Akamai APIs API Documentation

Identity and Access Management API v3

Number of APIs: 96

1. Groups - List groups

GET https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-admin/groups

This operation lists all groups the administrator can manage for the current account and contract type or other managed accounts using the accountSwitchKey parameter. The account and contract type are determined by the access tokens in your API client.

2. Groups - Create a new group

POST https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-admin/groups/:groupId

This operation creates a new group within the specified parent group.

3. Groups - Get a group

GET https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-admin/groups/:groupId

This operation retrieves a group's details.

4. Groups - Modify a group's name

PUT https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-admin/groups/:groupId

This operation changes a group's name.

5. Groups - Delete a group

DELETE https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-admin/groups/:groupId

This operation deletes a group. You can't delete a group that contains subgroups, resources, or users with roles on that group. You need admin access to delete a group.

6. Move groups - Move a group

POST https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-admin/groups/move

This operation moves a nested group under another group within the same parent hierarchy.

7. Move groups - List users affected by moving a group

GET https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-admin/groups/move/:sourceGroupId/:destinationGroupId/affected-users

This operation lists users who are affected when you move a group. Users may lose or gain access to resources depending on the roles and permissions inherited from the new parent group. Users with a userType of lostAccess lose their access to the source group. If the userType is gainAccess, they gain access to the resources in the source group. Users who have inherited access to a group lose access to that group if it moves out of its hierarchy that gives them those access rights. If the group moves to another parent group to which they have access, they still have access to the group you move. Likewise, when you move a group to a new location, users who inherit their access rights from the new parent group gain access to the resources in the group you move.

8. Assets - List properties or includes

GET https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-admin/properties

This operation lists the properties and includes for the current account or other managed accounts using the accountSwitchKey parameter. Include the groupId parameter in your request to filter the results by group. The response returns a list of propertyId regardless of whether they represent a property or include in PAPI. To learn more, see Manage access to properties and includes.

9. Assets - Get a property or include

GET https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-admin/properties/:assetId?groupId={{groupId}}

This operation fetches a property's or include's details. The response returns details for propertyId regardless of whether it represent a property or include in PAPI. To learn more, see Manage access to properties and includes.

10. Assets - Move a property or include

PUT https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-admin/properties/:assetId

This operation moves a property or include from one group to another group. You can only move an asset into another group within the same group hierarchy. Depending on your role in the destination group, you may lose access to resources the asset uses. Before moving an asset, run the List users affected by moving a group operation to review which users will be affected by the move.

11. Assets - List users for property or include

GET https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-admin/properties/:assetId/users

This operation lists users who can access a property or include.

12. Assets - Block users from a property or include

PUT https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-admin/properties/:assetId/users/block

This operation blocks the users on a property or include.

13. Resources - Get asset's resources

GET https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-admin/properties/:assetId/resources?groupId={{groupId}}

This operation lists resources a property or include uses to deliver your web content across Akamai's edge network. You can think of these resources as objects, like CP codes and configuration files. For example, an ARL (Akamai resource locator) configuration file specifies how Akamai purges versions of an object that you can’t purge using just the URL.

14. Roles - Create a role

POST https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-admin/roles

This operation creates a custom role. A custom role combines grantable roles defined by Akamai. Roles exist at the account level regardless of group, but are constrained by contract type. If you create a role under one contract type, you can't apply that role to groups belonging to a different contract type, even if they're in the same account.

15. Roles - List roles

GET https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-admin/roles

This operation lists roles for the current account and contract type or other accounts using the accountSwitchKey parameter. The account and contract type are determined by the access tokens in your API client.

16. Roles - Get a role

GET https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-admin/roles/:roleId

This operation retrieves a role's details.

17. Roles - Edit a role

PUT https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-admin/roles/:roleId

This operation adds or removes a role's group role assignments, along with other data such as name and description. When you modify a role, those changes affect existing API clients. Review all API clients belonging to the user before modifying a role.

18. Roles - Delete a role

DELETE https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-admin/roles/:roleId

This operation deletes a custom role. You can't delete a role if it's assigned to a user.

19. Grantable roles - List grantable roles

GET https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-admin/roles/grantable-roles

This operation lists the grantable roles you can include in a new custom role, or add to an existing custom role.

20. Users - Create a user

POST https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-admin/ui-identities

This operation creates a user, or clones an existing user's role assignments, in the account specified in your API client credentials. Optionally, sends a randomly generated one-time use password to the new user. If you send the email with the password directly to the user, the response for this operation doesn't include that password. If you don't send the password to the user through email, the password is included in the response.

