NASA Open APIs API Documentation


Number of APIs: 6


Solar System Dynamics and Center for Near-Earth Object Studies

Welcome to JPL’s SSD (Solar System Dynamics) and CNEOS (Center for Near-Earth Object Studies) API (Application Program Interface) service. This service provides an interface to machine-readable data (JSON-format) related to SSD and CNEOS.If you are looking for human-readable data, please go to the main websites for SSD and/or CNEOS. For further information on this API and its component services, please visit the JPL SSD/CNEOS API main website or contact contact-ssd-api@jpl.nasa.gov.This API consists of the following component services:

API Description
CAD Asteroid and comet close approaches to the planets in the past and future
Fireball Fireball atmospheric impact data reported by US Government sensors
Mission Design Mission Design - Small-body mission design suite
NHATS Human-accessible NEOs data
Scout NEOCP orbits, ephemerides, and impact risk data
Sentry NEO Earth impact risk assessment data


This API provides access to current close-approach data for all asteroids and comets in JPL’s SBDB (Small-Body DataBase). Defaults for query parameters are setup for a typical CNEOS web-site search: NEO Earth close-approaches less than 0.05 au in the next 60 days sorted by date.For complete API documentation please visit the JPL SBDB Close-Approach Data API website.


The fireball data API provides a method of requesting specific records from the available data-set. Every successful query will return content representing one or more fireball data records. See the CNEOS page on fireballs for details on this data-set.For complete API documentation please visit the JPL Fireball Data API website.

Mission Design

This API provides access to the JPL/SSD small-body mission design suite. Please see the Mission Design web-page for details about Mission Design.For complete API documentation please visit the JPL Mission Design API website.


The NHATS API provides a method of requesting data from the NHATS-related tables in the SBDB. These data will primarily support the CNEOS “Accessible NEAs” web-page. Please see the NHATS web-page for details about NHATS.For complete API documentation please visit the JPL NHATS API website.


This API provides access to near-realtime results from the CNEOS Scout system. Various query modes provide access to available subsets of data. Please see the Scout web-page for details about Scout.For complete API documentation please visit the JPL Scout API website.


This API provides access to results from the CNEOS Sentry system. There are various modes used to obtain desired data.

  • O - object-specific details table
  • S - summary table
  • V - VI (virtual impactor) table
  • R - removed-objects tableFor complete API documentation please visit the JPL Sentry API website.

1. CAD

GET https://ssd-api.jpl.nasa.gov/cad.api?date-min=1900-01-01&date-max=2100-01-01&des=433&dist-max=0.2

2. Firewall

GET https://ssd-api.jpl.nasa.gov/fireball.api

3. Mission Design

GET https://ssd-api.jpl.nasa.gov/mdesign.api?des=2012%20TC4


GET https://ssd-api.jpl.nasa.gov/nhats.api

5. Scout

GET https://ssd-api.jpl.nasa.gov/scout.api

6. Sentry

GET https://ssd-api.jpl.nasa.gov/sentry.api