GoCardless API API Documentation

πŸš€ Getting Started-Next steps-Custom Payment Pages-Open Banking - Instant Bank Pay

Number of APIs: 6

1. Create a Bank Authorisation

POST {{url}}/bank_authorisations

Create a Bank Authorisation.

Create a Bank Authorisation API Docs

2. List Institutions for Billing Request

GET {{url}}/billing_requests/{{billing_request}}/institutions?country_code=GB

Returns all institutions valid for a Billing Request.

This endpoint is currently supported only for FasterPayments.

List Insitutions for a Billing Request API Docs

3. Create an Instant Payment Billing Request

POST {{url}}/billing_requests

Billing Requests help create resources that require input or action from a customer. An example of required input might be additional customer billing details, while an action would be asking a customer to authorise a payment using their mobile banking app.

See Billing Request (Instant Bank Pay feature) for how-to’s, explanations and tutorials.

Create a Billing Request API Docs

4. Collect Customer Details

POST {{url}}/billing_requests/{{billing_request}}/actions/collect_customer_details

If the billing request has a pending collectcustomerdetails action, this endpoint can be used to collect the details in order to complete it.

The endpoint takes the same payload as Customers, but checks that the customer fields are populated correctly for the billing request scheme.

Whatever is provided to this endpoint is used to update the referenced customer, and will take effect immediately after the request is successful.

Note: the region field should be uncommented for US customer addresses.

Collect Customer Details API Docs

5. Select Institution for a Billing Request

POST {{url}}/billing_requests/{{billing_request}}/actions/select_institution

Creates an Institution object and attaches it to the Billing Request

Select Institution for a Billing Request API Docs

6. Get a Billing Request

GET {{url}}/billing_requests/{{billing_request}}

Retrieves the details of a single billing request.

Get a single Billing Request API Docs