Number of APIs: 114
Secure Internet Access Enterprise is a cloud-based DNS firewall that helps ensure all your users and devices (on-and off-network) can securely connect to the Internet. It proactively blocks malicious DNS requests including malware, ransomware, phishing, and low-throughput DNS data exfiltration. With this API, you can: Create an authentication credential that contains the client token and client secret required to authenticate Akamai API requests. Note: Only Akamai customers can create credentials. If you aren't an Akamai customer and wish to become one, you can sign up for our services. Note: If you don't have access to the Identity and Access Management tool, contact your local Akamai Control Center admin or your Akamai account team for assistance. Note: If you need to refine access levels or permissions, see Create a client with custom permissions. To enable this API, go to the API list of your API client in Control Center, choose the API service named ETP Configuration API, and set the access level to You can use this API collection in these integration methods:
as a header above all text. [default]
client_secret = C113nt53KR3TN6N90yVuAgICxIRwsObLi0E67/N8eRN=
host =
access_token = akab-acc35t0k3nodujqunph3w7hzp7-gtm6ij
client_token = akab-c113ntt0k3n4qtari252bfxxbsl-yvsdj
.Integration methods
1. Client configuration - Get client configuration
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/client-configuration
Provides client configuration details.
2. Client configuration - Update client configuration
PUT https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/client-configuration
Updates the client configuration.
3. Client versions - List client versions
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/client-versions
Provides a list of client versions.
4. Client versions - Rotate client version entitlement code
POST https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/client-versions/op/rotate-entitlement-code
Rotates global entitlement code.
5. Client versions - Updates the client version details
PUT https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/client-versions/:clientVersionId
Updates the details of the specific client version.
6. Client versions - Download client version details
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/client-versions/:clientVersionId/download
Provides the link to download client version details.
7. Client devices - List client devices
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/client/devices
Provides a list of client devices and its details.
8. Client devices - Deactivate a client device
POST https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/client/devices/:deviceId/op/de-activate
Deactivates the specified client device.
9. Client devices - Re-activate a client device
POST https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/client/devices/:deviceId/op/re-activate
Re-activates the specified device.
10. Client devices - Get client status
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/client/status
Provides details of software installed with device counts. Also specifies errors and device count with errors.
11. Client network configurations - Create a network configuration
POST https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/network-configuration
Creates the network configuration.
12. Client network configurations - Get the network configuration
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/network-configuration
Provides network configuration details.
13. Client network configurations - Update the network configuration
PUT https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/network-configuration
Modifies the network configuration.
14. Configurations - List configurations
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/all
Returns a list of configuration IDs. Use this value for a configId
parameter in subsequent operations.
15. Configurations - Onboard a contract
POST https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/onboard
Onboards the specified contract.
16. Acknowledgments - Create acknowledgment info
POST https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/acknowledgment
Create an acknowledgment number for the configuration.
17. Acknowledgments - Get acknowledgment info
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/acknowledgment
Returns a list of SIA keys.
18. Custom error pages - Get a custom error page
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/custom-error-page
Gets the custom error page for the configuration.
19. Custom error pages - Update the custom error page
PUT https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/custom-error-page
Updates the custom error page details.
20. Configuration wizard - Get the first time wizard state
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/firstTimeWizard
Provides the first time wizard status.
21. Configuration wizard - Update first time wizard
PUT https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/firstTimeWizard
Updates the status of the first time wizard.
22. VPN credentials - Create a VPN credential
POST https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/vpn-credentials
Creates a new VPN credential.
23. VPN credentials - List VPN credentials
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/vpn-credentials
Provides a list of VPN credentials.
24. VPN credentials - Get a VPN credential
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/vpn-credentials/:ikeId
Provides details for the specified VPN credential.
25. VPN credentials - Delete a VPN credential
DELETE https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/vpn-credentials/:ikeId
Deletes the specified VPN credential.
26. Proxy credentials - Create a proxy credential
POST https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/proxy-credentials
Creates a new proxy credential.
27. Proxy credentials - List proxy credentials
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/proxy-credentials
Provides list of proxy credentials.
28. Proxy credentials - List proxy credential details
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/proxy-credentials/:userName
Provides the proxy credential info for the specified userName
29. Proxy credentials - Remove a proxy credential
DELETE https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/proxy-credentials/:userName
Deletes a specific proxy credential.
30. Custom responses - Create a custom response
POST https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/honeypots
Creates a new custom response.
31. Custom responses - List custom responses
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/honeypots
Returns a list of all custom responses.
32. Custom responses - Get a custom response
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/honeypots/:honeypotId
Returns the details of a specific custom response.
