GoCardless makes it easy to collect both recurring and one-off payments directly from customers' bank accounts. Review our full API documentation here. For a general overview of GoCardless and links to share with your business stakeholders, please share this link here.
1. Create a GoCardless Sandbox account here: the sandbox is our dedicated testing environment where you can build and test your integration without touching real money.
2. Go to Developers > Create > Access Token to generate an API access token. Give it a memorable name, with read-write access.
3. [Run in Qodex] to [fork] the collection into Qodex to synchronize with future updates. Do this whilst logged into your Qodex account (sign up here).
4. Set up a [Qodex Environment] for the GoCardless API collection by navigating to Environments and selecting the + icon to create a new environment.
5. Copy the access token from step 2. and add it to your [Qodex Environment] as a secret variable named ACCESS_TOKEN
6. Make sure the GC Sandbox environment is selected in the Environment drop-down in the top right corner of Qodex when making requests from the imported collection.