Akamai APIs API Documentation

List data set fields

GET https://{{host}}/datastream-config-api/v2/log/datasets-fields

Returns the list of available data set fields you can choose to monitor in your logs in a stream configuration. Set the productId query parameter to get data sets available for a specific product. See the Create a stream or Edit a stream operations.



Key Datatype Required Description 
string (Optional) Uniquely identifies the product, and allows listing data sets available for that product. In the [List data set fields](https://techdocs.akamai.com/datastream2/reference/get-dataset-fields) operation, you can provide one `productId` per API call.


Key Datatype Required Description 


status OK

{ "datasetFields": [ { "datasetFieldDescription": "The unique identifier of the stream that handled the request.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Log information", "datasetFieldId": 999, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "streamId", "datasetFieldName": "Stream ID" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "The Content Provider code associated with the request.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Log information", "datasetFieldId": 1000, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "cp", "datasetFieldName": "CP code" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "The identifier of the request.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Log information", "datasetFieldId": 1002, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "reqId", "datasetFieldName": "Request ID" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "The time when the edge server accepted the request from the client.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Log information", "datasetFieldId": 1100, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "reqTimeSec", "datasetFieldName": "Request time" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "The number of attempts to download the content from the edge in a specific time interval, based on the number of total manifest requests received.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Log information", "datasetFieldId": 2024, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "edgeAttempts", "datasetFieldName": "Edge attempts" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "The content bytes served in the response.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Message exchange data", "datasetFieldId": 1005, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "bytes", "datasetFieldName": "Bytes" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "The IP address of the client.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Message exchange data", "datasetFieldId": 1006, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "cliIP", "datasetFieldName": "Client IP" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "The HTTP status code of the response.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Message exchange data", "datasetFieldId": 1008, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "statusCode", "datasetFieldName": "HTTP status code" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "The protocol of the request-response cycle, either HTTP or HTTPS.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Message exchange data", "datasetFieldId": 1009, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "proto", "datasetFieldName": "Protocol type" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "The value of the Host header in the request.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Message exchange data", "datasetFieldId": 1011, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "reqHost", "datasetFieldName": "Request host" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "The HTTP method of the request.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Message exchange data", "datasetFieldId": 1012, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "reqMethod", "datasetFieldName": "Request method" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "The path to a resource in the request, excluding query parameters.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Message exchange data", "datasetFieldId": 1013, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "reqPath", "datasetFieldName": "Request path" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "The port number of the requested service.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Message exchange data", "datasetFieldId": 1014, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "reqPort", "datasetFieldName": "Request port" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "The size of the entity-body in bytes returned to the client.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Message exchange data", "datasetFieldId": 1015, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "rspContentLen", "datasetFieldName": "Response Content-Length" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "The type of the content returned to the client.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Message exchange data", "datasetFieldId": 1016, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "rspContentType", "datasetFieldName": "Response Content-Type" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "The user agent making the request.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Message exchange data", "datasetFieldId": 1017, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "UA", "datasetFieldName": "User-Agent" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "The time in milliseconds between when the edge server accepts the connection and the completion of the SSL handshake.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Message exchange data", "datasetFieldId": 2001, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "tlsOverheadTimeMSec", "datasetFieldName": "SSL overhead time" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "The protocol of the SSL handshake, either SSLv2, SSLv3, or TLSv1.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Message exchange data", "datasetFieldId": 2002, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "tlsVersion", "datasetFieldName": "SSL version" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "The size of the object, excluding HTTP response headers.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Message exchange data", "datasetFieldId": 2003, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "objSize", "datasetFieldName": "Object size" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "The size of the uncompressed object, if zipped before sending to the client. This field will be populated only when the Last mile acceleration is enabled.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Message exchange data", "datasetFieldId": 2004, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "uncompressedSize", "datasetFieldName": "Uncompressed size" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "TCP overhead in bytes for the request and response.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Message exchange data", "datasetFieldId": 2006, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "overheadBytes", "datasetFieldName": "Overhead bytes" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "The bytes served in the response, including the content and all overheads.