GoCardless API API Documentation

Core Endpoints-Subscriptions

Number of APIs: 7

1. Create a Subscripton

POST {{url}}/subscriptions

Creates a new subscription object

Create a Subscription API Docs

2. Update a Subscription

PUT {{url}}/subscriptions/{{subscription}}

Updates a subscription object.

Update a Subscription API Docs

3. List Subscriptions

GET {{url}}/subscriptions

Returns a cursor-paginated list of your subscriptions.

List Subscriptions API Docs

4. Get a single Subscription

GET {{url}}/subscriptions/{{subscription}}

Retrieves the details of a single subscription.

Get a Subscription API Docs

5. Pause a Subscription

POST {{url}}/subscriptions/{{subscription}}/actions/pause

Pause a subscription object. No payments will be created until it is resumed.

This can only be used when a subscription is collecting a fixed number of payments (created using count), when they continue forever (created without count or end_date) or the subscription is already paused for a number of cycles.

Pause a Subscription API Docs

6. Cancel a Subscription

POST {{url}}/subscriptions/{{subscription}}/actions/cancel

Immediately cancels a subscription; no more payments will be created under it. Any metadata supplied to this endpoint will be stored on the payment cancellation event it causes.

This will fail with a cancellation_failed error if the subscription is already cancelled or finished.

Cancel a Subscription API Docs

7. Resume a Subscription

POST {{url}}/subscriptions/{{subscription}}/actions/resume

Resume a subscription object. Payments will start to be created again based on the subscriptions recurrence rules. The chargedate on the next payment will be the same as the subscriptions earliestchargedateafter_resume

Resume a Subscription API Docs