Number of APIs: 3
PATCH {{baseUrl}}/users/:userId?login_type=99&remove_tsp_credentials=<boolean>
Update a user's Zoom profile information. For user-level apps, pass the Scopes: Rate Limit Label: me
value instead of the userId
2. Get a user
GET {{baseUrl}}/users/:userId?login_type=99&encrypted_email=false&search_by_unique_id=<boolean>
View a user's information on a Zoom account. For user-managed apps, pass the Users who have not activated their account will have a Scopes: Rate Limit Label: me
value instead of the userId
Note: The user_info:read
scope is only available when you pass the me
value for the $userId
value. pending
status. These users' created_at
timestamp will also display the time at which the API call was made, not the account's creation date. user_info:read
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/users/:userId?encrypted_email=false&action=disassociate&transfer_email=<string>&transfer_meeting=<boolean>&transfer_webinar=<boolean>&transfer_recording=<boolean>&transfer_whiteboard=<boolean>
Disassociate (unlink) a user or permanently delete a user. Disassociating a user unlinks the user from the associated Zoom account and provides the user their own basic free Zoom account. The disassociated user can then purchase their own Zoom licenses. An account owner or account admin can transfer the user's meetings, webinars, and cloud recordings to another user before disassociation. Deleting a user permanently removes the user and their data from Zoom. Users can create a new Zoom account using the same email address. An account owner or an account admin can transfer meetings, webinars, and cloud recordings to another Zoom user account before deleting. For user-level apps, pass the Note: This API does not support the deletion requirements of a Data Subject Access Request (DSAR). For a DSAR request, contact Zoom Support. Scopes: Rate Limit Label: me
value instead of the userId