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Message exchange data", "datasetFieldId": 2008, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "totalBytes", "datasetFieldName": "Total bytes" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "The query string in the incoming URI from the client. Returns only when the Cache Key Parameter behavior is set to include all parameters.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Message exchange data", "datasetFieldId": 2009, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "queryStr", "datasetFieldName": "Query string" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "This field groups the response content into different buckets by size in kilobytes, megabytes and gigabytes.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Message exchange data", "datasetFieldId": 2023, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "fileSizeBucket", "datasetFieldName": "File size bucket" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "The list of languages acceptable in the response.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Request header data", "datasetFieldId": 1019, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "accLang", "datasetFieldName": "Accept-Language" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "A list of HTTP cookies previously sent by the server with the Set-Cookie header.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Request header data", "datasetFieldId": 1023, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "cookie", "datasetFieldName": "Cookie" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "The part of an entity that the server is requested to return.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Request header data", "datasetFieldId": 1031, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "range", "datasetFieldName": "Range" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "The address of the resource from which the requested URI was followed.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Request header data", "datasetFieldId": 1032, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "referer", "datasetFieldName": "Referer" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "The originating IP address of a client connecting to a web server through an HTTP proxy or load balancer.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Request header data", "datasetFieldId": 1037, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "xForwardedFor", "datasetFieldName": "X-Forwarded-For" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "The time in seconds that the object is valid for positive cache responses.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Request header data", "datasetFieldId": 2005, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "maxAgeSec", "datasetFieldName": "Max age" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "The time it takes the edge server to fully read the request.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Network performance data", "datasetFieldId": 1033, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "reqEndTimeMSec", "datasetFieldName": "Request end time" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "A string describing the problem with serving the request.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Network performance data", "datasetFieldId": 1068, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "errorCode", "datasetFieldName": "Error code" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "The time in milliseconds from when the edge server receives the last byte of the request to when it sends the first bytes of the response.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Network performance data", "datasetFieldId": 1102, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "turnAroundTimeMSec", "datasetFieldName": "Turn around time" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "The time in milliseconds from when the edge server was ready to send the first byte to when it sent the last byte of the response.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Network performance data", "datasetFieldId": 1103, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "transferTimeMSec", "datasetFieldName": "Transfer time" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "The time in seconds between the start of the request and the completion of the DNS lookup, if one was required. For cached IP addresses, this value is zero. This field will be populated only when the instantConfig behavior is enabled.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Network performance data", "datasetFieldId": 2007, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "dnsLookupTimeMSec", "datasetFieldName": "DNS lookup time" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "The last byte of the object that was served in this response. 0 indicates a part of a byte-range response.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Network performance data", "datasetFieldId": 2021, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "lastByte", "datasetFieldName": "Last byte" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "The data specified in the Custom Log Field of the Log Requests Details that you want to receive in the stream.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Other", "datasetFieldId": 1082, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "customField", "datasetFieldName": "Custom field" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "The IP address of the edge server that served the response to the client that may be useful while resolving issues with your account representative.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Geo data", "datasetFieldId": 1066, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "edgeIP", "datasetFieldName": "Edge IP" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "The value of this field shows if the request was served from edge cache (1) or forwarded to peer, parent or origin (0).", "datasetFieldGroup": "Cache data", "datasetFieldId": 2010, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "cacheStatus", "datasetFieldName": "Cache status" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "Returns 1 if the server determines that the object is cacheable based on response headers and metadata, 0 if the object is not cacheable.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Cache data", "datasetFieldId": 2019, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "cacheable", "datasetFieldName": "Cacheable" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "This field returns additional breadcrumbs data about the HTTP request-response cycle for improved visibility into the Akamai platform.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Cache data", "datasetFieldId": 2020, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "breadcrumbs", "datasetFieldName": "Breadcrumbs" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "The ISO code of the country/region where the request originated.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Geo data", "datasetFieldId": 2012, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "country", "datasetFieldName": "Country/Region" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "The state where the request originated.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Geo data", "datasetFieldId": 2013, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "state", "datasetFieldName": "State" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "The city where the request originated.