Akamai APIs API Documentation

Update a DLP dictionary

PUT https://{{host}}/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/dictionaries/:dictionaryId

Updates a DLP dictionary.



Key Datatype Required Description 
string (Optional) For customers who manage more than one account, this [runs the operation from another account](https://techdocs.akamai.com/developer/docs/manage-many-accounts-with-one-api-client). The Identity and Access Management API provides a [list of available account switch keys](https://techdocs.akamai.com/iam-api/reference/get-client-account-switch-keys).


Key Datatype Required Description 
string (Required) Use the `ETag` value included in the GET response. See [Concurrency control](https://techdocs.akamai.com/etp-config/reference/concurrency-control) for details.


status OK

curl -X PUT 'https://undefined/etp-config/v3/configs/:configId/dictionaries/:dictionaryId?accountSwitchKey=' -H 'If-Match: ' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/problem+json' -d '{"aggressiveMode":false,"akamaiDefined":true,"createdBy":"jsmith","createdDate":"2021-03-31T13:00:01.041+00:00","id":1242,"modifiedBy":"jperez","modifiedDate":"2021-09-14T09:00:01.138+00:00","name":"PCI DSS Universal","patternDetails":[{"description":"Specified quantity of both credit or debit card numbers and of associated phrases such as:-\n* \"csv\"\n* \"Expiry Date\"\n* \"Bankleitzahl\"\n* \"American Express\"\n* \"handelsbanken\"\n\nFor a definition of credit card numbers that are detected please see the CCL description for \"Credit card numbers [Universal]\".","id":13,"name":"Credit card numbers - with phrases [Universal]"},{"description":"Credit, debit, travel, store or membership card numbers using a common bank identification numbering system. Such as:-\n* 16 digit card numbers (including MasterCard and VISA)\n* American Express\n* CUP (China Union Pay)\n* Diners Club\n* Itaú Unibanco\n* JCB\n* Maestro\n* Royal Bank of Canada\n* ScotiBank\n* Verve\n* magnetic track data containing card numbers\n\nCard numbers must conform to the following:-\n* Start with a \"3\", \"4\", \"5\" or \"6\" i.e. be a standard format ISO/IEC 7812 number with a Major Industry Identifier (MII) for 'Travel and entertainment', 'Banking and financial' or 'Merchandising and banking/financial'.\n* If not 16 digits then start with a recognised Issuer Identification Number (IIN)\n* Have an appropriate length for the card issuer\n* Either be contiguous or have an appropriate digit grouping for the issuer\n* Any digit groupings to be separated by a white space \" \", dash \"-\" or dash variant\n* Have a valid Luhn check digit\n* Must not appear to be part of a larger digit sequence\n\nNOTE: Card numbers used for other non-financial purposes but that use the same format as monetary cards will be detected as credit cards. This is because:- \n* These cards typically have high PII risk\n* Loyalty cards (etc.) often do have an actual financial value or financial consequence\n* Card issuers have been known to upgrade loyalty \u0026 travel cards to have a financial value","id":14,"name":"Credit card numbers [Universal]"},{"description":"Card magnetic track 2 data according to the ISO/IEC 7813 specification.\n\nThis detection is included within the CCL \"Credit card numbers [Global]\". \nThis CCL is provided as an optional level of granularity.","id":128,"name":"Credit card magnetic track 2 [Universal]"},{"description":"Card magnetic track 1 data according to the ISO/IEC 7813 specification.\n\nThis detection is included in the CCL \"Credit card numbers [Global]\". \nThis CCL is provided as an optional level of granularity.","id":127,"name":"Credit card magnetic track 1 [Universal]"}],"patterns":[13,14,128,127]}'