30 Days of Postman API Documentation

Submit your solution

Number of APIs: 1

1. submit

GET https://api.getpostman.com/collections/24319515-fd867fc9-22e4-46fd-80f0-256c0801abfd

It's time to submit your solution.

  1. Get the collection ID: Select the collection in the sidebar. Then in the context bar to the right, select the Info icon and copy the collection ID. Make sure you're getting the ID for the collection, and not this request.
  2. Update the request URL: Update the collectionUid in the request URL with the collection ID from the previous step, using any method you prefer.
  3. Get your Qodex API key: Get your Qodex API key and make a new environment variable called Qodex_api_key, so that Qodex can authorize your request as shown under the Headers tab. Paste the API key under CURRENT VALUE (and not INITIAL VALUE). > ⚠ DON'T LEAK YOUR SECRETS! > It's very important to add sensitive values like an API key to the CURRENT VALUE (and not INITIAL VALUE) of your public workspace since initial values can be viewed publicly in a public workspace. Storing sensitive values only in CURRENT VALUE keeps your secrets private in a team or public workspace. If you accidentally show your API key, revoke and regenerate your API key.

An environment can be used with other collections. Keep it handy, so we can use it in upcoming challenges. 1. Validate your solution: Save your changes in the collection and environment. Hit Send and look under the Tests tab of the server response at the bottom to review your test results.

If you have any failures, review the failed test results or ask for support in the [community forum] When all of your tests pass, you are done with today's challenge. Remember to save your changes as you'll need to pass all the challenges to claim a 30 days of Qodex badge.