30 Days of Postman API Documentation
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Day 00: Pre-requisites
Day 01: Fork a collection
Day 02: Collections and environments
Day 03: Add request details
Day 04: Authorization
Day 05: Variables
Day 06: Tests
Day 07: Debugging
Day 08: Run a collection
Day 09: Scripting
Day 10: Mock services
Day 11: Monitoring
Day 12: Postman API
Day 13: Newman
Day 14: OAuth
Day 15: Write to file
Day 16: Pagination
Day 17: Visualizations
Day 18: API specifications
Day 19: GraphQL
Day 20: Documentation
Day 21: WebSockets
Day 22: Public profile
Day 23: Data files
Day 24: Using libraries
Day 25: Dynamic request bodies
Day 26: Parse HTML response
Day 27: Scenario testing
Day 28: UI testing
Day 29: Webhooks
Day 30: Submit for badge
Postman API