Akamai APIs API Documentation

Cloud Access Manager API

Number of APIs: 14

The Cloud Access Manager (CAM) API connects the Akamai Intelligent Platform and your cloud provider. Use CAM to enable cloud origin authentication and securely store and manage your cloud provider origin credentials as access keys.

You can easily select an access key in the Origin Characteristics behavior when creating a Property Manager property for your Akamai product, eliminating the need to manually provide the credentials. You can use the same access key between several properties, for Akamai products that offer support for the Origin Characteristics behavior.

With this API, you can: - Reference access keys in multiple products and properties within your account. - Rotate the access keys your properties use. - Version your access keys and update the authentication parameters stored in them.


Create an authentication credential that contains the client token and client secret required to authenticate Akamai API requests.

  1. Navigate to the Identity and Access Management section of Akamai Control Center and click Create API Client.

Note: If you don't have access to the Identity and Access Management tool, contact your local Akamai Control Center admin or your Akamai account team for assistance.

  1. Click Quick and then Download in the Credentials section.

Note: If you need to refine access levels or permissions, see Create a client with custom permissions.

  1. Open the downloaded file with a text editor and add [default] as a header above all text.
  client_secret = C113nt53KR3TN6N90yVuAgICxIRwsObLi0E67/N8eRN=
  host = akab-h05tnam3wl42son7nktnlnnx-kbob3i3v.luna.akamaiapis.net
  access_token = akab-acc35t0k3nodujqunph3w7hzp7-gtm6ij
  client_token = akab-c113ntt0k3n4qtari252bfxxbsl-yvsdj
  1. Fork the [Akamai Authentication] environment, populate the variables, and [set it for your workspace]


To use this API, make sure you have the following services configured: - groupId. To get it, run the List groups operation via the Identity and Access Management API. - contractId. To get it, run the List contracts or List products per contract operation via the Contract API.

Integration methods

You can use this API collection in these integration methods: - API

1. Access key creation status - Get the status of an access key

GET https://{{host}}/cam/v1/access-key-create-requests/:requestId

Returns the current status and other details for a request to create a new access key.

2. Access key version status requests - Get the status of an access key version

GET https://{{host}}/cam/v1/access-key-version-create-requests/:requestId

Returns the current status and other details for a request to create a new access key version.

3. Access keys - Create an access key

POST https://{{host}}/cam/v1/access-keys

Creates a new access key. An access key's name needs to be unique within a user account. Once an access key has been created, it's available on both the staging and production Akamai networks.

4. Access keys - List access keys

GET https://{{host}}/cam/v1/access-keys

Returns detailed information about all access keys available to the current user account.

5. Access keys - Get an access key

GET https://{{host}}/cam/v1/access-keys/:accessKeyUid

Returns details for a specific access key.

6. Access keys - Update an access key

PUT https://{{host}}/cam/v1/access-keys/:accessKeyUid

Updates an access key's name.

7. Access keys - Delete an access key

DELETE https://{{host}}/cam/v1/access-keys/:accessKeyUid

Deletes a specific access key.

8. Access key versions - Create an access key version

POST https://{{host}}/cam/v1/access-keys/:accessKeyUid/versions

Rotates an access key to a new version. You should only need to do this if your cloud provider credentials have changed, for example because they've expired or been compromised. Only two versions of an access key can exist and be active at the same time. If you have two access key versions you have to delete one of them before you can create another version.

9. Access key versions - List access key versions

GET https://{{host}}/cam/v1/access-keys/:accessKeyUid/versions

Returns detailed information about all of the versions for a specific access key.

10. Access key versions - Get an access key version

GET https://{{host}}/cam/v1/access-keys/:accessKeyUid/versions/:version

Returns detailed information for a specific version of an access key.

11. Access key versions - Delete an access key version

DELETE https://{{host}}/cam/v1/access-keys/:accessKeyUid/versions/:version

Deletes a specific version of an access key. This operation works asynchronously. If you receive a successful 202 response, the request has been accepted and it's been added to the queue for deletion. You can use the Location header that's returned in the response to check the status of the request. You can't delete an access key version if it is still in use.

12. Access key version properties - Look up properties

GET https://{{host}}/cam/v1/access-keys/:accessKeyUid/versions/:version/properties

Returns information about all of the Property Manager properties that use a specific version of an access key. This operation gets the data directly. To avoid any latency problems, run the Perform a property lookup request asynchronously operation.

13. Access key version properties - Get an ID for an asynchronous property lookup request

GET https://{{host}}/cam/v1/access-keys/:accessKeyUid/versions/:version/property-lookup-id

Get the unique identifier used to perform an asynchronous property lookup request.

14. Property lookups - Perform a property lookup request asynchronously

GET https://{{host}}/cam/v1/property-lookups/:lookupId

Provides functionality similar to the Perform a property lookup request operation, but accesses the data asynchronously after running the Get an ID for an asynchronous property lookup request operation to obtain the lookupId.