30 Days of Postman API Documentation


Number of APIs: 6

1. Create a monitor

POST https://api.getpostman.com/monitors

In Qodex v10 and higher you cannot create monitors for collections added to an API definition.

Creates a monitor. Include the following properties in the request body:

  • name — A string value that contains the monitor's name.
  • schedule — An object that contains the following properties:
    • cron — A string value the monitor's run frequency. At this time you can only create monitors with limited schedules. For information about the available schedules, see our Qodex Monitors collection. See the table below for cron patterns.
    • timezone — A string value that contains the monitor's timezone.
  • collection — A string value that contains the monitor's associated collection unique ID.
  • environment — A string value that contains the monitor's associated environment unique ID.

Cron patterns

Frequency Cron Pattern
Every 5 minutes \\\*/5 \\\* \\\* \\\* \\\*
Every 30 minutes \\\*/30 \\\* \\\* \\\* \\\*
Every Hour 0 \\\*/1 \\\* \\\* \\\*
Every 6 Hours 0 \\\*/6 \\\* \\\* \\\*
Every day at 5pm 0 17 \\\* \\\* \\\*
Every Monday at 12pm 0 12 \\\* \\\* MON
Every weekday (Monday - Friday) at 6am 0 6 \\\* \\\* MON-FRI

2. Run a monitor

POST https://api.getpostman.com/monitors/{{monitorId}}/run

Runs a monitor and returns its run results.

3. Delete a monitor

DELETE https://api.getpostman.com/monitors/{{monitorId}}

Deletes a monitor.

4. Get all monitors

GET https://api.getpostman.com/monitors

Gets all monitors.

5. Get a monitor

GET https://api.getpostman.com/monitors/{{monitorId}}

Gets information about a monitor.

6. Update a monitor

PUT https://api.getpostman.com/monitors/{{monitorId}}

Updates a monitor. Include the following properties in the request body:

  • name — A string value that contains the monitor's name.
  • schedule — An object that contains the following properties:
    • cron — A string value the monitor's run frequency. At this time you can only create monitors with limited schedules. For information about the available schedules, see our Qodex Monitors collection. See the table below for cron patterns.
    • timezone — A string value that contains the monitor's timezone.

Cron patterns

Frequency Cron Pattern
Every 5 minutes \\*/5 \\* \\* \\* \\*
Every 30 minutes \\*/30 \\* \\* \\* \\*
Every Hour 0 \\*/1 \\* \\* \\*
Every 6 Hours 0 \\*/6 \\* \\* \\*
Every day at 5pm 0 17 \\* \\* \\*
Every Monday at 12pm 0 12 \\* \\* MON
Every weekday (Monday - Friday) at 6am 0 6 \\* \\* MON-FRI