Number of APIs: 8
POST {{api-url}}/{{oauth}}/token
POST {{api-url}}/product/{{tenant}}/product-templates
Creates a new product template. The product template defines a set of attributes which are common for all product instances based on the product template.
GET {{api-url}}/product/{{tenant}}/product-templates?q=attributes.type:DATETIME
Returns a list of product templates. The product template defines a set of attributes which are common for all product instances based on the product template.
PUT {{api-url}}/product/{{tenant}}/product-templates/{{product-template-id}}
Updates an existing product template. Every product template update causes creating a new version of product template. Products created in previous versions are not automaticaly updated. In order to see the changes (for example new attributes) on product level, updating the product template version on product level is required. The product template defines a set of attributes which are common for all product instances based on the product template.
DELETE {{api-url}}/product/{{tenant}}/product-templates/{{product-template-id}}
Deletes a product template. The product template defines a set of attributes which are common for all product instances based on the product template.
POST {{api-url}}/product/{{tenant}}/products/
Creates a new product. Note: Only required if you want to publish the product when creating it.
Required scopes
GET {{api-url}}/product/{{tenant}}/products/{{productId}}?fields=name,mixins.productTemplateAttributes
Retrieves a specified product and its details. Note: Only required if the product has not been published.
Required scopes
GET {{api-url}}/product/{{tenant}}/product-templates/{{product-template-id}}?version=1
Gets a single product template. The product template defines a set of attributes which are common for all product instances based on the product template.