xml. All endpoints are available at https://api.zoom.us/v2/.

To use this API, you must have:

  • Zoom One Pro or Standard Pro, Zoom One Business, or Zoom One Enterprise account

  • Account owner or admin privileges

Note: Pro accounts have the Zoom Mail Services enabled by default. For Business and Enterprise accounts, the Zoom Mail Services are disabled by default.

1. emails-mailboxes-{email}-drafts-send - Send out a draft email

POST {{baseUrl}}/emails/mailboxes/:email/drafts/send

Sends the specified draft.

Scopes: mail:write

Rate Limit Label: MEDIUM

Not supported in Gov cluster

2. emails-mailboxes-{email}-drafts-{draftId} - Get the specified draft email

GET {{baseUrl}}/emails/mailboxes/:email/drafts/:draftId?format=full

Retrieves the specified draft.

Scopes: mail:read

Rate Limit Label: LIGHT

Not supported in Gov cluster

3. emails-mailboxes-{email}-drafts-{draftId} - Update the specified draft email

PUT {{baseUrl}}/emails/mailboxes/:email/drafts/:draftId

Replaces a draft email's content.

Scopes: mail:write

Rate Limit Label: MEDIUM

Not supported in Gov cluster

4. emails-mailboxes-{email}-drafts-{draftId} - Delete an existing draft email

DELETE {{baseUrl}}/emails/mailboxes/:email/drafts/:draftId

Immediately and permanently deletes the specified draft.

Scopes: mail:write

Rate Limit Label: LIGHT

Not supported in Gov cluster

5. emails-mailboxes-{email}-drafts - List emails from draft folder

GET {{baseUrl}}/emails/mailboxes/:email/drafts?includeSpamTrash=<boolean>&maxResults=<integer>&pageToken=<string>&q=<string>

Lists the draft messages in the mailbox.

Scopes: mail:read

Rate Limit Label: MEDIUM

Not supported in Gov cluster

6. emails-mailboxes-{email}-drafts - Create a new draft email

POST {{baseUrl}}/emails/mailboxes/:email/drafts

Creates a new draft email message.

Scopes: mail:write

Rate Limit Label: MEDIUM

Not supported in Gov cluster

7. emails-mailboxes-{email}-history - List history of events for mailbox

GET {{baseUrl}}/emails/mailboxes/:email/history?maxResults=<integer>&pageToken=<string>&startHistoryId=<string>&historyTypes=delegateUpdated&excludeHistoryTypes=delegatorsUpdated&labelId=<string>

Lists the history of the changes to the given mailbox.

Scopes: mail:read

Rate Limit Label: LIGHT

Not supported in Gov cluster

8. emails-mailboxes-{email}-labels-{labelId} - Get the specified label in mailbox

GET {{baseUrl}}/emails/mailboxes/:email/labels/:labelId

Retrieves the specified label.

Scopes: mail:read

Rate Limit Label: LIGHT

Not supported in Gov cluster

9. emails-mailboxes-{email}-labels-{labelId} - Update the specified label in mailbox

PUT {{baseUrl}}/emails/mailboxes/:email/labels/:labelId

Updates the specified label.

Scopes: mail:write

Rate Limit Label: LIGHT

Not supported in Gov cluster

10. emails-mailboxes-{email}-labels-{labelId} - Delete an existing label from mailbox

DELETE {{baseUrl}}/emails/mailboxes/:email/labels/:labelId

Immediately and permanently deletes the specified label and removes it from any messages and threads that it is applied to.

Scopes: mail:write

Rate Limit Label: LIGHT

Not supported in Gov cluster

11. emails-mailboxes-{email}-labels-{labelId} - Patch the specified label in mailbox

PATCH {{baseUrl}}/emails/mailboxes/:email/labels/:labelId

Patch the specified label.

Scopes: mail:write

Rate Limit Label: LIGHT

Not supported in Gov cluster

12. emails-mailboxes-{email}-labels - List labels in the mailbox

GET {{baseUrl}}/emails/mailboxes/:email/labels?format=full

Lists all labels in the mailbox.

Scopes: mail:read

Rate Limit Label: MEDIUM

Not supported in Gov cluster

13. emails-mailboxes-{email}-labels - Create a new label in mailbox

POST {{baseUrl}}/emails/mailboxes/:email/labels

Creates a new label.

Scopes: mail:write

Rate Limit Label: LIGHT

Not supported in Gov cluster

14. emails-mailboxes-{email}-profile - Get the mailbox profile

GET {{baseUrl}}/emails/mailboxes/:email/profile

Get the mailbox profile.

Scopes: mail:read

Rate Limit Label: LIGHT

Not supported in Gov cluster

15. emails-mailboxes-{email}-stop - Stop receiving push notification for the mailbox

POST {{baseUrl}}/emails/mailboxes/:email/stop

Request to stop receiving push notifications for the given user mailbox.

