Zoom Public API Documentation

phone-call logs

Number of APIs: 2

1. Get recording by call ID

GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/call_logs/:id/recordings

Use this API to get an account's call recording(https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/360038521091-Accessing-and-sharing-call-recordings) by the recording's callId or callLogId ID.

Prerequisites: * A Pro or higher account with Zoom Phone license. * Account owner or admin privileges

Scopes: phone:read:admin, phone:write:admin
Rate Limit Label: Light

2. Get account's call logs

GET {{baseUrl}}/phone/call_logs?page_size=30&from=2020-10-31&to=2021-12-31&type=all&next_page_token=BJLYC6PABbAHdjwSkGVQeeR6B1juwHqj3G2&path=extension&time_type=startTime&site_id=8f71O6rWT8KFUGQmJIFAdQ&charged_call_logs=false

Use this API to return an account's call logs.

Prerequisites: * A Business or Enterprise account * A Zoom Phone license * Account owner or a role with Zoom Phone management

Scopes: phone:read:admin, phone_call_log:read:admin

Rate Limit Label: Heavy