21. Users - List users

GET https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-admin/ui-identities

This operation lists the users who have access to your current account or other managed accounts using the accountSwitchKey parameter. The account is determined by the tokens in your API client. You can pass a groupId to filter users based on group. You can also return user information such as what product notifications they subscribe to, or what group and role assignments they have. Set the actions parameter to true to return the actions you can take on each user.

22. Users - Get a user

GET https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-admin/ui-identities/:uiIdentityId

This operation retrieves a user's profile.

23. Users - Remove a user

DELETE https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-admin/ui-identities/:uiIdentityId

This operation deletes any user who doesn't own an API client. Before you delete a user with a client, transfer API client ownership to another user.

24. Users - Update a user

PUT https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-admin/ui-identities/:uiIdentityId/basic-info

This operation modifies a user's basic information. Pass the entire body of data in the request, including members you're not changing, or the unspecified data are removed. To edit detailed settings, run the Modify a user's group and role assignments or Update a user's notifications operations.

25. Blocked assets - List blocked properties and includes

GET https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-admin/ui-identities/:uiIdentityId/groups/:groupId/blocked-properties

This operation lists all properties and includes a user doesn't have access to in a group. Note the responses's set of IDs refer to either properties or includes. To find out which each refers to, see Manage access to properties and includes.

26. Blocked assets - Update blocked properties and includes

PUT https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-admin/ui-identities/:uiIdentityId/groups/:groupId/blocked-properties

This operation updates the list of blocked properties and includes. By default, users can access all properties and includes in a group, and this operation specifies IDs for any to block. To find out which each refers to, see Manage access to properties and includes. To get the list of already blocked properties run the List blocked properties and includes operation. In this request, include the whole list of properties you want to block. By not including a blocked property, you're unlocking it.

27. User authentication settings - Lock a user's account

POST https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-admin/ui-identities/:uiIdentityId/lock

This operation locks a user's account, preventing access to Control Center. The result shows in the user data as a read-only isLocked: true indicator. To allow a user access to Control Center, run the Unlock a user's account operation. This sets the isLocked indicator to false.

28. User authentication settings - Reset a user's password

POST https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-admin/ui-identities/:uiIdentityId/reset-password

This operation sends a one-time use password to the user. If you send the email with the password directly to the user, the response for this operation doesn't include that password. If you don't send the password to the user through email, the password is included in the response.

29. User authentication settings - Set a user's password

POST https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-admin/ui-identities/:uiIdentityId/set-password

This operation sets a password for a user. This differs from Reset a user's password because this password may be used more than once, and isn't randomly generated.

30. User authentication settings - Unlock a user's account

POST https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-admin/ui-identities/:uiIdentityId/unlock

This operation releases the lock on a user's account, allowing access to Control Center. The result shows in the user data as a read-only isLocked:false indicator. To prevent a user access to Control Center, run the Lock a user's account operation. This sets the isLocked indicator to true.

31. User authentication settings - Set multi-factor authentication for your user profile

PUT https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-profile/additionalAuthentication

This operation sets multi-factor authentication to TFA, MFA, or NONE. You have five login attempts with MFA or 2FA before your account is locked. If your account is locked, use the Reset multi-factor authentication for your user profile operation to unlock it.

32. User authentication settings - Reset multi-factor authentication for your user profile

PUT https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-profile/additionalAuthentication/reset

This operation resets your multi-factor authentication.

33. User authentication settings - Rotate your password

POST https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-profile/change-password

This operation changes your password. Include your old password and your new password in the request body. Before you create your new password, run the View password policy operation to ensure it adheres to your policy. If you include your existing password incorrectly and make too many login attempts, your account locks.

34. User access - Set a user's multi-factor authentication

PUT https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-admin/ui-identities/:uiIdentityId/additionalAuthentication

This operation sets a user's multi-factor authentication to TFA, MFA, or NONE. Users are allowed five login attempts with MFA or 2FA before their account is locked. If the account is locked, use the Reset additional authentication to unlock it.

35. User access - Reset a user's multi-factor authentication

PUT https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-admin/ui-identities/:uiIdentityId/additionalAuthentication/reset

This operation prompts the reset of a user's multi-factor authentication method the next time they log in to Control Center. TFA indicates two-factor authentication. MFA indicates Akamai MFA authentication.

36. User notifications - Update a user's notifications

PUT https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-admin/ui-identities/:uiIdentityId/notifications

This operation subscribes or unsubscribes users to product notification emails.