33. Custom responses - Update a custom response
PUT https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/honeypots/:honeypotId
Modifies a custom response's features.
34. Custom responses - Delete a custom response
DELETE https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/honeypots/:honeypotId
Deletes a specific custom response.
35. Deployment configuration - Create a configuration deployment
POST https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/deployments
Creates a new configuration deployment.
36. Deployment configuration - List configuration deployments
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/deployments
Returns all deployment history that the user has access to for the current configuration.
37. Deployment configuration - Get a configuration deployment
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/deployments/:configDeploymentId
Returns details of a specific configuration deployment.
38. Deployment changes - List deployment changes
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/deployments/:configDeploymentId/diff
Provides details of deployment changes.
39. Deployment changes - List recent changes
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/recentChanges
Returns a list of all changes made since the last configuration deployment.
40. DLP dictionaries - Create a DLP dictionary
POST https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/dictionaries
Creates a DLP dictionary.
41. DLP dictionaries - List DLP dictionaries
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/dictionaries
Returns a list of all DLP dictionaries for the configuration.
42. DLP dictionaries - Get a DLP dictionary
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/dictionaries/:dictionaryId
Returns details of a DLP dictionary.
43. DLP dictionaries - Update a DLP dictionary
PUT https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/dictionaries/:dictionaryId
Updates a DLP dictionary.
44. DLP dictionaries - Remove a DLP dictionary
DELETE https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/dictionaries/:dictionaryId
Deletes a specific DLP dictionary.
45. DLP dictionary patterns - Create a DLP pattern
POST https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/patterns
Creates a DLP custom dictionary pattern.
46. DLP dictionary patterns - List DLP dictionary patterns
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/patterns
Returns the DLP dictionary patterns.
47. DLP dictionary patterns - Get a DLP dictionary pattern
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/patterns/:patternId
Returns the specified DLP dictionary pattern.
48. DLP dictionary patterns - Delete a DLP dictionary pattern
DELETE https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/patterns/:patternId
Removes the specified DLP dictionary pattern.
49. DLP regexes - Create DLP regexes
POST https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/patterns/regexes
Creates a list of DLP regular expressions.
50. DLP regexes - List DLP regular expressions
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/patterns/regexes
Returns a list of DLP regular expressions.
51. DLP regexes - Get a DLP regex
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/patterns/regexes/:regexId
Returns the specified DLP regular expression details.
POST https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/lists
Creates a new list.
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/lists
Returns a list of all available custom security lists.
54. Lists - List global list quotas
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/lists/quota
Returns the remaining list item quota for all lists globally.
55. Lists - Get details of a list
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/lists/:listId
Returns the details of a specific list.
PUT https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/lists/:listId
Modifies list properties and all items for a specific list. Full update only.
DELETE https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/lists/:listId
Deletes a specific list.
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/lists/:listId/items
Filters items in a list by search parameters.
PUT https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/lists/:listId/items
Updates list items (overwrite).
PATCH https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/lists/:listId/items
Modifies individual list items entries. Add or delete only.
61. Akamai built-in security lists - List all Akamai built-in security lists
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/akamai-lists
Returns a list of all available Akamai built-in Lists.
62. DNS cache - Clear the DNS cache
POST https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/clear-dns-cache
Clears the DNS cache for the specified domain.
63. Notifications - Create notifications configs
POST https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/notifications-config
Create notification configs in bulk.
64. Notifications - Get notification configuration
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/notifications-config
Provides all notification configurations.
65. Notifications - Update the notifications configs
PUT https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/notifications-config
Updates the notification configs in bulk.
66. Notifications - Get notification configuration for type
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/notifications-config/:notificationType
Gets notification details for the given notification type.
67. Notifications - Update the subscribers to notification type
PUT https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/notifications-config/:notificationType
Updates the subscribers to the given notification type.
68. Policies - Create a policy
POST https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/policies
Creates a new policy.
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/policies
Returns a list of all policies.
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/policies/:policyId
Returns the details of a policy.
71. Policies - Update a policy
PUT https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/policies/:policyId
Modifies the specified policy.
72. Policies - Remove a policy
DELETE https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/policies/:policyId
Deletes the specified policy.
73. Policies - List policy metadata
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/policy-metadata
Returns the policy metadata details.
74. Policy built-in responses - List built-in responses
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/responses
Returns a list of all available Akamai built-in responses.
75. Policy predefined security categories - List security category predefined configurations
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/securityCategories
Returns a list of all available predefined security categories.
76. Security connectors - Create a security connector
POST https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/akamai-sinkholes
Creates a security connector.
