Visma Solutions Oy - Netvisor API flow examples API Documentation

Netvisor API flows 🚀

This Qodex Workspace contains best practise example for importing sales invoices to Netvisor via API (and later other best practices).

To test this flow you need to:

  • Register to our ISV program: https://netvisor.fi/isv-materiaalipankki/isv-yhteydenotto/
    • After registration you got email about Netvisor's test environment and needed partner keys for the authentication
  • Fork the Qodex collection and environment
  • Set the business-ID (y-tunnus) of the Netvisor's test environment in Qodex Pre-request Script (note this should be done fore each collection you want to test):

  • Set partnerkeys to the environment settings (partnerId = kumppanitunnus, partnerKey = kumppaniavain):

  • Create user api identifiers in Netvisor's test environment and set created identifiers to the Qodex's environment settings (userId = käyttäjätunniste, userKey = avain):


  • Allow integration in Netvisor using search key (käyttöoikeusavain) which is sent in email after registration


Now you are ready to test Qodex flows! 💎