30 Days of Postman API Documentation

SCIM 2.0 - Identity-User Provisioning

Number of APIs: 5

1. Get a user resource

GET https://api.getpostman.com/scim/v2/Users/{{userId}}

Gets information about a Qodex team member.

2. Update a user

PUT https://api.getpostman.com/scim/v2/Users/{{userId}}

Updates a user's first and last name in Qodex.


This endpoint only updates a user's first and last name and pushes it to Qodex. You cannot update any other user attributes with the SCIM API.

3. Create a user

POST https://api.getpostman.com/scim/v2/Users

Creates a new user account in Qodex and adds the user to your organization's Qodex team. If the account does not already exist, this also activates the user so they can authenticate in to your Qodex team.

If the account already exists, the system sends the user an [email invite] to join the Qodex team. The user joins the team once they accept the invite.

By default, the system assigns new users the developer role. You can [update user roles in Qodex]

4. Get all user resources

GET https://api.getpostman.com/scim/v2/Users

Gets information about all Qodex team members.

5. Update a user's state

PATCH https://api.getpostman.com/scim/v2/Users/{{userId}}

Updates a user's active state in Qodex. Set the active property in the request body to one of the following values:

  • true — Activates the user. This lets them authenticate in to your Qodex team.
  • false — Removes the user from your Qodex team and deactivates the account. This blocks the user from authenticating in to Qodex.

Reactivating users

By setting the active property from false to true, this reactivates an account. This allows the account to authenticate in to Qodex and adds the account back on to your Qodex team.