37. User notifications - Update your notifications

PUT https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-profile/notifications

This operation subscribes to notifications emails for password expiration reminders, proactive maintenance emails, and upgrade notification emails.

38. User authorization settings - Modify a user's group and role assignments

PUT https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-admin/ui-identities/:uiIdentityId/auth-grants

This operation edits what groups a user has access to, and how the user interacts with the objects in those groups.

39. Profile - View your profile

GET https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-profile

This operation gets your profile information. To make changes to your profile, run the Edit your profile operation.

40. Profile - Edit your profile

PUT https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-profile/basic-info

This operation updates your basic profile information, such as your name or phone number. To edit detailed settings, run the Update your notifications or Modify a user's group and role assignments operations.

41. Contact types - View contact types

GET https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-admin/common/contact-types

This operation lists the supported contact types. Administrators should use the values from this operation to add or update a user's contactType. Users should run the View contact types for a user profile operation before modifying their contact type.

42. Contact types - View contact types for a user profile

GET https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-profile/common/contact-types

This operation lists the supported contact types. Users should use the values from this operation to add or update their contactType. Administrators should run the View contact types operation before modifying a user's contact type.

43. Locale - View countries

GET https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-admin/common/countries

This operation lists the supported countries. Administrators should use the values from this operation to add or update a user's country. Users should run the View supported countries for a user profile operation before modifying their country.

44. Locale - View states

GET https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-admin/common/countries/:country/states

This operation lists the supported U.S. states or Canadian provinces. Administrators should use the values from this operation to add or update a user's state. If a user's state or province is unknown, use TBD. Users should run the View states for a user profile operation before modifying their state.

45. Locale - View languages

GET https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-admin/common/supported-languages

This operation lists the supported languages. Administrators should use the values from this operation to set a user's preferredLanguage. Users should run the View languages for a user profile operation before setting their preferred language.

46. Locale - View time zones

GET https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-admin/common/timezones

This operation lists the supported time zones in the ISO 8601 format. Administrators should use the values from this operation to set a user's timeZone. Users should run the View time zones for a user profile operation before setting their time zone.

47. Locale - View supported countries for a user profile

GET https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-profile/common/countries

This operation lists the supported countries. Users should use the values from this operation to add or update their country. Administrators should run the View supported countries operation before modifying a user's country.

48. Locale - View states for a user profile

GET https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-profile/common/countries/:country/states

This operation lists the supported U.S. states or Canadian provinces. Users should use the values from this operation to add or update their state. Administrators should run the View states operation before modifying a user's state.

49. Locale - View languages for a user profile

GET https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-profile/common/supported-languages

This operation lists the supported languages. Users should use the values from this operation to set their preferred language. Administrators should run the View languages operation before setting a user's preferred language.

50. Locale - View time zones for a user profile

GET https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-profile/common/timezones

This operation lists the supported time zones in the ISO 8601 format. Users should use the values from this operation to set their timeZone. Administrators should run the View time zones operation before setting a user's time zone.

51. Products - View products

GET https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-admin/common/notification-products

This operation lists the products a user can subscribe to and receive notifications for on the account. The tokens in your API client determine the account. Administrators should use the values from this operation to set a user's product notifications. Users should run the View products for a user profile operation before setting their product notifications.

52. Products - View products for a user profile

GET https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-profile/common/notification-products

This operation lists the products a user can subscribe to and receive notifications for on the account. The account is determined by the tokens in your API client. Users should use the values from this operation to set their product notifications. Administrators should run the View products operation before setting a user's product notifications.

53. Policies - View password policy

GET https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-admin/common/password-policy

This operation lists the password policy for the account. The tokens in your API client determine the account. Administrators should use the values from this operation to set a user's password policy. Users should run the View password policy for a user profile operation before setting their password policy.

54. Policies - View timeout policies

GET https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-admin/common/timeout-policies

This operation lists the supported session timeout policies. The name for each timeout period is in minutes, and the time value is in seconds. Administrators should use the sessionTimeout values from this operation to set a user's timeout policy. Users should run the View timeout policies for a user profile operation before setting their timeout policy.

55. Policies - View password policy for a user profile

GET https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-profile/common/password-policy

This operation lists the password policy for the account. The account is determined by the tokens in your API client. Users should use the values from this operation to set their password policy. Administrators should run the View password policy operation before setting a user's password policy.

