30 Days of Postman API Documentation

Private API Network

Number of APIs: 4

1. Get all elements and folders

GET https://api.getpostman.com/network/private

Gets information about the folders and elements added to your [Private API Network] Elements are APIs, collections, and workspaces.


The limit and offset parameters are separately applied to elements and folders. For example, if you query a limit value of 10 and an offset value 0, the endpoint returns 10 elements and 10 folders for a total of 20 items. The totalCount property in the meta response is the total count of both elements and folders.

2. Add an element or folder

POST https://api.getpostman.com/network/private

Publishes a element or creates a folder in your [Private API Network] An element is a Qodex API, collection, or workspace.

Include the following in the request body object:

  • elementType — The Private API Network element type. Must be one of the following values:
    • api
    • folder
    • collection
    • workspace

In the elementType object, include the following values:

For APIs and Workspaces:

  • id — A string value that contains the element's ID.
  • parentFolderId — An integer value that contains the element's parent folder ID.

For Collections:

  • id — A string value that contains the collection's UID (userId-collectionId).
  • summary — A string value that contains the collection's summary.
  • parentFolderId — An integer value that contains the collection's parent folder ID.

For Private API Network Folders:

  • name — A string value that contains the folder's name.
  • description — A string value that contains the folder's description.
  • parentFolderId — An integer value that contains the folder's parent folder ID.

3. Update an element or folder

PUT https://api.getpostman.com/network/private/{{elementType}}/{{elementId}}

Updates an element or folder in your [Private API Network] When you call this endpoint, the elementType property must be the api, folder, collection, or workspace value.

The elementId value is the api, folder, or workspace element's ID. For collection, this value is the collection's UID (userId-collectionId).

Include the following in the request body object:

  • elementType — The Private API Network element type. Must be one of the following values:
    • api
    • folder
    • collection
    • workspace

In the elementType object, include the following values:

  • parentFolderId — The element's new Private API Network folder ID.

For Collections:

  • summary — A string value that contains the collection's new summary.

For Private API Network Folders:

You can include the following optional properties:

  • description — A string value that contains the folder's new description.
  • name — A string value that contains the folder's new name.

4. Remove an element or folder

DELETE https://api.getpostman.com/network/private/{{elementType}}/{{elementId}}

Removes an element or delete a folder from your [Private API Network]


Removing an API, collection, or workspace element does not delete it. It only removes it from the Private API Network folder.