Zoom Public API Documentation

Search company contacts

GET {{baseUrl}}/contacts?search_key=<string>&query_presence_status=<boolean>&page_size=1&contact_types=1&user_status=inactive&next_page_token=<string>

A user under an organization's Zoom account has internal users listed under Company Contacts in the Zoom Client. Use this API to search users that are in the company contacts of a Zoom account. Using the search_key query parameter, provide either first name, last name or the email address of the user that you would like to search for. Optionally, set query_presence_status to true in order to include the presence status of a contact.

Scopes: contact:read:admin, contact:read

Rate Limit Label: Medium



Key Datatype Required Description 
string (Required) Provide the keyword - either first name, last name or email of the contact whom you have to search for.
string Set `query_presence_status` to `true` in order to include the presence status of a contact in the response.
number The number of records to be returned with a single API call.
number A comma-separated list of the type of user contact to query: * `1` — A Zoom user. * `2` — An auto receptionist. * `3` — A common area phone. * `4` — A call queue. * `5` — A shared line group. * `6` — A shared global directory. * `7` — A shared office contact. * `8` — A ZOOM Room. **Note:** * You must have a [phone management role with the "**View**" permission](https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/360042099012-Using-Zoom-Phone-role-management) to query the `2`, `3`, `4`, `5`, and `7` values. * You must provide a valid `search_key` value to query this parameter.
string The Zoom user's status: * `active` — The user exists on the account. * `inactive` — The user has been deactivated. This value only work for the `contact_types` field is `1`, if not provide all users can be search.
string The next page token paginates through a large set of results. A next page token is returned whenever the set of available results exceeds the current page size. The expiration period for this token is 15 minutes.


Key Datatype Required Description 


status OK

{ "contacts": [ { "contact_type": 4, "dept": "<string>", "direct_numbers": [ "<string>", "<string>" ], "email": "<string>", "extension_number": "<string>", "display_name": "<string>", "first_name": "<string>", "id": "<string>", "member_id": "<string>", "im_group_id": "<string>", "im_group_name": "<string>", "job_title": "<string>", "last_name": "<string>", "location": "<string>", "phone_number": "<string>", "phone_numbers": [ { "code": "<string>", "country": "<string>", "label": "Office", "number": "<string>", "verified": "<boolean>" }, { "code": "<string>", "country": "<string>", "label": "Mobile", "number": "<string>", "verified": "<boolean>" } ], "presence_status": "Do_Not_Disturb", "user_status": "active", "activity": "Unknown", "sip_phone_number": "<string>", "sip_uri": "<string>" }, { "contact_type": 7, "dept": "<string>", "direct_numbers": [ "<string>", "<string>" ], "email": "<string>", "extension_number": "<string>", "display_name": "<string>", "first_name": "<string>", "id": "<string>", "member_id": "<string>", "im_group_id": "<string>", "im_group_name": "<string>", "job_title": "<string>", "last_name": "<string>", "location": "<string>", "phone_number": "<string>", "phone_numbers": [ { "code": "<string>", "country": "<string>", "label": "Mobile", "number": "<string>", "verified": "<boolean>" }, { "code": "<string>", "country": "<string>", "label": "Home", "number": "<string>", "verified": "<boolean>" } ], "presence_status": "Available", "user_status": "active", "activity": "Inactive", "sip_phone_number": "<string>", "sip_uri": "<string>" } ], "next_page_token": "<string>", "page_size": "<integer>" }

curl -X GET 'https://api.zoom.us/v2/contacts?search_key=<string>&query_presence_status=<boolean>&page_size=1&contact_types=1&user_status=inactive&next_page_token=<string>?search_key=<string>&query_presence_status=<boolean>&page_size=1&contact_types=1&user_status=inactive&next_page_token=<string>' -H 'Accept: application/json'