GoCardless API API Documentation

Helper Endpoints

Number of APIs: 3

1. Create a Mandate PDF

POST {{url}}/mandate_pdfs

Mandate PDFs allow you to easily display scheme-rules compliant Direct Debit mandates to your customers.

Generates a PDF mandate and returns its temporary URL.

Create a mandate PDF API Docs

2. Bank Details Lookup

POST {{url}}/bank_details_lookups

Look up the name and reachability of a bank account.

Note: bank accounts can be created with local or international bank details. You can find the different local bank detail formats, and how they should be used with the GoCardless API here.

Bank Details Lookup API Docs

3. Healthcheck

GET {{url}}/health_check

We expose a health check endpoint which can be used to test connections to our API. Requests to this endpoint do not require authorization and are not rate limited. This endpoint will return a 200 response while our API is available.

  • https://api.gocardless.com/health_check for live

  • https://api-sandbox.gocardless.com/health_check for sandbox

Health check API Docs