Zoom Public API Documentation


Number of APIs: 2

1. Update a shared line group policy

PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/shared_line_groups/:sharedLineGroupId/policies

Updates the policy setting of a specific shared line group.

Prerequisites: * Pro or higher account plan with Zoom Phone License * Account owner or admin permissions

Scopes: phone:write:admin

Granular Scopes: phone:update:shared_line_group_policy:admin

Rate Limit Label: LIGHT

2. Get a shared line group policy

GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/shared_line_groups/:sharedLineGroupId/policies

Returns the policy setting of a specific shared line group.

Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions

Scopes: phone:read:admin

Granular Scopes: phone:read:shared_line_group_policy:admin

Rate Limit Label: LIGHT