Akamai APIs API Documentation

Edge Compute APIs

Number of APIs: 59

1. EdgeWorkers API-Contracts - List contract IDs

GET https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/contracts

View the list of contract IDs that you can use to list resource tiers.

2. EdgeWorkers API-Permission groups - List permission groups

GET https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/groups

View a list of groups and the associated permission capabilities, for example: activate a version or fetch an EdgeWorker ID.

3. EdgeWorkers API-Permission groups - Get a permission group

GET https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/groups/:groupId

View details on the capabilities enabled within a specified group, for example: activate a version or fetch an EdgeWorker ID.

4. EdgeWorkers API-EdgeWorker IDs - Create a new EdgeWorker ID

POST https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/ids

Register a new EdgeWorker ID within a particular group.

5. EdgeWorkers API-EdgeWorker IDs - List EdgeWorker IDs

GET https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/ids

View a list of EdgeWorker IDs created for your account. You can choose to specify the group and resource tier in the request to filter the response.

6. EdgeWorkers API-EdgeWorker IDs - Get an EdgeWorker ID

GET https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/ids/:edgeWorkerId

View details for a specific EdgeWorker.

7. EdgeWorkers API-EdgeWorker IDs - Update an EdgeWorker ID

PUT https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/ids/:edgeWorkerId

Update the name or groupId of an existing EdgeWorker.

8. EdgeWorkers API-EdgeWorker IDs - Delete an EdgeWorker ID

DELETE https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/ids/:edgeWorkerId

Delete a specific EdgeWorker ID.

9. EdgeWorkers API-EdgeWorker IDs - Clone an EdgeWorker ID

POST https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/ids/:edgeWorkerId/clone

Clone an EdgeWorker ID to change the resource tier.

10. EdgeWorkers API-EdgeWorker IDs - Get the resource tier

GET https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/ids/:edgeWorkerId/resource-tier

View the details of the resource tier assigned to the EdgeWorker ID.

11. EdgeWorkers API-Versions - Create a new version

POST https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/ids/:edgeWorkerId/versions

Create a new version of an EdgeWorker. In order to run this operation you need to build an EdgeWorkers code bundle and save it in GZIP format. You need to provide the GZIP binary file in the request body, with a Content-Type of application/gzip.

12. EdgeWorkers API-Versions - List versions

GET https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/ids/:edgeWorkerId/versions

View a list of EdgeWorker versions.

13. EdgeWorkers API-Versions - Get version details

GET https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/ids/:edgeWorkerId/versions/:version

View details for a specific version.

14. EdgeWorkers API-Versions - Delete version

DELETE https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/ids/:edgeWorkerId/versions/:version

Delete a specific version.

15. EdgeWorkers API-Versions - Download an EdgeWorkers code bundle

GET https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/ids/:edgeWorkerId/versions/:version/content

Download the bundle containing the code the EdgeWorker executes.

16. EdgeWorkers API-Activations - Activate an EdgeWorker version

POST https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/ids/:edgeWorkerId/activations

Activate an existing EdgeWorker version on the Akamai network, either staging or production.

17. EdgeWorkers API-Activations - List activations

GET https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/ids/:edgeWorkerId/activations

View the list of activations for an existing EdgeWorker based on ID. You can choose to specify the version in the request. The response filters the list of activations down by version number.

18. EdgeWorkers API-Activations - Roll back to the previous active EdgeWorker version

POST https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/ids/:edgeWorkerId/activations/rollback

Reactivate the EdgeWorker version that was previously active on the Akamai network, either staging or production.

19. EdgeWorkers API-Activations - Get an activation

GET https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/ids/:edgeWorkerId/activations/:activationId

View details for a specific activation.

20. EdgeWorkers API-Activations - Cancel an activation

DELETE https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/ids/:edgeWorkerId/activations/:activationId

Cancel a pending activation. You can cancel any activation whose status is still PENDING. After that you need to wait for the activation to complete and then deactivate it. Once the deactivation is complete you can then delete the EdgeWorker version.

