NASA Open APIs API Documentation


Number of APIs: 1


Two line element data for earth-orbiting objects at a given point in time

The TLE API provides up to date two line element set records, the data is updated daily from CelesTrak and served in JSON format. A two-line element set (TLE) is a data format encoding a list of orbital elements of an Earth-orbiting object for a given point in time. For more information on TLE data format visit Definition of Two-line Element Set Coordinate System.Further documentation and response examples are available at: http://tle.ivanstanojevic.me

Available endpoints

The TLE API consists of two endpoints

GET http://tle.ivanstanojevic.me

Endpoint Description
GET /api/tle?search={q} Performing a search by satellite name
GET /api/tle/{q} Retrieving a single TLE record where query is satellite number

Example query


1. TLE

GET http://tle.ivanstanojevic.me/api/tle