Number of APIs: 6
POST {{url}}/mandates
Please consider using the Billing Requests API instead of Mandates for any future integrations. Creates a new mandate object. Restricted: this endpoint is restricted to GoCardless Pro and GoCardless Enterprise accounts with approved payment pages.
PUT {{url}}/mandates/{{mandate}}
Updates a mandate object. This accepts only the metadata parameter.
GET {{url}}/mandates
Returns a cursor-paginated list of your mandates.
GET {{url}}/mandates/{{mandate}}
Retrieves the details of an existing mandate.
POST {{url}}/mandates/{{mandate}}/actions/cancel
Immediately cancels a mandate and all associated cancellable payments. Any metadata supplied to this endpoint will be stored on the mandate cancellation event it causes. This will fail with a cancellation_failed error if the mandate is already cancelled.
POST {{url}}/mandates/{{mandate}}/actions/reinstate
Reinstates a cancelled or expired mandate to the banks. You will receive a resubmissionrequested webhook, but after that reinstating the mandate follows the same process as its initial creation, so you will receive a submitted webhook, followed by a reinstated or failed webhook up to two working days later. Any metadata supplied to this endpoint will be stored on the resubmissionrequested event it causes. This will fail with a mandatenotinactive error if the mandate is already being submitted, or is active. Mandates can be resubmitted up to 10 times.