21. EdgeWorkers API-Deactivations - Deactivate an EdgeWorker version

POST https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/ids/:edgeWorkerId/deactivations

Deactivate an existing EdgeWorker version on the Akamai network, either staging or production.

22. EdgeWorkers API-Deactivations - List deactivations

GET https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/ids/:edgeWorkerId/deactivations

View the list of deactivations for an existing EdgeWorker. You can limit the results to a specific version.

23. EdgeWorkers API-Deactivations - Get a deactivation

GET https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/ids/:edgeWorkerId/deactivations/:deactivationId

View details for a specific deactivation.

24. EdgeWorkers API-Properties - List properties

GET https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/ids/:edgeWorkerId/properties

View the list of properties using an existing EdgeWorker ID. You can limit the results to active properties.

25. EdgeWorkers API-Revisions - List revisions

GET https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/ids/:edgeWorkerId/revisions

Beta View the list of revisions for an existing EdgeWorker based on ID. You can limit the results to a specific version or activation. To learn more about Flexible Composition, refer to the EdgeWorkers guide.

26. EdgeWorkers API-Revisions - Activate a fallback revision

POST https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/ids/:edgeWorkerId/revisions/activations

Beta Reactivate a previously active revision on Akamai's staging or production network. To learn more about Flexible Composition, refer to the EdgeWorkers guide.

27. EdgeWorkers API-Revisions - List revision activations

GET https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/ids/:edgeWorkerId/revisions/activations

Beta List activations for an existing EdgeWorker revision based on the EdgeWorker's ID. To learn more about Flexible Composition, refer to the EdgeWorkers guide.

28. EdgeWorkers API-Revisions - Get a revision

GET https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/ids/:edgeWorkerId/revisions/:revisionId

Beta View details for a specific revision. To learn more about Flexible Composition, refer to the EdgeWorkers guide.

29. EdgeWorkers API-Revisions - Get a revision BOM

GET https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/ids/:edgeWorkerId/revisions/:revisionId/bom

Beta View the Bill of Materials for a specific revision. To learn more about Flexible Composition, refer to the EdgeWorkers guide.

30. EdgeWorkers API-Revisions - Compare revisions

POST https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/ids/:edgeWorkerId/revisions/:revisionId/compare

Beta View dependency differences between two revisions of the same EdgeWorker activation. To learn more about Flexible Composition, refer to the EdgeWorkers guide.

31. EdgeWorkers API-Revisions - Download the combined code bundle

GET https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/ids/:edgeWorkerId/revisions/:revisionId/content

Beta Download the combined code bundle that contains the code and the dependencies that the EdgeWorker executes. To learn more about Flexible Composition, refer to the EdgeWorkers guide.

32. EdgeWorkers API-Revisions - Pin an active revision

POST https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/ids/:edgeWorkerId/revisions/:revisionId/pin

Beta Disable dynamic activation for an EdgeWorker revision on Akamai's staging or production network. To learn more about Flexible Composition, refer to the EdgeWorkers guide.

33. EdgeWorkers API-Revisions - Unpin an active revision

POST https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/ids/:edgeWorkerId/revisions/:revisionId/unpin

Beta Enable dynamic activation for an EdgeWorker revision on Akamai's staging or production network. To learn more about Flexible Composition, refer to the EdgeWorkers guide.

34. EdgeWorkers API-Limits - List limits

GET https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/limits

View the various limits EdgeWorkers imposes on the number of activations, EdgeWorkers IDs, and versions you can deploy.

35. EdgeWorkers API-Reports - List reports

GET https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/reports

View a list of available reports. The data in these reports is also available in the EdgeWorkers Management application.

36. EdgeWorkers API-Reports - Get an EdgeWorker report

GET https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/reports/:reportId?start={{start}}&end={{end}}&edgeWorker={{edgeWorker}}&status={{status}}

View details for a specific EdgeWorker.

