Akamai APIs API Documentation

List versions

GET https://{{host}}/reporting-api/v1/reports/:name/versions

List all versions for a specific report type.



Key Datatype Required Description 
string (Optional) Specifies if deprecated reports should be shown.
string (Optional) Specifies if unavailable reports should be shown.
string (Optional) For customers who manage more than one account, this [runs the operation from another account](https://techdocs.akamai.com/developer/docs/manage-many-accounts-with-one-api-client). The Identity and Access Management API provides a [list of available account switch keys](https://techdocs.akamai.com/iam-api/reference/get-client-account-switch-keys).


Key Datatype Required Description 


status OK

[ { "available": true, "businessObjectName": "cpcode", "dataRetentionDays": 92, "deprecated": true, "filters": [ { "name": "slot", "required": false, "type": "int" } ], "groupBy": [ "startdatetime" ], "groupOutlyingValues": { "enabled": false }, "intervals": [ "MONTH", "WEEK", "DAY", "HOUR", "FIVE_MINUTES" ], "links": [ { "href": "/reporting-api/v1/reports/ipatraffic-by-time/versions/1", "rel": "self" }, { "href": "/reporting-api/v1/reports/ipatraffic-by-time/versions", "rel": "versions" }, { "href": "/reporting-api/v1/reports", "rel": "all-reports" }, { "href": "/reporting-api/v1/reports/ipatraffic-by-time/versions/1/report-data", "rel": "execute-report" } ], "metrics": [ { "label": "Concurrent Users", "name": "concurrentUsers", "summaryStatistic": false, "unit": "COUNT" }, { "label": "Concurrent Users Latest", "name": "concurrentUsersLatest", "summaryStatistic": true, "unit": "COUNT" }, { "label": "Concurrent Users Peak", "name": "concurrentUsersMax", "summaryStatistic": true, "unit": "COUNT" }, { "label": "Incoming Traffic Throughput", "name": "incomingBitsPerSecond", "summaryStatistic": false, "unit": "BIT_PER_SECOND" }, { "label": "Total Incoming Traffic Volume Percentage", "name": "incomingBytesPercent", "summaryStatistic": true, "unit": "RATIO" }, { "label": "Total Incoming Traffic Volume", "name": "incomingBytesTotal", "summaryStatistic": true, "unit": "BYTE" }, { "label": "Outgoing Traffic Throughput", "name": "outgoingBitsPerSecond", "summaryStatistic": false, "unit": "BIT_PER_SECOND" }, { "label": "Total Outgoing Traffic Volume Percentage", "name": "outgoingBytesPercent", "summaryStatistic": true, "unit": "RATIO" }, { "label": "Total Outgoing Traffic Volume", "name": "outgoingBytesTotal", "summaryStatistic": true, "unit": "BYTE" }, { "label": "Latest Total Throughput", "name": "throughputBitsPerSecondLatest", "summaryStatistic": true, "unit": "BIT_PER_SECOND" }, { "label": "Peak Total Throughput", "name": "throughputBitsPerSecondMax", "summaryStatistic": true, "unit": "BIT_PER_SECOND" } ], "name": "ipatraffic-by-time", "outputType": "FLAT", "requiredProducts": [ "IP Application Accelerator" ], "requiredRoles": [ "Pulsar IPA/SXL Read Only" ], "status": "DEPRECATED", "supportsPagination": false, "timeBased": true, "version": 1 }, { "available": true, "businessObjectName": "cpcode", "dataRetentionDays": 92, "deprecated": false, "filters": [ { "name": "slot", "required": false, "type": "int" } ], "groupBy": [ "startdatetime" ], "groupOutlyingValues": { "enabled": false }, "intervals": [ "MONTH", "WEEK", "DAY", "HOUR", "FIVE_MINUTES" ], "links": [ { "href": "/reporting-api/v1/reports/ipatraffic-by-time/versions/3", "rel": "self" }, { "href": "/reporting-api/v1/reports/ipatraffic-by-time/versions", "rel": "versions" }, { "href": "/reporting-api/v1/reports", "rel": "all-reports" }, { "href": "/reporting-api/v1/reports/ipatraffic-by-time/versions/3/report-data", "rel": "execute-report" } ], "metrics": [ { "label": "Concurrent Users", "name": "concurrentUsers", "summaryStatistic": false, "unit": "COUNT" }, { "label": "Concurrent Users Latest", "name": "concurrentUsersLatest", "summaryStatistic": true, "unit": "COUNT" }, { "label": "Concurrent Users Peak", "name": "concurrentUsersMax", "summaryStatistic": true, "unit": "COUNT" }, { "label": "Incoming Traffic Throughput", "name": "incomingBitsPerSecond", "summaryStatistic": false, "unit": "BIT_PER_SECOND" }, { "label": "Total Incoming Traffic Volume Percentage", "name": "incomingBytesPercent", "summaryStatistic": true, "unit": "RATIO" }, { "label": "Total Incoming Traffic Volume", "name": "incomingBytesTotal", "summaryStatistic": true, "unit": "BYTE" }, { "label": "Outgoing Traffic Throughput", "name": "outgoingBitsPerSecond", "summaryStatistic": false, "unit": "BIT_PER_SECOND" }, { "label": "Total Outgoing Traffic Volume Percentage", "name": "outgoingBytesPercent", "summaryStatistic": true, "unit": "RATIO" }, { "label": "Total Outgoing Traffic Volume", "name": "outgoingBytesTotal", "summaryStatistic": true, "unit": "BYTE" }, { "label": "Latest Total Throughput", "name": "throughputBitsPerSecondLatest", "summaryStatistic": true, "unit": "BIT_PER_SECOND" }, { "label": "Peak Total Throughput", "name": "throughputBitsPerSecondMax", "summaryStatistic": true, "unit": "BIT_PER_SECOND" } ], "name": "ipatraffic-by-time", "outputType": "FLAT", "requiredProducts": [ "IP Application Accelerator" ], "requiredRoles": [ "Pulsar IPA/SXL Read Only" ], "status": "PUBLISHED", "supportsPagination": false, "timeBased": true, "version": 3 }, { "available": true, "businessObjectName": "cpcode", "dataRetentionDays": 