NASA Open APIs API Documentation


Number of APIs: 2


Unlock the significant public investment in earth observation data

Landsat imagery is provided to the public as a joint project between NASA and USGS. A recent industry report on landsat satellite imagery data estimates that total annual value to the economy of $2.19 billion, far exceeding the multi-year total cost of building, launching, and managing Landsat satellites and sensors. The value is derived from consumer * use * of the data. The objective of this endpoint is to give you an easy to use taste of what Landsat imagery data can provide. There are more complicate APIs available if you want to build models on top of satellite imagery, apply machine-learning, or minimize clouds in your image. NASA's Earth Science Devision has a variety of Earth imagery APIs for developers, which you can find out about in the Earthdata Developer Portal. Specifically, the GIBS (Global Imagery Browse Services) API may be of interest. The Google Earth Engine API is another powerful option. This API is powered by Google Earth Engine API, and currently only supports pan-sharpened Landsat 8 imagery.


This endpoint retrieves the Landsat 8 image for the supplied location and date. The response will include the date and URL to the image that is closest to the supplied date. The requested resource may not be available for the exact date in the request. You can retrieve a json that contains the inputs you provided and an url to the resulting image through the assets endpoint The assets endpoint no longer returns a list of potential images within your date range due to a change on the google earth engine api side.The cloud score was an optional calculation that returns the percentage of the queried image that is covered by clouds, but it is not available in current versio of the API.

HTTP Request

GET https://api.nasa.gov/planetary/earth/imagery

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Default Description
dimfloat0.025width and height of image in degrees
dateYYYY-MM-DD* today * date of image; if not supplied, then the most recent image (i.e., closest to today) is returned
cloud_scoreboolFalse[NOT CURRENTLY AVAILABLE!!!!] calculate the percentage of the image covered by clouds
api_keystringDEMO_KEYapi.nasa.gov key for expanded usage

Example query


Note that the returned object may not match the supplied date exactly. Instead, the image closest to the supplied date is returned.


This endpoint retrieves the date-times and asset names for closest available imagery for a supplied location and date. The satellite passes over each point on earth roughly once every sixteen days. This is an amazing visualization of the acquisition pattern for Landsat 8 imagery. The objective of this endpoint is primarily to support the use of the imagery endpoint.

HTTP Request

GET https://api.nasa.gov/planetary/earth/assets

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Default Description
dateYYYY-MM-DDn/abeginning of 30 day date range that will be used to look for closest image to that date
dimfloat0.025width and height of image in degrees
apikeystringDEMOKEYapi.nasa.gov key for expanded usage

### Example query


1. Imagery

GET https://api.nasa.gov/planetary/earth/imagery?lat=&lon=&dim=&date=&cloud_score=

2. Assets

GET https://api.nasa.gov/planetary/earth/assets?lon=&lat=&date=&dim=