Zoom Public API Documentation


Number of APIs: 1

1. Get call charges usage report

GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/reports/call_charges?from=<date>&to=<date>&page_size=<integer>&next_page_token=<string>&billing_account_id=<string>&show_charges_only=<boolean>

Retrieves the Phone Call Charges Report.

The Call charges usage report allows account owners and admins to view monthly Zoom phone call charges. Account owners and admins can also access this information when they log into their Zoom accounts and navigate to Call Charges Usage Report.


  • Account must be enrollled in Pro or a higher plan
  • Account must be enrolled in a Zoom Phone plan

Scopes: phone:read:admin

Granular Scopes: phone:read:call_charges:admin

Rate Limit Label: HEAVY