37. EdgeWorkers API-Resource tiers - List resource tiers

GET https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/resource-tiers?contractId={{contractId}}

View the list of available resource tiers for a specific contract ID. The resource tier defines the resource consumption limits for an EdgeWorker ID.

38. EdgeWorkers API-Secure tokens - Create a secure token

POST https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/secure-token

Generate a JWT authentication token to enable enhanced debug headers for EdgeWorkers.

39. EdgeWorkers API-Secure tokens - Get a secure token

GET https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/secure-token/:propertyId

Deprecated Use the Create a secure token operation instead. This returns a generated authentication token, for use with enhanced debug headers for EdgeWorkers.

40. EdgeWorkers API-Validations - Validate an EdgeWorkers code bundle

POST https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/validations

Return a list of errors and warnings containing details on how to fix your code bundle. See Validation types. In order to run this operation you need to provide an EdgeWorkers code bundle as a GZIP binary file in the request body, with a Content-Type of application/gzip.

41. EdgeKV API-Permission groups - List permission groups

GET https://{{host}}/edgekv/v1/auth/groups

View a list of access groups and your associated permission capabilities, such as create a namespace or read data from a namespace.

42. EdgeKV API-Permission groups - Get a permission group

GET https://{{host}}/edgekv/v1/auth/groups/:groupId

View details permissions available within the specified access group, such as create a namespace or read data from a namespace.

43. EdgeKV API-Namespaces - Modify the default data access policy

PUT https://{{host}}/edgekv/v1/auth/database

Beta Modify the default dataAccessPolicy setting that applies to new namespaces. The restrictDataAccess is true by default, and allowNamespacePolicyOverride is false. Contact your Akamai representative to join the EdgeKV Beta for Standard TLS.

44. EdgeKV API-Namespaces - Reauthorize a namespace

PUT https://{{host}}/edgekv/v1/auth/namespaces/:namespaceId

Assign an existing namespace to a different Akamai access group.

45. EdgeKV API-Namespaces - Create a namespace

POST https://{{host}}/edgekv/v1/networks/:network/namespaces

Creates a namespace on Akamai's STAGING or PRODUCTION network. You should create namespaces in both networks so that you can test your EdgeWorkers code on staging.

46. EdgeKV API-Namespaces - List namespaces

GET https://{{host}}/edgekv/v1/networks/:network/namespaces

View a list of all EdgeKV namespaces.

47. EdgeKV API-Namespaces - Get namespace details

GET https://{{host}}/edgekv/v1/networks/:network/namespaces/:namespaceId

View details for the specified namespace.

48. EdgeKV API-Namespaces - Update namespace details

PUT https://{{host}}/edgekv/v1/networks/:network/namespaces/:namespaceId

You can update the retention period for any existing namespace other than the default namespace. It can take up to five minutes for a new retention policy to apply. The new retention period only applies to data added or updated in the namespace after this operation is complete. The retention period of existing data remains unchanged from the old retention period. Once you perform this operation you can't query the previously existing data. If you want to ensure that all data in the namespace has the same retention period you need to update the entire data set once the retention period has been updated. To change the access group used to authorize permission to a namespace, see Reauthorize a namespace. If you try to run this operation to update the access group, you get a 400 error.

49. EdgeKV API-Namespaces - List groups within a namespace

GET https://{{host}}/edgekv/v1/networks/:network/namespaces/:namespaceId/groups

List group identifiers created when writing items to a namespace. You need to specify at least one of these group identifiers in the groupId parameter when writing items to a specific namespace. The group identifier is a logical container for a set of items stored inside a given namespace.

50. EdgeKV API-EdgeKV status - Get the EdgeKV initialization status

GET https://{{host}}/edgekv/v1/initialize

View the EdgeKV initialization status.

