Akamai APIs API Documentation

Reporting API

Number of APIs: 5

Use the Reporting API if you're using the ​Akamai​ Intelligent Platform to deliver your content. This API lets you analyze data about your Akamai configurations. You can use the data to monitor traffic, investigate patterns for troubleshooting, find out how popular specific content is, and compile information to forecast capacity.


Create an authentication credential that contains the client token and client secret required to authenticate Akamai API requests.

  1. Navigate to the Identity and Access Management section of Akamai Control Center and click Create API Client.

Note: If you don't have access to the Identity and Access Management tool, contact your local Akamai Control Center admin or your Akamai account team for assistance.

  1. Click Quick and then Download in the Credentials section.

Note: If you need to refine access levels or permissions, see Create a client with custom permissions.

  1. Open the downloaded file with a text editor and add [default] as a header above all text.
  client_secret = C113nt53KR3TN6N90yVuAgICxIRwsObLi0E67/N8eRN=
  host = akab-h05tnam3wl42son7nktnlnnx-kbob3i3v.luna.akamaiapis.net
  access_token = akab-acc35t0k3nodujqunph3w7hzp7-gtm6ij
  client_token = akab-c113ntt0k3n4qtari252bfxxbsl-yvsdj
  1. Fork the [Akamai Authentication] environment, populate the variables, and [set it for your workspace]


To enable this API, choose the API service named Reporting API, and set the access level to READ-WRITE.

Integration methods

You can use this API collection in these integration methods: - API

1. Report types - List report types

GET https://{{host}}/reporting-api/v1/reports

List all versions of all report types, optionally filtering out older deprecated versions.

2. Report types - List versions

GET https://{{host}}/reporting-api/v1/reports/:name/versions

List all versions for a specific report type.

3. Report types - Get a report type

GET https://{{host}}/reporting-api/v1/reports/:name/versions/:version

Get a specific version of a report type.

4. Reports - Generate a report

POST https://{{host}}/reporting-api/v1/reports/:name/versions/:version/report-data?start={{start}}&end={{end}}&interval={{interval}}

Produce a report in either JSON or CSV format for a specific version of a type of report. In CSV data, values with commas or space characters are quoted. Query parameters specify the range of data and the aggregation interval for each record.

5. Reports - Get a cacheable report

GET https://{{host}}/reporting-api/v1/reports/:name/versions/:version/report-data?start={{start}}&end={{end}}&interval={{interval}}

Produce a report in either JSON or CSV format for a specific version of a type of report. While functionally identical to Generate a report, this alternative GET operation specifies all request data as query parameters.