Scopes: mail:write

Rate Limit Label: LIGHT

Not supported in Gov cluster

16. emails-mailboxes-{email}-watch - Create or update a push notification watch on the mailbox

POST {{baseUrl}}/emails/mailboxes/:email/watch

Create or update a push notification watch on the given mailbox.

Scopes: mail:write

Rate Limit Label: LIGHT

Not supported in Gov cluster

17. emails-mailboxes-{email}-messages-batchDelete - Batch delete the specified emails

POST {{baseUrl}}/emails/mailboxes/:email/messages/batchDelete

Delete multiple messages specified in request body.

Scopes: mail:write

Rate Limit Label: MEDIUM

Not supported in Gov cluster

18. emails-mailboxes-{email}-messages-batchModify - Batch modify the specified emails

POST {{baseUrl}}/emails/mailboxes/:email/messages/batchModify

Modifies the labels on the specified messages.

Scopes: mail:write

Rate Limit Label: HEAVY

Not supported in Gov cluster

19. emails-mailboxes-{email}-messages-send - Send out an email

POST {{baseUrl}}/emails/mailboxes/:email/messages/send

Sends the specified message to the recipients as specified in the email.

Scopes: mail:write

Rate Limit Label: MEDIUM

Not supported in Gov cluster

20. emails-mailboxes-{email}-messages-{messageId}-modify - Update the specified email

POST {{baseUrl}}/emails/mailboxes/:email/messages/:messageId/modify

Modifies the labels on the specified message.

Scopes: mail:write

Rate Limit Label: MEDIUM

Not supported in Gov cluster

21. emails-mailboxes-{email}-messages-{messageId}-trash - Move the specified email to TRASH folder

POST {{baseUrl}}/emails/mailboxes/:email/messages/:messageId/trash

Moves the specified message to the TRASH folder.

Scopes: mail:write

Rate Limit Label: LIGHT

Not supported in Gov cluster

22. emails-mailboxes-{email}-messages-{messageId}-untrash - Move the specified email out of TRASH folder

POST {{baseUrl}}/emails/mailboxes/:email/messages/:messageId/untrash

Move a message out of TRASH folder.

Scopes: mail:write

Rate Limit Label: LIGHT

Not supported in Gov cluster

23. emails-mailboxes-{email}-messages-{messageId}-attachments-{attachmentId} - Get the specified attachment for an email

GET {{baseUrl}}/emails/mailboxes/:email/messages/:messageId/attachments/:attachmentId

Retrieves the specified message attachment.

Scopes: mail:read

Rate Limit Label: MEDIUM

Not supported in Gov cluster

24. emails-mailboxes-{email}-messages-{messageId} - Get the specified email

GET {{baseUrl}}/emails/mailboxes/:email/messages/:messageId?format=metadata&metadataHeaders=<string>

Retrieves the specified message.

Scopes: mail:read

Rate Limit Label: LIGHT

Not supported in Gov cluster

25. emails-mailboxes-{email}-messages-{messageId} - Delete an existing email

DELETE {{baseUrl}}/emails/mailboxes/:email/messages/:messageId

Immediately and permanently deletes the specified message.

Scopes: mail:write

Rate Limit Label: LIGHT

Not supported in Gov cluster

26. emails-mailboxes-{email}-messages - List emails from the mailbox

GET {{baseUrl}}/emails/mailboxes/:email/messages?maxResults=<string>&pageToken=<string>&labelIds=<string>&q=<string>&includeSpamTrash=<boolean>

Lists the messages in the user's mailbox.

Scopes: mail:read

Rate Limit Label: MEDIUM

Not supported in Gov cluster

27. emails-mailboxes-{email}-messages - Create a new email

POST {{baseUrl}}/emails/mailboxes/:email/messages?deleted=<boolean>

Directly inserts a message into this mailbox.

Scopes: mail:write

Rate Limit Label: MEDIUM

Not supported in Gov cluster

28. emails-mailboxes-{email}-settings-language - Get mailbox language setting

GET {{baseUrl}}/emails/mailboxes/:email/settings/language

Gets language settings

Scopes: mail:read

Rate Limit Label: LIGHT

Not supported in Gov cluster

29. emails-mailboxes-{email}-settings-language - Update mailbox language setting

PUT {{baseUrl}}/emails/mailboxes/:email/settings/language

Updates language settings.

Scopes: mail:write

Rate Limit Label: LIGHT

Not supported in Gov cluster

30. emails-mailboxes-{email}-settings-vacation - Get mailbox vacation response setting

GET {{baseUrl}}/emails/mailboxes/:email/settings/vacation

Gets vacation respondes settings.

Scopes: mail:read

Rate Limit Label: LIGHT

Not supported in Gov cluster

31. emails-mailboxes-{email}-settings-vacation - Update mailbox vacation response setting

PUT {{baseUrl}}/emails/mailboxes/:email/settings/vacation

Updates vacation responder settings.

