GoCardless API API Documentation

Initiate your Billing Request

POST {{url}}/billing_requests

Billing Requests help create resources that require input or action from a customer. An example of required input might be additional customer billing details, while an action would be asking a customer to authorise a payment using their mobile banking app.

See Billing Requests: Instant First Payment + Direct Debit mandate creation for how-to’s, explanations and tutorials.

Create a Billing Request API Docs



Key Datatype Required Description 


Key Datatype Required Description 


status Created

{ "billing_requests": { "id": "BRQ0005YYBY80QS", "created_at": "2024-03-27T00:59:16.900Z", "status": "pending", "mandate_request": { "currency": "GBP", "constraints": null, "scheme": "bacs", "sweeping": false, "verify": "recommended", "links": {}, "metadata": { "key1": "Value of metadata stored in the mandate object" }, "description": null, "payer_requested_dual_signature": false }, "payment_request": { "description": "Licensed Steel Chips", "currency": "GBP", "amount": 79050, "min_amount": null, "max_amount": null, "default_min_amount": null, "default_max_amount": null, "app_fee": null, "scheme": "faster_payments", "links": {}, "metadata": { "key1": "Value of metadata stored in the payment object" }, "flexible_amount": false, "reference": null, "funds_settlement": "managed" }, "metadata": { "key1": "Value of metadata stored in the billing request object" }, "links": { "customer": "CU0014G7CHDNYV", "customer_billing_detail": "CBD000JGZ702Z39", "creditor": "CR00006C6DF0TD", "organisation": "OR00004AE28612", "payment_request": "PRQ0000RE1Z1148", "mandate_request": "MRQ0005FQXTCR4Q" }, "fallback_enabled": false, "fallback_occurred": false, "sign_flow_url": null, "creditor_name": "Ondooo", "actions": [ { "type": "choose_currency", "required": true, "completes_actions": [], "requires_actions": [], "status": "completed", "available_currencies": [ "GBP", "EUR" ] }, { "type": "collect_amount", "required": true, "completes_actions": [], "requires_actions": [], "status": "completed" }, { "type": "collect_customer_details", "required": true, "completes_actions": [], "requires_actions": [ "choose_currency", "collect_amount" ], "status": "pending", "collect_customer_details": { "incomplete_fields": { "customer": [ "given_name", "family_name" ], "customer_billing_detail": [ "address_line1", "city", "postal_code", "country_code" ] }, "default_country_code": "GB" } }, { "type": "select_institution", "required": true, "completes_actions": [], "requires_actions": [], "status": "pending", "institution_guess_status": "pending" }, { "type": "collect_bank_account", "required": true, "completes_actions": [ "choose_currency" ], "available_country_codes": [ "GB" ], "requires_actions": [ "collect_amount" ], "status": "pending" }, { "type": "confirm_payer_details", "required": true, "completes_actions": [], "requires_actions": [ "collect_customer_details", "collect_bank_account" ], "status": "pending" }, { "type": "bank_authorisation", "required": true, "completes_actions": [], "requires_actions": [ "select_institution" ], "status": "pending", "bank_authorisation": { "authorisation_type": "payment", "adapter": "open_banking_gateway_pis" } } ], "resources": { "customer": { "id": "CU0014G7CHDNYV", "created_at": "2024-03-27T00:59:16.863Z", "email": null, "given_name": null, "family_name": null, "company_name": null, "language": "en", "phone_number": null, "metadata": {} }, "customer_billing_detail": { "id": "CBD000JGZ702Z39", "created_at": "2024-03-27T00:59:16.887Z", "address_line1": null, "address_line2": null, "address_line3": null, "city": null, "region": null, "postal_code": null, "country_code": null, "swedish_identity_number": null, "danish_identity_number": null } }, "experimentation": { "is_eligible_for_share_of_wallet_experiments": false, "is_eligible_for_optional_vm_experiments": false, "is_eligible_for_institution_experiments": false, "is_eligible_for_ach_optional_address_experiments": false, "is_eligible_for_ach_mx_experiments": false, "is_eligible_for_single_tab_experiments": false, "is_eligible_for_bankid_safe_start_experiments": false } } }

curl -X POST 'https://api-sandbox.gocardless.com/billing_requests'