92, "deprecated": true, "description": "Provides traffic and bandwidth data associated with TCP application delivery via IPA.", "filters": [ { "description": "A unique configuration for a hostname.", "name": "slot", "required": false, "type": "int" } ], "groupBy": [ "startdatetime" ], "groupOutlyingValues": { "enabled": false }, "intervals": [ "MONTH", "WEEK", "DAY", "HOUR", "FIVE_MINUTES" ], "links": [ { "href": "/reporting-api/v1/reports/ipatraffic-by-time/versions/2", "rel": "self" }, { "href": "/reporting-api/v1/reports/ipatraffic-by-time/versions", "rel": "versions" }, { "href": "/reporting-api/v1/reports", "rel": "all-reports" }, { "href": "/reporting-api/v1/reports/ipatraffic-by-time/versions/2/report-data", "rel": "execute-report" } ], "metrics": [ { "description": "The number of currently connected users.", "label": "Concurrent Users", "name": "concurrentUsers", "summaryStatistic": false, "unit": "COUNT" }, { "description": "The most recent number of connections.", "label": "Concurrent Users Latest", "name": "concurrentUsersLatest", "summaryStatistic": true, "unit": "COUNT" }, { "description": "The highest number of connections.", "label": "Concurrent Users Peak", "name": "concurrentUsersMax", "summaryStatistic": true, "unit": "COUNT" }, { "description": "The rate of traffic from the client to the origin (Incoming) for origins that are served by associated Sureroute IP (SRIP) endpoints, converted into bits per second at 5-minute intervals, based on connectivity from Akamai’s distributed network to edge nodes on your network. For other services, the estimated number of incoming edge requests per second.", "label": "Incoming Traffic Throughput", "name": "incomingBitsPerSecond", "summaryStatistic": false, "unit": "BIT_PER_SECOND" }, { "description": "The portion of traffic volume from the client to the origin (Incoming) for origins that are served by associated Sureroute IP (SRIP) endpoints, converted into bits per second at 5-minute intervals, based on connectivity from Akamai’s distributed network to edge nodes on your network.", "label": "Total Incoming Traffic Volume Percentage", "name": "incomingBytesPercent", "summaryStatistic": true, "unit": "RATIO" }, { "description": "The total volume of traffic from the client to the origin (Incoming) for origins that are served by associated Sureroute IP (SRIP) endpoints, converted into bits per second at 5-minute intervals, based on connectivity from Akamai’s distributed network to edge nodes on your network.", "label": "Total Incoming Traffic Volume", "name": "incomingBytesTotal", "summaryStatistic": true, "unit": "BYTE" }, { "description": "The rate of traffic to the client from the origin (Outgoing) for origins that are served by associated Sureroute IP (SRIP) endpoints, converted into bits per second at 5-minute intervals. Based on connectivity from Akamai’s distributed network to edge nodes on your network. For other services, the estimated number of outgoing edge requests.", "label": "Outgoing Traffic Throughput", "name": "outgoingBitsPerSecond", "summaryStatistic": false, "unit": "BIT_PER_SECOND" }, { "description": "The portion of traffic volume to the client from the origin (Outgoing) for origins that are served by associated Sureroute IP (SRIP) endpoints, converted into bits per second at 5-minute intervals. Based on connectivity from Akamai’s distributed network to edge nodes on your network.", "label": "Total Outgoing Traffic Volume Percentage", "name": "outgoingBytesPercent", "summaryStatistic": true, "unit": "RATIO" }, { "description": "The total volume of traffic to the client from the origin (Outgoing) for origins that are served by associated Sureroute IP (SRIP) endpoints, converted into bits per second at 5-minute intervals. Based on connectivity from Akamai’s distributed network to edge nodes on your network.", "label": "Total Outgoing Traffic Volume", "name": "outgoingBytesTotal", "summaryStatistic": true, "unit": "BYTE" }, { "description": "The latest rate of traffic from the client to the origin (Incoming) and the rate of traffic to the client from the origin (Outgoing), for origins that are served by associated Sureroute IP (SRIP) endpoints, converted into bits per second at 5-minute intervals. Based on connectivity from Akamai’s distributed network to edge nodes on your network.", "label": "Latest Total Throughput", "name": "throughputBitsPerSecondLatest", "summaryStatistic": true, "unit": "BIT_PER_SECOND" }, { "description": "The highest rate of traffic from the client to the origin (Incoming) and the rate of traffic to the client from the origin (Outgoing), for origins that are served by associated Sureroute IP (SRIP) endpoints, converted into bits per second at 5-minute intervals. Based on connectivity from Akamai’s distributed network to edge nodes on your network.", "label": "Peak Total Throughput", "name": "throughputBitsPerSecondMax", "summaryStatistic": true, "unit": "BIT_PER_SECOND" } ], "name": "ipatraffic-by-time", "outputType": "FLAT", "requiredProducts": [ "IP Application Accelerator" ], "requiredRoles": [ "Pulsar IPA/SXL Read Only" ], "status": "DEPRECATED", "supportsPagination": false, "timeBased": true, "version": 2 } ]

curl -X GET 'https://undefined/reporting-api/v1/reports/:name/versions?showDeprecated=&showUnavailable=&accountSwitchKey=' -H 'Accept: application/json'