NASA Open APIs API Documentation


Number of APIs: 1

InSight: Mars Weather Service API

(Last Updated: 8/28/2019)NASA’s InSight Mars lander takes continuous weather measurements (temperature, wind, pressure) on the surface of Mars at Elysium Planitia, a flat, smooth plain near Mars’ equator. Summaries of these data are available at https://mars.nasa.gov/insight/weather/.This API provides per-Sol summary data for each of the last seven available Sols (Martian Days). As more data from a particular Sol are downlinked from the spacecraft (sometimes several days later), these values are recalculated, and consequently may change as more data are received on Earth.** Example image: **This API is maintained and provided by NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Cornell University. If you find bugs in this API, please use the contact form found at https://mars.nasa.gov/feedback/. The rate limit for this API is every hour no more than 2000 hits for each individual IP.###Defining the DataThe summary data are provided as an object in a JSON stream, a formal definition of JSON is RFC 7159. Appendix A contains an abridged, typical JSON stream for this API as an example.

HTTP Request

GET https: //api.nasa.gov/insightweather/?apikey=DEMO_KEY&feedtype=json&ver=1.0

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Default Description
version float * 1.0 * The version of this API
feedtype string json The format of what is returned. Currently the default is JSON and only JSON works.
api_key string DEMO_KEY api.data.gov key for expanded usage

Example query


This document describes the API in more detail.

This self-contained HTML document is an example that draws a wind rose using InSight Wind Direction frequency distribution data, which data are part of the JSON object returned by this API.

1. Insight

GET https://api.nasa.gov/insight_weather/?feedtype=json&ver=1.0