77. Security connectors - List security connectors
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/akamai-sinkholes
Returns a list of security connectors.
78. Security connectors - List the current security connector versions
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/akamai-sinkholes/latest-version
Provides the current version of the security connectors.
79. Security connectors - Get the security connector's latest available version
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/akamai-sinkholes/sc-latest-versions
Provides the latest available version for the security connector.
80. Security connectors - Get a security connector
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/akamai-sinkholes/:sinkholeId
Returns the details of a specific security connector.
81. Security connectors - Delete a security connector
DELETE https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/akamai-sinkholes/:sinkholeId
Deletes the specified security connector.
82. Security connectors - Change local security connector password
POST https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/akamai-sinkholes/:sinkholeId/op/change-local-password
Changes the local password for the specified security connector.
83. Security connectors - Generate activation code for a security connector
POST https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/akamai-sinkholes/:sinkholeId/op/generate-activation-code
Generates the activation code for a security connector.
84. Security connectors - Upgrade a security connector
POST https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/akamai-sinkholes/:sinkholeId/op/upgrade
Upgrades software of a specific security connector.
85. Security connectors - Update a security connector
PUT https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/akamai-sinkholes/:sinkholeId/policy-assignment
Modifies details of the current security connector.
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/dns-vips
Provides DNS virtual IP details.
87. Global settings - List global settings
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/global-settings
Provides global settings details.
88. Global settings - Update global settings
PUT https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/global-settings
Updates the global settings.
POST https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/sites
Creates a new site.
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/sites
Returns a list of all sites for a configuration.
91. Sites - Get site meta info
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/sites-meta-info
Provides site meta info details.
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/sites/:siteId
Returns the details of a specific Site.
PUT https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/sites/:siteId
Modifies site details.
DELETE https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/sites/:siteId
Deletes a specific site.
95. Proxy certificates - Create a new proxy certificate
POST https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/customers/:configId/certificates
Creates a new proxy certificate.
96. Proxy certificates - List proxy certificates
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/customers/:configId/certificates
Returns a list of all available proxy certificates.
97. Proxy certificates - Get a proxy certificate
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/customers/:configId/certificates/:certificateId
Returns the details of the specified proxy certificate.
98. Proxy certificates - Modify a proxy certificate
PUT https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/customers/:configId/certificates/:certificateId
Updates the value of a proxy certificate.
99. Proxy certificates - Activate a proxy certificate
POST https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/customers/:configId/certificates/:certificateId/op/activate
Transitions the proxy certificate's state from PENDING_ACTIVATION
100. Proxy certificates - Confirm proxy certificate distribution
POST https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/customers/:configId/certificates/:certificateId/op/confirm-distribution
Transitions the certificate's state from PENDING_DISTRIBUTION
. Only perform this operation after distributing the proxy certificates to relevant enterprise devices.
101. Proxy certificates - Confirm proxy certificate download
POST https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/customers/:configId/certificates/:certificateId/op/confirm-download
Transitions the certificate's state from PENDING_DOWNLOAD
102. Proxy certificates - Deactivate a proxy certificate
POST https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/customers/:configId/certificates/:certificateId/op/deactivate
Transitions the proxy certificate's state from any state to DEACTIVATING
103. Tenants - Onboard a tenant
POST https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/onboard-tenant
Onboards a new Tenant.
104. Tenants - List all tenants
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/tenants
Returns a list of all tenant details.
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/tenants/:tenantId
Returns a tenant details.
106. Tenants - Update a tenant
PUT https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/tenants/:tenantId
Updates the specified tenant.
107. Tenants - Remove a tenant
DELETE https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/tenants/:tenantId
Deletes a specific tenant.
108. Tenants - List the tenant user details
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/tenants/:tenantId/users
Lists details of users assigned to a tenant.
109. Sublocations - Create a sublocation
POST https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/sites/:siteId/sub-locations
Creates a sublocation.
110. Sublocations - List sublocations
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/sites/:siteId/sub-locations
Returns the list of sublocations for the site.
111. Sublocations - Get a sublocation
GET https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/sites/:siteId/sub-locations/:subLocationId
Returns a sublocation detail.
112. Sublocations - Update a sublocation
PUT https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/sites/:siteId/sub-locations/:subLocationId
Updates the sublocation.
113. Sublocations - Remove a sublocation
DELETE https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/sites/:siteId/sub-locations/:subLocationId
Deletes a specific sublocation.
114. Sublocations - Assign a policy to a sublocation
POST https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/sites/:siteId/sub-locations/:subLocationId/op/assign-policy
Assigns a policy to the sublocation.