Zoom Public API Documentation


Number of APIs: 2

1. Delete common area level outbound calling exception rule

DELETE {{baseUrl}}/phone/common_areas/:commonAreaId/outbound_calling/exception_rules/:exceptionRuleId

Deletes the common area level outbound calling exception rule. Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions

Scopes: phone:write:admin

Granular Scopes: phone:delete:common_area_outbound_calling_rule:admin

Rate Limit Label: LIGHT

2. Update common area level outbound calling exception rule

PATCH {{baseUrl}}/phone/common_areas/:commonAreaId/outbound_calling/exception_rules/:exceptionRuleId

Updates the common area level outbound calling policy for the country region exception rule.

Prerequisites: * Pro or a higher account with Zoom Phone license * Account owner or admin permissions

Scopes: phone:write:admin

Granular Scopes: phone:update:common_area_outbound_calling_rule:admin

Rate Limit Label: LIGHT