Scopes: mail:write

Rate Limit Label: LIGHT

Not supported in Gov cluster

32. emails-mailboxes-{email}-settings-delegates-{delegateEmail} - Get the specified delegate on the mailbox

GET {{baseUrl}}/emails/mailboxes/:email/settings/delegates/:delegateEmail

Retrieves the specified delegate. Managing delegate operations must be done by the mailbox owner.

Scopes: mail:read

Rate Limit Label: LIGHT

Not supported in Gov cluster

33. emails-mailboxes-{email}-settings-delegates-{delegateEmail} - Revoke an existing delegate access from the mailbox

DELETE {{baseUrl}}/emails/mailboxes/:email/settings/delegates/:delegateEmail

Removes the specified delegate. Managing delegate operations must be done by the mailbox owner.

Scopes: mail:write

Rate Limit Label: LIGHT

Not supported in Gov cluster

34. emails-mailboxes-{email}-settings-delegates - List delegates on the mailbox

GET {{baseUrl}}/emails/mailboxes/:email/settings/delegates

Lists the delegates on the mailbox. Managing delegate operations must be done by the mailbox owner.

Scopes: mail:read

Rate Limit Label: MEDIUM

Not supported in Gov cluster

35. emails-mailboxes-{email}-settings-delegates - Grant a new delegate access on the mailbox

POST {{baseUrl}}/emails/mailboxes/:email/settings/delegates

Creates a delegate on the mailbox. Managing delegate operations must be done by the mailbox owner.

Scopes: mail:write

Rate Limit Label: LIGHT

Not supported in Gov cluster

36. emails-mailboxes-{email}-settings-filters-{filterId} - Get the specified email filter

GET {{baseUrl}}/emails/mailboxes/:email/settings/filters/:filterId

Retrieves the specified filter.

Scopes: mail:read

Rate Limit Label: LIGHT

Not supported in Gov cluster

37. emails-mailboxes-{email}-settings-filters-{filterId} - Delete the specified email filter

DELETE {{baseUrl}}/emails/mailboxes/:email/settings/filters/:filterId

Immediately and permanently deletes the specified filter.

Scopes: mail:write

Rate Limit Label: LIGHT

Not supported in Gov cluster

38. emails-mailboxes-{email}-settings-filters - List email filters

GET {{baseUrl}}/emails/mailboxes/:email/settings/filters

Lists the message filters of a mailbox.

Scopes: mail:read

Rate Limit Label: MEDIUM

Not supported in Gov cluster

39. emails-mailboxes-{email}-settings-filters - Create an email filter

POST {{baseUrl}}/emails/mailboxes/:email/settings/filters

Creates a message filter.

Scopes: mail:write

Rate Limit Label: LIGHT

Not supported in Gov cluster

40. emails-mailboxes-{email}-threads-{threadId}-modify - Update the specified thread

POST {{baseUrl}}/emails/mailboxes/:email/threads/:threadId/modify

Modifies the labels applied to the thread. This applies to all messages in the thread.

Scopes: mail:write

Rate Limit Label: MEDIUM

Not supported in Gov cluster

41. emails-mailboxes-{email}-threads-{threadId}-trash - Move the specified thread to TRASH folder

POST {{baseUrl}}/emails/mailboxes/:email/threads/:threadId/trash

Moves the specified thread to the trash. Any messages that belong to the thread are also moved to the trash.

Scopes: mail:write

Rate Limit Label: MEDIUM

Not supported in Gov cluster

42. emails-mailboxes-{email}-threads-{threadId}-untrash - Move the specified thread out of TRASH folder

POST {{baseUrl}}/emails/mailboxes/:email/threads/:threadId/untrash

Move the specified thread out of the trash folder. Any messages that belong to the thread are also removed from the trash.

Scopes: mail:write

Rate Limit Label: MEDIUM

Not supported in Gov cluster

43. emails-mailboxes-{email}-threads-{threadId} - Get the specified email thread

GET {{baseUrl}}/emails/mailboxes/:email/threads/:threadId?format=full&metadataHeaders=<string>&maxResults=<string>&pageToken=<string>

Retrieves the specified thread.

Scopes: mail:read

Rate Limit Label: LIGHT

Not supported in Gov cluster

44. emails-mailboxes-{email}-threads-{threadId} - Delete an existing email thread

DELETE {{baseUrl}}/emails/mailboxes/:email/threads/:threadId

Immediately and permanently deletes the specified thread. Any messages that belong to the thread are also deleted. This operation cannot be undone.

Scopes: mail:write

Rate Limit Label: MEDIUM

Not supported in Gov cluster

45. emails-mailboxes-{email}-threads - List email threads from the mailbox

GET {{baseUrl}}/emails/mailboxes/:email/threads?includeSpamTrash=false&labelIds=<string>&maxResults=<string>&pageToken=<string>&q=<string>

Lists the threads in the mailbox.

Scopes: mail:read

Rate Limit Label: MEDIUM

Not supported in Gov cluster