GoCardless API API Documentation

Embed Flow-3. (Optional) Scheme Identifiers

Number of APIs: 3

1. Create a Scheme Identifier

POST {{url}}/scheme_identifiers

Creates a new scheme identifier. The scheme identifier must be applied to a creditor before payments are taken using it. The scheme identifier must also have the status of active before it can be used. For some schemes e.g. faster_payments this will happen instantly. For other schemes e.g. bacs this can take several days.

Relative endpoint: POST /scheme_identifiers

Create a Scheme Identifier API Docs

2. List Scheme Identifiers

GET {{url}}/scheme_identifiers

Returns a cursor-paginated list of your scheme identifiers.

List Scheme Identifiers API Docs

3. Get a Scheme Identifier

GET {{url}}/scheme_identifiers/{{scheme_identifier}}

Retrieves the details of an existing scheme identifier.

Get a single Scheme Identifier API Docs