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Geo data", "datasetFieldId": 2014, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "city", "datasetFieldName": "City" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "The ISO code of the country or region from where the request was served.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Geo data", "datasetFieldId": 2052, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "serverCountry", "datasetFieldName": "Server country/region" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "The Akamai geographical price zone from where the request was served.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Geo data", "datasetFieldId": 2053, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "billingRegion", "datasetFieldName": "Billing region" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "WAF bot rules that were triggered from the request or the response.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Web security", "datasetFieldId": 2050, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "securityRules", "datasetFieldName": "Security rules" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "This field returns EdgeWorkers data for client requests and responses if EdgeWorkers is enabled. The field format is:\n//[EdgeWorkers-Id]/[Version]/[Event Handler]/[Off Reason]/[Logic Executed]/[Status]/#[Metrics]", "datasetFieldGroup": "EdgeWorkers", "datasetFieldId": 3000, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "ewUsageInfo", "datasetFieldName": "EdgeWorkers usage" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "This field returns EdgeWorkers execution information if enabled, including the stage of execution, the EdgeWorker ID, process, total and total stage time (in milliseconds), used memory (in kilobytes), ghost flow, error code, HTTP status change when the response is generated using the API, CPU flits consumed during processing, tier ID for the request, indirect CPU time (in milliseconds) and ghost error code.", "datasetFieldGroup": "EdgeWorkers", "datasetFieldId": 3001, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "ewExecutionInfo", "datasetFieldName": "EdgeWorkers execution" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "This field returns a Common Media Client Data payload for media traffic. You can use the data for log analysis, QoS monitoring, and delivery optimization.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Media", "datasetFieldId": 2080, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "cmcd", "datasetFieldName": "CMCD" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "This field reports the status when serving a Brotli-compressed object, including recompressions.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Message exchange data", "datasetFieldId": 2060, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "brotliStatus", "datasetFieldName": "Brotli status" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "The compressible Content-Length object value in the response header from the origin.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Message exchange data", "datasetFieldId": 2061, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "originContentLen", "datasetFieldName": "Origin Content-Length" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "Returns Enhanced Proxy Detection data, including the GeoGuard category, and the action on the request.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Content protection", "datasetFieldId": 3011, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "contentProtection", "datasetFieldName": "Content protection information" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "The Autonomous System Number (ASN) of the request's Internet service provider.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Network performance data", "datasetFieldId": 2022, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "asn", "datasetFieldName": "Asnum" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "Time taken to download the first byte in milliseconds.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Network performance data", "datasetFieldId": 2025, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "timeToFirstByte", "datasetFieldName": "Time to first byte" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "The number of download initiation failures in a specific time interval.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Network performance data", "datasetFieldId": 2026, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "startupError", "datasetFieldName": "Startup errors" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "The time taken to download the object in milliseconds.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Network performance data", "datasetFieldId": 2027, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "downloadTime", "datasetFieldName": "Download time" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "The byte transfer rate for the selected time interval in kilobits per second.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Network performance data", "datasetFieldId": 2028, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "throughput", "datasetFieldName": "Throughput" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "The number of successful download initiations in a specific time interval.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Message exchange data", "datasetFieldId": 2062, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "downloadInitiated", "datasetFieldName": "Download initiated" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "The number of complete successful downloads.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Message exchange data", "datasetFieldId": 2063, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "downloadsCompleted", "datasetFieldName": "Download completed" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "Limits logged data to a specific media delivery type, such as live, VOD (video on demand), or default.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Media", "datasetFieldId": 2081, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "deliveryType", "datasetFieldName": "Delivery type" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "Reports the logged data's media delivery format, such as pt_hls and pt_hds for HDS and HLS fragmentation, sp_hds and sp_hls for HDS and HLS stream packaging, pt_dash for Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH), smooth for Microsoft Smooth streaming etc., including the default format.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Media", "datasetFieldId": 2082, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "deliveryFormat", "datasetFieldName": "Delivery format" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "Returns 1 if media encryption is enabled for the content delivered from the edge to the client.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Media", "datasetFieldId": 2083, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "mediaEncryption", "datasetFieldName": "Media encryption" }, { "datasetFieldDescription": "Returns 1 if an edge server prefetched the content from a parent edge server other than the origin.", "datasetFieldGroup": "Network performance data", "datasetFieldId": 2084, "datasetFieldJsonKey": "prefetchMidgressHits", "datasetFieldName": "Prefetch midgress hits" } ] }

curl -X GET 'https://undefined/datastream-config-api/v2/log/datasets-fields?productId=' -H 'Accept: application/json'