Number of APIs: 3
1. Add an emergency service location
POST {{baseUrl}}/phone/locations
Use this API to add an emergency service location. Prerequisites:
* Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license
* Account owner or admin permissions Scopes: phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light
2. List emergency service locations
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/locations?next_page_token=<string>&page_size=30&site_id=<string>
Returns emergency service locations.
Note: When you enable multiple sites, the Prerequisites:
* Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license
* Account owner or admin permissions Scopes: Granular Scopes: Rate Limit Label: site_id
parameter is
3. List emergency service locations
GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/locations?next_page_token=BJLYC6PABbAHdjwSkGVQeeR6B1juwHqj3G2&page_size=30&site_id=SQv52YtkRLC2dwrDdYtGsA
Use this API to list emergency service locations. Scopes: Prerequisites:
* Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license
* Account owner or admin permissionsphone:read:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light