51. EdgeKV API-EdgeKV status - Initialize EdgeKV

PUT https://{{host}}/edgekv/v1/initialize

You only need to initialize EdgeKV once. This operation adds the default EdgeKV namespace to Akamai's STAGING and PRODUCTION networks. It also creates a new dedicated CP code for you to track your EdgeKV usage. You won't be able to use any of the EdgeKV API operations or your EdgeKV database until initialization completes. You should only use the default namespace for experimentation and testing purposes. When deploying your EdgeKV database in production, use a new namespace with a different name. If you're part of the EdgeKV Beta for Standard TLS you can also specify a dataAccessPolicy to run this operation. The dataAccessPolicy determines if you can create new namespaces only on Akamai’s Enhanced TLS network, or both the Enhanced TLS and Standard TLS networks. By default, all existing namespaces use only the Enhanced TLS network. Contact your Akamai representative for information on how to add the Beta for Standard TLS to your EdgeKV contract.

52. EdgeKV API-Items - List items within a group

GET https://{{host}}/edgekv/v1/networks/:network/namespaces/:namespaceId/groups/:groupId

View the details of an EdgeKV item (key-value pair) within a group. You need to specify the namespace and group the item belongs to. This operation returns up to 100 items by default or the number of items specified in the maxItems. If there are more than the default or requested items in the specified group, the operation returns a random set of the default or requested items. It can take ten seconds or longer to read an item that has been written to EdgeKV. The API may respond with a 404 error during that period. This is normal behavior for EdgeKV, which is an eventually consistent database.

53. EdgeKV API-Items - Read an item

GET https://{{host}}/edgekv/v1/networks/:network/namespaces/:namespaceId/groups/:groupId/items/:itemId

Read an EdgeKV item. You need to specify the namespace and group the item belongs to. It can take ten seconds or longer to read an item that has been recently written to EdgeKV. The API may return a 404 error during that period. This is normal behavior for EdgeKV, which is an eventually consistent database.

54. EdgeKV API-Items - Write an item

PUT https://{{host}}/edgekv/v1/networks/:network/namespaces/:namespaceId/groups/:groupId/items/:itemId

Create or update an EdgeKV item (name-value). You need to specify the namespace and group the item belongs to. The target namespace must already exist before writing, while the group is automatically created for you if it doesn't exist yet.

55. EdgeKV API-Items - Delete an item

DELETE https://{{host}}/edgekv/v1/networks/:network/namespaces/:namespaceId/groups/:groupId/items/:itemId

Mark an EdgeKV item for deletion. You need to specify the namespace and group the item belongs to. It can take ten seconds or longer for a deleted item to be removed from the database. If you attempt a read operation before the value has been updated globally, stale data may be returned until the update is complete. This is normal behavior for EdgeKV, which is an eventually consistent database.

56. EdgeKV API-Access tokens - Create an access token

POST https://{{host}}/edgekv/v1/tokens

Generate an access token that allows an EdgeWorkers code bundle to access the specified namespace. Each token name needs to be unique and have a defined expiration of no longer than six months. You can't renew a token once it expires. To learn more about access tokens, refer to the EdgeKV guide.

57. EdgeKV API-Access tokens - List access tokens

GET https://{{host}}/edgekv/v1/tokens

View a list of EdgeKV access tokens.

58. EdgeKV API-Access tokens - Download an access token

GET https://{{host}}/edgekv/v1/tokens/:tokenName

Download a previously created EdgeKV access token. To get a token you need to know the token name. To learn more about access tokens, refer to the EdgeKV guide.

59. EdgeKV API-Access tokens - Revoke an access token

DELETE https://{{host}}/edgekv/v1/tokens/:tokenName

Once you revoke an access token, you can't undo it. You also need to update any deployed EdgeWorkers code bundles that use the old token with a new token, or requests to EdgeKV fail. Any requests from an EdgeWorkers code bundle using a revoked token cause a 401 error. To learn more about access tokens, refer to the EdgeKV guide.