56. Policies - View timeout policies for a user profile

GET https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-profile/common/timeout-policies

This operation lists the supported session timeout policies. The name for each timeout period is in minutes, and the time value is in seconds. Users should use the values from this operation to set their sessionTimeout. Administrators should run the View timeout policies operation before setting a user's timeout policy.

57. CIDR blocks - Create a CIDR block

POST https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-admin/ip-acl/allowlist

This operation adds CIDR blocks to your account's allowlist. You can add only one CIDR block at a time. Before creating the CIDR block, you may want to validate it, to check if its format is correct.

58. CIDR blocks - List CIDR blocks

GET https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-admin/ip-acl/allowlist

This operation lists all CIDR blocks on your current account's allowlist or other managed accounts using the accountSwitchKey parameter. Your API client designates the allowlist for the account.

59. CIDR blocks - Validate CIDR blocks

GET https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-admin/ip-acl/allowlist/validate?cidrblock={{cidrblock}}

This operation checks the format of a potential CIDR block. If it's validated successfully, you can create it.

60. CIDR blocks - Get a CIDR block

GET https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-admin/ip-acl/allowlist/:cidrBlockId

This operation retrieves a CIDR block's details.

61. CIDR blocks - Modify a CIDR block

PUT https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-admin/ip-acl/allowlist/:cidrBlockId

This operation enables or disables an existing CIDR block, updates comments, IP addresses, or ranges in the CIDR block. Note that you can only update a CIDR block with IP allowlist enabled on the account. There are several CIDR blocks on the allowlist and your attempt to make changes to the CIDR block is from an IP address that's on the allowlist. You can't edit the last CIDR block in the allowlist or the CIDR block allowing access to the current user.

62. CIDR blocks - Delete a CIDR block

DELETE https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-admin/ip-acl/allowlist/:cidrBlockId

This operation deletes a CIDR block from the IP allowlist. After you delete a CIDR block, any requests from IP addresses you deleted fail the next time someone tries to log in from that address. Users accessing Control Center from an IP address you delete aren't automatically logged out of Control Center at the time you delete the IP address. With IP allowlist enabled for the account, you can't delete the last CIDR block in the allowlist or the CIDR block allowing access to the current user. There are no restrictions with IP allowlist disabled on the account.

63. IP allowlists - Disable IP allowlist

POST https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-admin/ip-acl/allowlist/disable

This operation disables IP allowlist on your account. After you disable IP allowlist, users can access Control Center regardless of their IP address or who assigns it.

64. IP allowlists - Enable IP allowlist

POST https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-admin/ip-acl/allowlist/enable

This operation enables IP allowlist on your account. Before you enable IP allowlist, add at least one IP address to allow access to Control Center. The allowlist can't be empty with IP allowlist enabled.

65. IP allowlists - View IP allowlist status

GET https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/user-admin/ip-acl/allowlist/status

This operation indicates whether IP allowlist is enabled or disabled on your account.

66. Helper - List authorized users

GET https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/users

This operation lists authorized API client users.

67. Helper - List allowed APIs

GET https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/users/:username/allowed-apis

This operation lists available APIs for a user.

68. Helper - List allowed CP codes

POST https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/users/:username/allowed-cpcodes

This operation lists available CP codes for a user.

69. Helper - List accessible groups

GET https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/users/:username/group-access

This operation lists groups available to a user.

70. API client: self - Get your API client

GET https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/api-clients/self

This operation provides details about your API client.

71. API client: self - Update your API client

PUT https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/api-clients/self

This operation updates your API client.

72. API client: self - Delete your API client

DELETE https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/api-clients/self

This operation permanently deletes an API client you own, without active credentials. It also breaks any API connections with the client. Before deleting your API client, deactivate all credentials and make sure there aren't any API integrations or scripts using them.

73. API client: self - List your account switch keys

GET https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/api-clients/self/account-switch-keys

This operation lists account switch keys available for your API client. You can use the accountSwitchKey in many Akamai APIs to make an API call to another account.

74. API client: self - Create your credential

POST https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/api-clients/self/credentials

This operation creates a new credential for your API client. Only you may create credentials for this client. Credentials are in active status at creation. By default, they expire two years from their creation date. However, when the API client's permissions are based on Control Center permissions, credentials expire differently and follow the same rotation schedule listed for user passwords on those accounts. Run the Update a credential operation to change the expiration date, description, or status. Save the values from the response, such as the credentialID for future use. This is the only time you'll see the client secret. Save the credential at this time to avoid the need to create a new one.

75. API client: self - List your credentials

GET https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/api-clients/self/credentials

This operation lists your API client's credentials.

