NASA Open APIs API Documentation

Satellite Situation Center

Number of APIs: 6

Satellite Situation Center

System to cast geocentric spacecraft location information into a framework of (empirical) geophysical regions

The Satellite Situation Center Web (SSCWeb) service has been developed and is operated jointly by the NASA/GSFC Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) and the National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC) to support a range of NASA science programs and to fulfill key international NASA responsibilities including those of NSSDC and the World Data Center-A for Rockets and Satellites. The software and associated database of SSCWeb together form a system to cast geocentric spacecraft location information into a framework of (empirical) geophysical regions and mappings of spacecraft locations along lines of the Earth's magnetic field. This capability is one key to mission science planning (both single missions and coordinated observations of multiple spacecraft with ground-based investigations) and to subsequent multi-mission data analysis. To get started with this API please visit this page.

1. SPASE Observatories

GET https://sscweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/WS/sscr/2/observatories

2. Ground Stations

GET https://sscweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/WS/sscr/2/groundStations

3. Locations

POST https://sscweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/WS/sscr/2/locations

4. Locations

GET https://sscweb.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/WS/sscr/2/locations/mms1,mms2/20190101T000000Z,20190101T001000Z/gse,geo

5. Graphs

POST https://sscweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/WS/sscr/2/graphs

6. Conjunctions

POST https://sscweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/WS/sscr/2/conjunctions