76. API client: self - Deactivate your credentials

POST https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/api-clients/self/credentials/deactivate

This operation deactivates all credentials for your API client. This doesn't delete the API client or the credentials. To deactivate a single credential, run either the Deactivate your credential operation or Update your credential and set the status to INACTIVE.

77. API client: self - Get your credential

GET https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/api-clients/self/credentials/:credentialId

This operation provides details about a specific credential for your API client. To change the credential's expiration date or toggle its activation status, run the Update a credential operation.

78. API client: self - Update your credential

PUT https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/api-clients/self/credentials/:credentialId

This operation updates a specific credential for your API client. You can change the expiration date, description, or toggle the activation status. This isn't the same as rotating a credential. For details, see Rotate credentials.

79. API client: self - Remove your credential

DELETE https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/api-clients/self/credentials/:credentialId

This operation deletes a specific credential from your API client. You can only delete inactive credentials.

80. API client: self - Deactivate your credential

POST https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/api-clients/self/credentials/:credentialId/deactivate

This operation deactivates a specific credential for your API client. This doesn't delete the client or the credentials. To update a specific credential, run the Update your credential operation.

81. API client: self - Lock your API client

PUT https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/api-clients/self/lock

This operation locks your API client. You can't use the API client while it's locked. To unlock your client, run the Unlock an API client operation.

82. API clients - Create an API client

POST https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/api-clients

This operation creates a new API client. Optionally, you can automatically assign a credential for the client when you create it. If you choose not to assign the credential automatically, see Create authentication credentials for details.

83. API clients - List API clients

GET https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/api-clients

This operation lists API clients an administrator can manage on the current account or other managed accounts using the accountSwitchKey parameter.

84. API clients - Get an API client

GET https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/api-clients/:clientId

This operation provides details about an API client.

85. API clients - Update an API client

PUT https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/api-clients/:clientId

This operation updates an API client.

86. API clients - Delete an API client

DELETE https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/api-clients/:clientId

This operation permanently deletes the API client, breaking any API connections with the client. To delete a client, you need to own the client, or have admin access on a given group. Before deleting an API client, make sure there aren't any API integrations or scripts using it.

87. API clients - List account switch keys

GET https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/api-clients/:clientId/account-switch-keys

This operation lists account switch keys available for a specific API client. The client can use the accountSwitchKey in many Akamai APIs to make an API call to another account.

88. API clients - Create a credential

POST https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/api-clients/:clientId/credentials

This operation creates a new credential for your API client. If you don't know your clientId, you can run the Create your credential operation. Credentials are in active status at creation. By default, they expire two years from their creation date. However, when the API client's permissions are based on Control Center permissions, credentials expire differently and follow the same rotation schedule listed for user passwords on those accounts. Run the Update a credential operation to change the expiration date, description, or status. Save the values from the response, such as the credentialID, for future use. This is the only time you'll see the client secret. Save the credential to avoid the need to create a new one.

89. API clients - List credentials

GET https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/api-clients/:clientId/credentials

This operation lists credentials for an API client.

90. API clients - Deactivate credentials

POST https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/api-clients/:clientId/credentials/deactivate

This operation deactivates all credentials for a specific API client. This doesn't delete the API client or the credentials. To deactivate a single credential, run either the Deactivate a credential operation or Update a credential and set the status to INACTIVE.

91. API clients - Get a credential

GET https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/api-clients/:clientId/credentials/:credentialId

This operation returns details about a specific credential for an API client. To change the credential's expiration date or toggle its activation status, run the Update credential for an API client operation.

92. API clients - Update a credential

PUT https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/api-clients/:clientId/credentials/:credentialId

This operation updates a specific credential for an API client. You can change the expiration date, description, or toggle the activation status. This isn't the same as rotating a credential. For details, see Rotate credentials.

93. API clients - Remove a credential

DELETE https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/api-clients/:clientId/credentials/:credentialId

This operation deletes a specific credential from an API client. You can only delete inactive credentials.

94. API clients - Deactivate a credential

POST https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/api-clients/:clientId/credentials/:credentialId/deactivate

This operation deactivates a specific credential for an API client. This doesn't delete the API client, or the other credentials.

95. API clients - Lock an API client

PUT https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/api-clients/:clientId/lock

This operation locks an API client. You can't use the API client while it's locked. To unlock a client, run the Unlock an API client operation.

96. API clients - Unlock an API client

PUT https://{{host}}/identity-management/v3/api-clients/:clientId/unlock

This operation unlocks an API client.